
Tokipost.com - 2.5 was good, so what's next?

Since the newest PS3 firmware has been dropped upon us, it's always a great time to whine about features we don't have and hope that the next firmware brings them. (Side note: The new trophy look is great, love the comparison between level and percentage to the next level). These are simple suggestions as to some improvements the PS3 system could make to become an even better console (and also to shutup fanboys). So calm down if you got heated about the topic (if you did, you're a fanboy too) and just read on.

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ThatCanadianGuy5763d ago

I agree with the bigger comment box.It sucks only being able to say like 3-4 words.

The rest..meh..

5763d ago
VampHuntD5763d ago

Congrats on being troll number 1. Who cares what XBox had/has? Years later and it doesn't have free online either so what's your point?

Bathyj5763d ago

Theres always one jerk isn't there?

But, but, but XB has had this since........ who cares?

XB has lots of things PS3 doesn't, RRoD, a 3year warranty to stave off class action suits, shady corperation backing it, farquits for customers. Complete lack of games for a year. I think maybe Wii got more good games than XB this year. Man thats bad.

You can keep that stuff.

If you were so happy with it you wouldn't be here in this thread.

BTW, when did you get Flash 9?

aceitman5763d ago

if they can make all games 1080p like the ps2 games and movies ill be happy

vdesai5763d ago

Wait when did xbox get a browser with Flash Player 9?

beoulve5763d ago

keyword, HAD.
XBOX had all the feature. now it's all gone.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5763d ago
Mikelarry5763d ago (Edited 5763d ago )

looking forward to a notification sound (when you recieve a message) and also the ability to appear offline.

VampHuntD5763d ago

Those would be nice, it is annoying sometimes when you're just trying to do a burnout challenge and can't due to people inviting you.

trancefreak5763d ago

i would like a tailored ps3 version of firefox. now that would be sweet

jamesrocks31475763d ago

Across game Voice Chat is what is needed for ps3 then i think ps3 will be a much easyer and simple place to play online games and set up matches easyly! personally i fort it wud be coming in 2.5 FW but nooo come on sony! ur doin ace so far

pwnsause5763d ago (Edited 5763d ago )

The PS3 not only needs Cross game voice chat/Messages, but it needs Cross game invites. I think PS3 owners can agree with me that the Invite system on the PS3 is kind of broken. Thats a bigger priority than Cross game Voice Chat and Cross Game Voice Messages.

For example, lets say im playing a game of Soul Calibur IV, but a friend of mine is inviting me to play a game of Puzzle Fighter. Once i accept the invite, the PS3 should close Soul Calibur IV and it will automatically boot up the game from the Hard Drive, or Ask me to boot up the game from the Blu-Ray Disc, from there the PS3 should take me straight into the Lobby were my friend is waiting for me. This is definitely possible especially that that we now have in-game XMB.

If they Put this, then the PS3 is up to par with live.

in terms of optional programs, the PS3 should have a community calendar under the PSN icon. once i access that calendar, it will take me a native Calendar program on the PS3 and it gives me the days of the week on what the Playstation community is doing, such as Tournaments, gatherings, etc. Not to mention shipping dates for games and of course allowing me to view the PS blog natively thru this handy Dandy Calendar program. Wouldn't that be cool?

Nitrowolf25763d ago

Im not sure but mybe sony has this implemented kind of.
They can send you a game invite even if you not playing that game, its just a normal message until you go into the game you can start the game then. IDK if thats the same or what, but i mean As soon as you see that invite you can just leave the game and pop in the disc then join (after it has loaded the screens of course)

pwnsause5763d ago

thats why im saying its broken though. the invite sends it to the recepient as a normal message. i cant accept the invite if im playing a different game.

I believe that the concept that i just stated would make PSN up to par with XBL. games that that already have the Built in PSN invite system in place wouldnt need a patch if such a firmware update came with that ability.

kewlkat0075763d ago

Haha yeah you don't get it because SONY doesn't fn get it.

Such important feature and he doesn't get it..

ThatCanadianGuy5763d ago

Talking to a friend while he's playing a game and im at the XMB doing nothing is an important feature?

I Don't like to be disturbed while im in the middle of a match.Thats why i turn off my cell.

Why would i want someone on my friend list talking on and on about nothing?

VampHuntD5763d ago

Why would I want a buddy who is distracted by playing, let's say a sports game as he's yelling about slam dunking on some dude while I'm trying to dodge gunfire in Gears of War? I agree with the article, what point is there in across game chat when you still have to get up to change the game anyway? Not like you both can say, hey's lets duck out of these games and play Halo. You have to go through the same process with chat as you do without. So meh to it.

UltimateIdiot9115763d ago

I don't know why Cross game chat/invite is that important. I hate answering and talking to someone during the game unless it's teamwork. If I want to invite a friend to join me, I just shoot a message.

The must for me is .mkv.

kewlkat0075763d ago (Edited 5763d ago )

0.000026666666666666667 of the PS3 community..lol

Plenty want that feature. It's not all about what you like or don't.

Nitrowolf25763d ago

i'll agree, i dont need to be talking to my friend that are not playing the same game with me, i can see this still being a usful feature when you sitting in a lobby waiting for the game to start up. But other wise i want to concentrate on the game, and if my buddy wants to talk to me then he can get in the game with me.

beoulve5763d ago (Edited 5763d ago )

wait a minute, this dude was preaching that he doesn't like online and community in LBP and now he talked about Across game chat, network ability...Amazingly flip-flop.

This dude is pretty much XBOX 360 fanboy. From time to time again, he will attack PS3 and defend XBOX 360. Both in polite manner. He claimed that he has 3 consoles.. most likely he does but it doesnt mean he's not a xbox 360 fanboy. Just looks at his history and you will know it, it follows the same trend, defend xbox 360 attack PS3.

"Well it's a good thing your guys represent
0.000026666666666666667 of the PS3 community..lol"

And your preference represent 99.999973333333333333333% of the PS3 community. Get a grip, you're not that big. either, funny how you can lol those ppl but failed to see u are loling yourself too.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5763d ago
Nitrowolf25763d ago (Edited 5763d ago )

sony needs to add
-Cross game invite (maybe this should be based off the developers, look at RSV1 and 2 they have it don't they?)
-cross game voice chat
-fix the clock and controller bat. level, idk move one of them a bit lower
-more icons (avatar)
-more PS1 and get some PS2 titles on PSN
-Make the XMB run smoother when in-game(its still a bit slow)
-Throw in some, music visual or if possible even have it so we can make custom music visual
-A way to organize your friends list, idk perhaps having a rating system for each friend, you know so when its time to kick some off, then you can kick those who have the lowest rating
-increase text for comment
-Ability to send music? idk about this one if its needed but it would be kind of cool
- Oh and i know this has been confirmed (i think it has) but they need to get the Playstation site to be able to send messages to your friends (through the computer not system)
-User account password(Optional) (not PSN)
-support for MKV file playback
-In-game XMB for PS2/PS1 games

-support for MKV files
- Voice massaging / Voice Recognition
-Sound notification when receiving a message, friend signed in, chat invitation
-Ability to save internet connection, then rather going through all that process just to get internet, like PSP does it where it saves a connection
-Ability to copy-paste
-Ability for messages to acess HTML
-Perhaps some kind of calender to keep track of PS3 games? idk but i constantly go look on Gamestop site just to see when a game comes out, It could be a type of application or put it in Life with Playstation
-background install if possible


pwnsause5763d ago

ony needs to add
-Cross game invite (mybe this should be based off the developers, look at RSV1 and 2 they have it dont they?)-High Priority

-cross game voice chat- Low Priority, Cross game messaging would be better though, i dont like to be disturbed while playing. i rather get this in a form of a message

-fix the clock and controller bat. level, idk move one of them a bit lower- high Priority

-more icons (avatar)-Some what recommended

-more PS1 and get some PS2 titles on PSN- High priority, unless those games are getting remade, they are not needed (example Marvel vs. Capcom 2 might get HD graphics and online play, PS2 version not needed)

-Make the XMB run smoother when in-game(its still a bit slow)- Pretty sure that they attempt to do this with every Firmware update.

-Throw in some, music visual or if possible even have it so we can make custum mosic visual- thats to much work, but new music visuals are more than welcomed.

-A way to organize your friends list, idk perhaps having a rating system for each friend, youy know so when its time to kick some of them you can kick those who have the lowest rating- you mean like a Fave 5 kind of thing, thats more than welcomed as well.

-increase text for comment- more than welcomed

-Ability to send music? idk about this one if its needed but it would be kind of cool- You Know sony would allow such a thing. RIAA would rip them apart. in fact they would rip themselves apart, they own a music studio and are members or the RIAA i believe.

- Oh and i know this has been confirmed (i think it has) but they need to get the playstation site to be able to send messages to your friends (through the computer not system)-yup full PSN integration into the PC is coming according to them, we will probably be able to see our Trophies and our gamercards would be official.

-User account password(Optionnal)(Not PSN)- High Priority, i hate it when someone logs in turn on my PS3 and mess around with my PS3 user account and my PSN Account.

-support for MKV file playback- Low priority

-Ingame XMB for PS2/PS1 games- Low Priority

-Sound notification when receiving a message, friend signed in, chat invitation- we get notifications on the PSN. Now if you mean flashier Notifications instead of bland notification that we get, then i can agree with that.

-Ability to save internet connection, then rather going through all that process just to get internet, like PSP does it where it saves a connection- not needed.

-background install if possible- they should investigate that.

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PlayStation 3 Games That Desperately Need a PS5 Remaster

The PlayStation 3 may not have been the strongest generation for Sony, but there were still some diamonds in the rough that deserve a revisit as PS5 remasters.

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OtterX140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

Even if they could just remaster and put on PSVR2, some would still look great as VR titles and could do a whole lot to bolster the headset w these exclusives! I'd imagine the investment of reworking these titles into VR would be way less than building new games from the ground up, and they could be amazing experiences, and VR often makes flat games feel fresh again. The Resistance and Killzone games are particularly what I want to see!!

Rude-ro140d ago

I played killzone 3 in 3d and it really changed the game per being immersive.
In vr, that would be even more awesome.

darthv72140d ago

Funny you mention that... my son wanted to play some PS3 games in 3d on my PS tv and he was blown away by how good KZ3 was. It really was a great addition to the game. Im surprised there have not been more 3d games from that era being ported to the PSVR/VR2.

_SilverHawk_140d ago

resistance 1-3, killzone 1-3, uncharted 1-3, uncharted golden abyss, folklore, socom 4 , motorstorm, twisted metal, MAG, heavenly sword

Cacabunga140d ago

Killzone 2+3
Sly Thieves in Time
Crack in Time
God of War Ascension
Modnation racer
Infamous 1+2

Profchaos140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

Killzone trilogy in VR would be amazing bonus points if they offer shadow fall.

There was a psvr1 Killzone project that supermassive was working on at one stage which wasn't up to scratch and Sony brand it back in house I was hoping we would see that on psvr2 eventually.

Personally I'd love to see some more love or acknowledgement of psvr2 from Sony in general it was a expensive headset and Sony barely acknowledge it's existence

seanpitt23140d ago

The amount of work needed to remaster these games wouldn't be beneficial on a financial and business sense.. MGS4 would probably be the best bet as it would need the least amount of work!

Iceball2000140d ago

YEAAASSSSS! I miss this franchise and wanna play it so bad again.

Father__Merrin140d ago

The time is perfect for a resistance fall of man game campaign coop multiplayer

InUrFoxHole140d ago

The resistance series is str8 trash to me. Socom 3 I would welcome. Or killzone MP.

Marcus Fenix140d ago

A Resistance reboot will be awesome

Michiel1989140d ago

That's what Bungie should make, Ill keep saying it until it happens

1Victor140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

Resistance was ok but Warhawk and Starhawk was better and kept me coming back for almost a decade of fun and petty revenge on the loud mouth unskilled players 🤣
Edit I loved capture the flag dropping the pot on the flag carrier was extremely satisfying as well as transforming your plane in bot form and stumping them to death 😱

140d ago
Michiel1989140d ago

Resistance was the best co-op fps I ever played after L4D2

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Rumored Gears of War Collection is at the top of my 2024 Xbox wishlist

As the long-rumored Gears of War Collection looks like it may finally materialize on Xbox, the timing could not be better as Gears 6 and movie news swirls.

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1Victor192d ago (Edited 192d ago )

(Insert “It should be multi platform if Microsoft investors wants more money” JK here)
All jokes aside congratulations to all the gears fans it will be a blast I remember having fun on the first one on my 360 elite till got RROD and quit Xbox all together but that’s a story for another day.
Congratulations 🎊 🍾 🎉 🎈 🎉 🙏

Wyesvin192d ago

I'm excited for this just aslong is on the pc also cause I don't have the newest xbox console.

shinoff2183192d ago

I enjoyed the tactical one. I can't remember the actual name but it was fun.


Gears of War Collection allegedly in testing phase for Xbox release

Marcus Fenix and the crew could be back on your screens once more, as the rumored Gears of War Collection is near completion on Xbox.

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VenomUK193d ago

Switch and PS5 owners are gonna love this.

Stuart5756193d ago

Every article, console fanboy trite, all these years later. Let me explain it AGAIN, in simple terms for the fanboys. Sentient human gamers do have their preferred platform, however they will buy and own multiple platforms so they can enjoy the games they want to enjoy. I own and have owned multiple platforms, Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft and now Valve, simply to enjoy a wide range of games across a broad spectrum of platforms. It's great. You don't have to pick a 'team' and cheer them on through thick and thin, dissing the other 'team'. And for you 'VenomUK' to state 'Switch and PS5 owners are gonna love this', proves that you're a bit behind. Learn, enjoy, live, develop, trust and coexist if you can, life is better that way.

Blad3runner00193d ago

Well said.
This is why i never understand fanboying over hardware. This is not like a sports team, its just hardware. Why some people have this mentality to pick a side and stick with it and refuse to look at other platforms, therefore depriving themselves of games that are only available on those platforms. They are suppose to be gamers after all?

FinalFantasyFanatic193d ago

It's practically guaranteed to come to PC as well, if that's the case, I might pick it up after it gets a discount or two.

TheEroica193d ago (Edited 193d ago )

Thank goodness for pro gamer companies like Microsoft.... It's about time we unified platforms where now only corporate suits benefit! Pro gamers all the way. Thanks Microsoft!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 193d ago
RaidenBlack194d ago

Yup ... bring Gears 2, 3 Judgement as well as Fable II and Halo 5 to PC

phoenixwing194d ago

Online portions would be a bonus.

FinalFantasyFanatic193d ago

I'm really shocked that Halo 5 still isn't on PC yet, almost everything is ported over and that's the only Halo game that hasn't been ported.

Profchaos194d ago

Take it with a grain of salt this leaker has been wrong many Times

The connection has been rumoured in the past so there's some credibility but it's more if it's actually in testing or not

Father__Merrin194d ago

tell u what gears 3 on series x same 360 game but in 4k and 60fps is a dream it looks crystal clear

Sciurus_vulgaris194d ago

The Series X enhanced versions of Gears 3 and Judgement can at times look like Xbox One titles.

Concertoine193d ago

Yeah i got into Gears 3 multiplayer last year. People still play it a lot. Tons of maps and looks great with the 60 FPS.

Brazz194d ago

It would be funny to see Gears of War collection on Nintendo Switch.

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