
Witchwood's Odd and Even Decks Detailed by Hearthstone

Witchwood Odd and Even cards are arriving to Hearthstone, bringing new build strategies for players who put together odd or even-cost decks.

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For (at least) the second time, Dog's APM has broke Hearthstone

At this point in the six-year history of Blizzard Entertainment's collectible card game, Hearthstone, it's almost routine that long-time professional player and content creator David "Dog" Caero will, at one point or another, break the speed at which he plays. Back in 2018, Dog was known for mastering a one-turn-kill combo that required as much APM (action per minute) as it did brainpower to pull off. For a casual player tuning in to watch his stream on Twitch, it was mesmerizing and inconceivable to see so many moving pieces on a 2D board in a game that, by definition, aims to limit the number of actions a player can make in a single turn by having a mana cap.

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5 Relaxing Games To Play After a Long Day At The Office

Sometimes, you just want to chill out after work. Here are five relaxing games to help you do just that!

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pwnmaster30002280d ago (Edited 2280d ago )

I used to play harvest moon a lot. Super chill.

Bhai2279d ago

For me, to this day:

Silent Hill 1 (first person mode) on the PS1,
Champions of Norrath (PS2),
Paper Mario (N64),
Ocarina of Time (N64)...

Any of the above^^^, and its a regular practice I keep booting 'em up on and off... esp. Silent Hill 1, the newly found camera angle is heaven sent!

FallenAngel19842280d ago

Sonic 3&K is usually my go to game for a chill experience

BiggerBoss2280d ago

I love to top off a stressful workday by playing relaxing gems like Bloodborne and DS3.

Kidding, kinda.

bujasem_892279d ago

I actually keep those for finishing projects and generally fearing finals less. Makes it all trivial and easy due to repetition.

BiggerBoss2279d ago (Edited 2279d ago )

I get it, but I love the Souls-styles games.

It took me a while to get used to the gameplay, but now I love it.

Eidolon2279d ago (Edited 2279d ago )

Challenging games can cause short-lived stress but it can also take the mind off the everyday stress. A game that's too chill, I start to think about stuff I gotta do, because it doesn't take focus off of it and worrying about it does nothing.

bujasem_892279d ago

You probably heard this a lot. Buy you should try Demons souls.. Either use RPCS3 , or good old ps3. I still find that it had one of the most touching stories. Also that deeper shade of grey every time you die was just too brilliant of a touch.

BiggerBoss2279d ago

Lol, already played Demon's Souls, and it's one of my favorite games.

bujasem_892279d ago

Btw, what do you think of Ni-Oh? I got it but hadn't gotten to playing it yet.

How does it stand?

BiggerBoss2279d ago

Ni-Oh is great. Different than Souls in a lot of ways though.

bujasem_892279d ago

The demo reminded me of Ninja gaiden/Onimusha.

I think I'll play it along side Monster Hunter. Might give a change of pace

bujasem_892280d ago

burnout paradise, or for chill BOTW, SOT, games like journey, ABZu or the Witness.

LinkMaster64X2279d ago (Edited 2279d ago )

I used to play burnout paradise a lot but I stopped. I kept getting ass and dick pics when I'd crash into other cars from other players. Very sick people play that game.

bujasem_892279d ago (Edited 2279d ago )

I usually play it offline. you can just beat others players scores. Sorry that happened to you. first time I heard of it.

I played it a lot on Ps3 , now i just play on PC when ever I miss paradise city really.

Skankinruby2280d ago

I'm in construction and at the end of my days I need the opposite. Games like street fighter or mafia are good agressive games to vent on after a long day at work.

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Best Hearthstone Tips and Tricks to Win Ranked Play

Best Hearthstone Tips and Tricks to Win Ranked Play

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