
How will Super Smash Bros. be on Nintendo Switch?

The announcement of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo Switch has left us with a sea of doubts. Will it be completely new or could we find another version renewed, adapted from Wii U? The answer is not clear, but we are going to try to shed some light on all this, putting together the available data with your opinion.

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JaguarEvolved2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

Overhyped like Mario odd. And Zelda botw.

Neonridr2375d ago

yeah.. yet it will outsell anything from the competition

Mario Odyssey was a brilliant game, so clearly shows how your tastes lie. But I bet you would hype the crap out of Playstation All Stars.

JaguarEvolved2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )


Settle down sir. Unlike you I actually play multiple gaming systems and I dont know how such an old man like yourself is so obsessed with something meant mainly for children. I'm not a fan of PlayStation all stars or fighting games in general. I'm so sorry your feelings were hurt by saying Mario and Zelda botw are overrated and overhyped. Imo smash brothers will be overhyped just like mario and Zelda but hopefully it can be reviewed fairly like most other games. Mario and especially Zelda botw had a lot of performance issues but no one mentions them but most other games would get slaughtered if they had same issues. I have a lot of negative opinions about Mario and Zelda but I mention the performance issues because people's tastes are different but you cannot deny the glaring performance issues those games had which most ignored.

Neonridr2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

unlike me? You want to play this game? I have a Gaming PC, Switch, Wii U, PS4 Pro, Vita, 3DS, 360, Wii, SNES, Classic SNES, Classic NES, Oculus Rift, PSVR, Gear VR

sorry I don't have a photo on hand seeing as I am at work. Pretty easy to check my claims though seeing as my NNID, Xbox Live Account and PSN all use the same name (Neonridr). You can clearly see how many Nintendo / Sony games I have played, so I don't have to hide behind anything. My Pro and Switch get equal playtime depending on the game I am currently digging through.

What performance issues did Mario have? Please enlighten me. DF did a study and it was rock solid 60fps. Zelda had some hiccups, but I never heard of any with Mario. Please post your links, preferably from reputable sources not your uncle please, he doesn't count sadly.

You speak nothing but ill of every other system and only praise Sony, so I am having hard time believing you even own those systems and the legitimacy of your photo. But hey, if you want to pass me your NNID I will gladly add you to my friends list, seeing as you have a Switch.

JaguarEvolved2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

You're lying about your collection of games and you can't prove you have anything but probably a few Nintendo products. You've been a freak about Nintendo for years while slagging off countless other games and gaming companies. I'll update my photo in a few because I'm not a fraud like you.

I've had an Xbox one since launch but the console is pointless since I have a pc which is a lot more powerful and the games performed a lot better on pc. Microsoft's policy made xbox irrelevant. The switch is weak a barely has anything of interest unless you're a child

Neonridr2374d ago

@JaguarEvolved - check out my PSN - Neonridr.. see how many trophies I have for the PS4. I use the same avatar so it's pretty easy to see I am not lying. Like I need to prove anything to you anyways. You are a Sony-drone who only drinks the kool-aid anyways.

JaguarEvolved2374d ago


Lol, drone? Now I see why you like the switch so much as a proper grown adult. Mate, you can name call all you want and think whatever you want but when proper adults are obsessed with a children's toy it's an indication that they are troubled. There's another Nintendo fanatic guy that pretends to be an Asian girl on n4g but got exposed as just being a freak that constantly messages me about my Nintendo opinion. I've noticed a lot of you nintendo fanatics have issues and defend your toys as if your lives depend on it and are so irrational to the point you think Nintendo games are the best and other games on other gaming platforms are just inferior.

I play games across all different gaming platforms and not just one or two systems. My favourite gaming platform is my pc and that's why I have invested so much money in it. The PlayStation 4 is the best gaming console available and that's not just an opinion but a fact. If you you're a core gamer and likes to play all sorts of games then the best console to have is a PlayStation 4. Nintendo switch doesn't have a lot of games nor will it get a lot of games that will be on the ps4. The xbox one is a good console but again it's rendered useless because I have such a proper built pc it's pointless to buy Xbox games when I can play on Xbl for free and play all Xbox games with better performance. My only problem with the ps4 is that Sony is charging for online play.

Neonridr2374d ago

I'm sorry.. how are your photos proving anything? I can photoshop the word N4G into a shot as well..

you don't own 2 switches.. give me an effing break.

JaguarEvolved2374d ago (Edited 2374d ago )


Here's a new photo. I made sure to actually have salt here with a couple more systems. In the photo I have the wavebird which I think is the best Nintendo controller they ever made and three of the best Zelda games made for the times. Zelda botw is rubbish compared to these games

Neonridr2374d ago

prove it.. take a photo with your name in it. That salt cannister was the same as the first one. In fact, give me your NNID if you actually own a Switch.

you are so full of it.

JaguarEvolved2374d ago

I'm not giving out my details and I've done enough to prove I'm not a fraud like some people. Photoshop? Lol. I can't wait for God of war which looks amazing. Have a nice day

Neonridr2374d ago

alright Jaguar.. when I get home from work I will actually take a real photo.. with proof to back it up. How can you prove that is your collection? Because you posted a couple of photos? I can use google too.

JaguarEvolved2374d ago

Mate, you haven't to prove anything to me. I told you I'd prove you're a fraud yesterday and I did. You couldn't prove anything at that time while I was able to but then you want to try to prove something a lot later. I really don't care that much anyway because we are talking about video games. I really don't know why a grown man such as yourself get so hurt by others opinion about video games. I've never seen a sane adult Nintendo fanatic and a lot of you need to seek help. Thats why most Nintendo games cannot be reviewed fairly like most other videogames because you freaks will stalk and attack others for opinions.

Neonridr2374d ago

sorry dude, I work. I am about an hour away from my home.. I guess I could screen cap my PSN profile online for you.. at least I can actually back up my claims. You post a bunch of random images and pretend like they are yours. I publicly gave you my PSN profile for you to check. Proved me to be a fraud. Don't make me laugh buddy. I am what you would call a real gamer.. I don't limit my experiences to only one brand.

Belinker3002374d ago Show
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Belinker3002374d ago (Edited 2374d ago )

So critically acclaimed game of the year then? I have played thru both BOTW and Zelda and both run buttery smooth on my switch handheld

Belinker3002374d ago

Overhyped? I think you mean Sea of Thieves

deafdani2374d ago

I own and play PS4, PC, Switch and Wii U.

Last gen I had PS3, Wii and Xbox 360. I play a pretty varied list of games.

And I think Zelda BOTW and Mario Odyssey are stunning games. If they aren't your cup of tea, it's fine, but to call them "overrated" implies your opinion is right and everyone else is wrong. That's absurd.

As for the performance issues in BOTW (because as far as I know, Odyssey runs flawlessly): The Witcher III also had a lot of frame rate drops, and that didn't stop it from being one of the most critically acclaimed games of this generation, so there goes your theory. Besides, BOTW's frame drops were patched pretty quickly and now it only has somewhat serious frame drops on the Korok Forest, which doesn't have combat or anything, so it's nothing game-breaking.

Prince_TFK2374d ago (Edited 2374d ago )

A real quick question, have you even play any of these games before calling them “overhyped”?

Edit: Actually, don’t answer. I have seen your past comments on Nintendo’s articles before.

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DivineAssault 2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

A tournament fighter with Nintendo characters..

darkmoondruid2374d ago

Prediction: it'll do very well. Look at the performance of Nintendo's other big names for Switch: MK8 Deluxe, Odyssey, Zelda BOTW. Plus did you see the reactions of those guys at the NYC Nintendo store? Crazy. This will be another system seller. They better include an adventure/story mode, was disappointed the 3DS version lacked it (I loved beating the stages on Gamecube). There'll definitely be new characters. Combat could be changed a little, but still keep the option for classic controls (we have eSports pros who know the system inside out so it's only fair) in addition to streamlined

Rayko2374d ago

Probably the wii u version with added splatoon characters.

SR3882374d ago

Smash 5... Brand new stuff, story mode like Brawl, no non Ninty characters, 2-4 Switch split play, no cloned characters or very few, and less fire emblem characters lol

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