
Why Do People Still Care About Spyro?

Enricko: With the announcement of the Reignited Trilogy, it looks as if we’ll be seeing the return of our favorite purple dragon. However, there are a ton of people, especially those below the age of 18, who may be confused as to why this news is such as big deal.

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narsaku2258d ago

Because it's a Sony exclusive? Besides that Spyro was one of the most forgettable games of it's time, like Crash Bandicoot.

Lesser IP's built to compete against greater masters.

FallenAngel19842258d ago

Spyro hasn’t been PlayStation exclusive since 18 years ago

The_Jackel2258d ago

well first 3 still are like crash is til the remasters release in near future then they are full multiplat

bouzebbal2258d ago

i only played Spyro 1 on PS1 and i loved it i remember.
this trilogy is something gamers have been demanding since last gen.

twiggytree122258d ago

Spyro made my childhood awesome, I could give two sh*ts what platform I played it on.

PhantomS422258d ago

"most forgettable...like Crash" yeah, two of the most highly remembered, talked about and cherished PS1 games are "the most forgettable"

Please try harder next time you troll.

nowitzki20042258d ago

Obvious Troll, dont feed him.

AlphaCentyros2258d ago

yeah I really hope he made a typo and meant 'unforgettable' instead. Otherwise his comment makes no damn sense whatsoever.

chaosblades2257d ago

Man... I remember I had a Playstation Underground Demo Disc, with a short documentary talking about the first Spyro. Another disc later, I finally got the demo. Magical times and wonderful memories.

Nu2258d ago

Forgive my brother. Spyro was actually a fun game back in the day

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2257d ago
TheOttomatic912258d ago (Edited 2258d ago )

Um where have you been the last couple of years fans have been asking for a return to Spyro and Crash for a long long time.

Big_Game_Hunters2258d ago (Edited 2258d ago )

Which they have yet to do as far as i'm concerned. and people say Nintendo relies on Nostalgia for its oldest IPs. At least those IPs are still getting actual new games. Seriously if Activision doesn't annouce an actual new cras game this E3 then who cares how successful the remasters were. Even if they do announce it there is still so much to worry about because literally no Developer in the past 10 years excluding smaller indie and obviously Nintendo has shown that they are even remotely capable of making a half decent 3d platformer.

twiggytree122258d ago

"and people say Nintendo relies on Nostalgia for its oldest IPs. At least those IPs are still getting actual new games."

Sony and Microsoft still release new games for their older IPs, do you even pay attention to the gaming world?

"Seriously if Activision doesn't annouce an actual new cras game this E3 then who cares how successful the remasters were. Even if they do announce it there is still so much to worry about because literally no Developer in the past 10 years excluding smaller indie and obviously Nintendo has shown that they are even remotely capable of making a half decent 3d platformer."

You say activision needs to announce a new game but then say even if they do there would be too much to worry about.... What the hell do you want? No developer in the last 10 years besides Nintendo has created a decent platformer? I would like to introduce you to Naughty Dog, they created Uncharted.. One of the highest rated, action adventure 3d platforming games of the last 10 years.

Big_Game_Hunters2258d ago

get that reading comprehension in check.
Also Ucharted is a good platformer? just because a game hs climbing doesn't make it a platformer. Especially not one similar to mario ,crash,spyro

Inzo2258d ago

Why do people still care about Crash or R&C? Because they are games, just games, made to be fun and not this political agenda pushing forced ideology sjw crap we see in some games today. Just games.

LightofDarkness2258d ago

Well that was quite the tangent/tantrum. Something on your mind, dear?

PrinceVegeta2258d ago

Because of the memories and fun.

2258d ago
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Why Are We Still Waiting On A New Spyro Game

The Reignited Trilogy was supposed to be a launch pad for Spyro, but after a few cryptic teasers, we're still waiting on a new game

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Relientk77604d ago


Sometimes it's hard being a Spyro fan. Yeah, i really really really want Spyro 4. Crash Bandicoot got a 4th one, its only fair.

MWH603d ago

Nothing is guaranteed in this life, so don't wait on anything.

Sgt_Slaughter603d ago

This is what happens when Toys For Bob gets pushed to help develop COD


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P_Bomb1032d ago

5am in Emily wants to play. The R in its RNG stands for rage lol.

Fluke_Skywalker1031d ago

The elevator in GOW Ascension made me rage quit so hard I uninstalled the game and never did go back to it. I'm not proud of that. I have played and loved every GOW game but that level just took the utter piss out of me.

PhillyDillyDee1031d ago

Trying for the no guns achievement on Mirrors Edge broke both me, and a set of car keys which was the closest thing in grabbing distance that wasnt a controller.