
Owlboy Review - PlayStation Universe

From PlayStation Universe: "Some ten years in the making, it’s fair to say that Owlboy is the very textbook example of a labor of love. Very often, whenever we wax lyrical about retro games or efforts that seek to elicit that warm, fuzzy feeling of a bygone era of gaming, those games rarely manage to capture the often mercurial essence that made those older efforts so memorable and enjoyable in the first place. Owlboy not only does this, but it also stakes an emphatic claim to be being better than 99% of the stuff that came out back then, too. Look, it’s really quite simple; Owlboy might just be the best platformer on PS4 and you really do need it in your life."

PhoenixUp2260d ago

“Some ten years in the making”

The game started development in 2007 and got released in 2016. That’s nine years of development. Don’t try to round up to make the creation sound even longer

Muadiib2260d ago

I found this a frustrating and disappointing game, 6/10.


Humble Award Winners Bundle: Yoku’s Island Express, Owlboy, and more

The Humble Award Winners Bundle is out now. It features Owlboy, Yoku’s Island Express, Yuppie Psycho, Quadrilateral Cowboy, and more. As usual, you pay what you want and a percentage goes to charity.

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Switch eShop deals - Capcom games, 20XX, Goat Simulator, Owlboy, more

A number of new deals are up and running on the North American Switch eShop. These include games from Capcom, 20XX, Goat Simulator: The GOATY, Owlboy, and more.

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What goes right and wrong when games take a decade to make

What does a decade’s worth of work look like? You can start and finish almost any form of education; establish a career; raise a child; build a thriving business. For many, a decade of work could represent a house, a page on a resume, the title on a business card, or something less tangible — a feeling, even.

For some in the video games industry, though, a decade might produce a single product. Ten years of late nights, dashed-off ideas, and half-functional prototypes for a bundle of living, breathing code.