
Is EA's Image and Reputation Forever Ruined With Gamers

On this week's episode of The Trophy Room: A PlayStation Podcast, hosts Joseph and Kyle talk about how they're try to manage God of War 4's hype, and What Sony has learned as a publisher, this generation. Former Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) CEO Andrew House talks about the future of the PlayStation brand, and what he thinks the PlayStation 5 will look like. Star Wars Battlefront 2's loot boxes are back, and EA's CEO Patrick Söderlund, talks about how they need to fix their image with gamers, but is it already too little too late? Lastly the gang talks about being done with Destiny 2, new Bioshock rumors, and much more.
God of War Hype and What Sony does right and Xbox gets wrong: 06:36 - 23:49
Xbox Drive: 23:59 - 25:27
EA's Ruined reputation: 25:28 - 38:37
Kingdom Hearts News: 38:28 - 43:37
Done with Destiny 2: 43:37 - 46:34
PS5 rumors, and Insight: 46:36 - 55:35
Shenmue remastered, New Bioshock, and viewer mail 55:35 - Fin

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PhoenixUp2292d ago

What reputation did EA have to ruin?

porkChop2290d ago

2007-2009 EA was pretty great. That's when they were trying new things like Dead Space and taking risks with games like Mirror's Edge. MW2 came and sold incredibly well at the end of 2009, and that's when EA started chasing COD money. Ever since then they've just been circling the drain.

Derceto2292d ago (Edited 2292d ago )

Um.... they haven't had a reputation worth a crap since the mid 2000's.

If you still have any respect whatsoever for and/or give this company your money in this day and age, well, then you are a moron. Plain and simple.

TheOttomatic912292d ago

With a majority of the gaming community yes but there are still some willing to give them a shot due to all the valuable IP they have.

plmkoh2291d ago

"Some" willing? I think you'll find the minority is the gaming community with the rest the majority. Their stock prices don't lie, people are buying their games by the truck load.

AnubisG2291d ago

Unfortunately that is true.

SWBF2 sold 7+million copies while the Way Out sold 1 million. Yes, one million is amazing for that small game but EA only looks at numbers and 7 million is more than 1 million so they think that they are justified and the numbers back them up. They look at the bottom line and the bottom line is that uniformed people buy their crap.

plmkoh2291d ago


Yep exactly, N4G can bitch all they want. The negative signals are falling on deaf ears.

thorstein2291d ago

I'll be happy to take any EA stock off your hands for a low price.

That way, in 10 years I will make a huge profit.

EA isn't going anywhere.

Hardiman2292d ago

They've been the plague to me for years!

AnubisG2291d ago

They ruined it years ago by progressivley ruining their games. Lootboxes were the final nail in their coffin. Used car salesman are working at EA.

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VersusDMC2h ago

Love me some third person action games.
Reminds me that Black myth is weeks away...


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