
Record of Grancrest War Game Announced for PS4 by Bandai Namco

Bandai Namco announced just another anime game for PS4, Record of Grancrest War, alongside a mobile JRPG titled Record of Grancrest War: Quartet of War.

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Viryu2395d ago

The anime is currently mid season, the story is so so. It went downhill after just couple episodes due to the main female protagonist losing her strong character, turning it into a typical damsel in distress which quickly falls in love in the male hero cliche. Story aside though, this game's gameplay actually looks quite nice. For a moment I thought this was supposed to be Granblue, but when I saw the video I thought something was awkward XD

TekoIie2395d ago

Yeah, I think its something that had potential but just lost it once they put Theo's "quest" on hold.

It's got some cool themes but just falls short on making itself stand out.

aarallen12395d ago (Edited 2395d ago )

That's really close to Record of Lodoss War.

Vanfernal2395d ago

Well it's the same creator so...

aarallen12393d ago

I had no idea Ryo Mizuno wrote a new fantasy. So... Thanks for letting me know, in your own annoying, snarky way.

Chevalier2395d ago

Like Vanfernal said its a story by Ryo Mizuno the creator of Lodoss wars so thats not a surprise

spartan112g2395d ago

I would have cared if last episode wasn’t so bad. 😞

Geobros2288d ago

Nice week for Switch and PS4 titles. Switch had 57.1% of hardware total sales, this is nice for Nintendo.

The 10th Rider2288d ago

Has been almost every single week except Golden week for like 3 months now . . .even with very few new releases.

thesoftware7302288d ago

The Switch is showing no signs of slowing down in the land of the rising sun.

Splatoon 2 is unstoppable! Another breakout Nintendo IP for sure.

So when people say all that is on Nintendo systems is Zelda and Mario...dont forget to add splatoon 👍🏾.

Prince_TFK2288d ago

Zelda, Mario, Smash, Pokemon, and now Splatoon are all Nintendo’s biggest franchises.

The 10th Rider2288d ago

Kind of.

2D Mario and Mario Kart are on an entirely different level, along with Pokemon.

Smash Bros and 3D Mario come in after that. Then you've got Splatoon and Animal Crossing, with Zelda typically coming in just behind those (typically faring much worse than Animal Crossing on handhelds, but better on home consoles).

Other than that Nintendo typically has a one-off wacky game that sells bonkers . . . Tomadachi Life, Brain Age, any of the Wii series. Those are always hard to judge, but they typically have one or two a generation.

There's also Luigi's Mansion and Nintendogs, which actually sell really well, but there's not enough entries in either series to really judge where they sit.

Sits something like this: Mario Kart > 2D Mario > Pokemon > Smash Bros > 3D Mario > Splatoon > Animal Crossing > Zelda . . . Luigi's Mansion and Nintendogs being up there, but difficult to place.

Zeldafan642288d ago (Edited 2288d ago )

A throwback to old Final Fantasy? It'll do very well in Japan, I'm thinking 300,000 first week and over a million lifetime.

michellelynn09762288d ago

Oh for sure. It is already getting great scores.

marloc_x2288d ago Show
ZeekQuattro2288d ago

Switch got a nice bump and Splatoon 2 is back on top despite being almost a year old at this point. Well played Nintendo.


Record of Grancrest War game demo launches June 14 in Japan

A demo for Record of Grancrest War for PlayStation 4 will launch alongside the game on June 14 in Japan, Bandai Namco announced.

jznrpg2299d ago

I want it regardless of how good (or bad) it is. Hopefully it’s decent!


Famitsu review scores (6/5/18)

This week’s Famitsu review scores include Pokemon Quest and more.

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kythlyn2301d ago (Edited 2301d ago )

...do people actually like Pokemon Quest? Not judging. Just asking. Pretend I didn't use a leading ellipsis or the word actually.

ClanPsi12301d ago

This isn't even a game. How can one review it as such? o_O