
Metropolis: Lux Obscura | ThisGenGaming Review

ThisGenGaming says: "Metropolis is a fine game for its low asking price. I found myself enjoying it more than I expected to, replaying it each time with a completely different set of abilities and genuinely curious about the ending I’d be getting. The battles themselves were quick and entertaining and the comic-book style is lovely to look at. Despite its small flaws, it’s definitely worth checking out."

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monkey6022281d ago

I played the demo on the Switch and actually found myself disappointed when it ended. I wanted to play more. Think I'll be getting this one

bloodyspasm2280d ago

Same here, started playing it and had a kind of "meh" thought at first. then I wanted to get all the endings :p


6 of the easiest Achievements from the Xbox One games released in April 2018

Carlos writes: "So May is upon us already and whilst it certainly looks to be an exciting month with State of Decay 2 and Dark Souls Remastered both set to hit the shelves, let’s not forget that last month also saw a plethora of new titles arriving for players on Xbox One. Although they may not have been some of the biggest titles of the year, there were certainly enough worth looking at, especially if you fancy yourself some extra Gamerscore to help stay on top of that enticing monthly leaderboard.

With that said, we are back once more to bring you some of the easiest Achievements from the Xbox One games that released in April 2018."

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So I Tried... Metropolis: Lux Obscura

ElisaDS from GameGrin writes, "Each edition of So I Tried… I will try a game that I have never tried before. Will I find something new to love? Will I find something new to despise? I'll take a full half hour, no matter how bad it gets or how badly I do, to see if this is the game for me. This time I went for the PC version of Metropolis: Lux Obscura."

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Metropolis Lux Obscura Review - Sin Shitty | TechRaptor

Combining match 3 RPG with a gritty crime story, Metropolis Lux Obscura wants to give gamers something different. Is what it's offering worth playing though?

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