
Monster Energy Supercross Review – Speeding to Obscurity or Online Success? | FingerGuns

Jan @ FG: he officially licensed Monster Energy Supercross arrives on consoles. How is it? The FingerGuns Review

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UltraNova1764d ago

Yeah me too, haven't played T2 yet.

PlayableGamez-1764d ago

Disappointing that you didn't pick it up considering the game has been sale for like $5 multiple times.

darthv721764d ago

TF2 is good and you can't beat the price.

victorMaje1764d ago

You’re in for a treat!
T2 campaign is awesome, from the title screen to the end. I won’t say more.

bouzebbal1764d ago

Didn’t find it engaging.. all the hype from the first one was only because it was the only game worth playing on x1.
Community vanished all of a sudden..

indysurfn1764d ago

I'm guessing they are keeping details of other games hush so they will not hurt sales of a game that is still selling well.

Latex741764d ago

Great game at least you can play for free so win win lol

UltraNova1764d ago (Edited 1764d ago )

But I did buy it at 12 Euros new. Its just it was buried so far down my list I kinda forgot about it until one day my nephew visited and as always started going through my games. I gave it to him along with Bloodborne. Bloodborne was returned the next week, T2 wasn't hehe.

I'll reedem my self this holiday, though!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1764d ago
Ozzy24071764d ago (Edited 1764d ago )

Titanfall 2 single campaign is awesome

LucasRuinedChildhood1764d ago (Edited 1764d ago )

PS Plus hasn't had a month with bad or uninteresting games for a good while now. Games With Gold, on the other hand, has been going downhill because of Games Pass. Hopefully, PS Now doesn't cause the same thing to happen to PS Plus. December is usually the worst PS Plus month of the year as well. TF2 has been on sale a lot though so I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking that this month is a bit "meh".

I already have Titanfall 2 but it being free is going to bring a big boost to the online numbers - lots of Apex Legends players are going to want to try it out. I've wanted to try out one of the Supercross games but I didn't really feel like buying them because they're just supposed to be decent.

The one thing that I'm dreading (well, not quite dreading) about the PS5 is that PS Plus is probably going to suck for a while.

MoonConquistador1764d ago

Hmmmmmmmm, I understand the worry, but you needn't have them if you just keep your expectations in check a little. Sure you may not see blockbuster PS5 games for free, but you'll still get some backwards compatible PS4 games and some nice discounts on PS5 stuff.

Germaximus1764d ago

LOL Stupid. PS Now has over 900 games now and you think it'll ruin PS+ while comparing it to Xbox Game Pass ruining Gold which doesn't even have 200 games. That's just funny to me.

frostypants1764d ago (Edited 1764d ago )

I got it for something like $10 during one of the PSN sales months and months ago. We've had much better free game deals than this. For those who don't have it though it's an awesome game. The campaign is great.

Quetzll1764d ago

People need to quit prefacing positive games with "there is so much better product for your money" negative blips. Just because Pink Floyd shits on nearly every other band, doesn't mean that LZ or any other newer band isn't worth hearing.

Honestly, this game retains its merit because of its multiplayer AND it's single player. Both are amazing and have each earned their own specific and public rewards.

If you want a tight and dedicated style to multiplayer, and like mech shit, then this game is like Gundam mixed with Call of Duty.

It's worth the freebie

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1764d ago
rpvenom1764d ago

with overwatch 2 coming and it being so cheap as of late.. i would've preferred overwatch personally.. but that's a super random personal desire cause i dont care to pay for multiplayer only games lol.. not saying titanfall 2 is.. but i played that already and i did like overwatch free trials..

Araragifeels 1764d ago

Then go buy Overwatch, if want to play it.

THC CELL1764d ago

Meh in something for free shame on u.

porkChop1764d ago

It's not free, you're paying a subscription. If you can't access PS+ games without PS+ they aren't free.

Kyizen1764d ago

They are free. You are not getting ps+ to get two free games a month. It is for MP access on games. So Sony can remove the 2 games and ps+ would still exist. If they weren't free then it would be like pay this for ps+ and a little more for ps+ enhanced which comes with 2 games a month.

LucasRuinedChildhood1764d ago (Edited 1764d ago )

PS Plus existed for years as a service just for monthly games, discounts and cloud saves. If you think that the people that bought into the service (like me) can't have that expectation anymore just because PS Plus was made mandatory for online play, then you're a corporate bell-end.

nucky641764d ago

i don't care if it's free or not - i'm just not interested in the dec. games. some months i love them and some i don't.

1764d ago
nucky641750d ago

i LOVE "free stuff" if it's something i want. however, if it doesn't interest me; what does it matter if i can have it for free?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1750d ago
1764d ago Replies(1)
Wasabi1764d ago

Titanfall 2 is amazing, fantastic multiplayer AND a strong single player campaign.

A great game to receive as part of PS Plus.

MoonConquistador1764d ago

It did get some good praise on release. I'm really looking forward to it

sprinterboy1764d ago

Tf2 is OK, but played it already and the rest are shite

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Amazon Early July Game Blowout Sale

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MadLad2273d ago

Saw much cheaper pricing on a good few of these games through the recent Steam sale that ended just a few days ago.

shinoff21832273d ago

Steam isn't physical though and most of the time amazon deals are

Skull5212272d ago

Yeah that is too bad cause digital is the only way to go. Once they ditch discs for consoles we can finally get steam type sales on console. As long as discs are out there they have to keep those digital prices higher so they can move those dumb pieces of plastic.

Servbot412272d ago

You will never get "steam type sales on consoles" because its a walled garden and the only store available to each console. Steam has competitors, the PS Store and Xbox Store would not if they removed physical media. Digital only for consoles is a terrible anti-consumer idea.

shinoff21832272d ago (Edited 2272d ago )

@skull521 not sure if you've noticed but the amount of publishers coming out with physical releases for ps4 and switch is crazy. In fact there's more physical releases now then there were last gen. Sony has let smaller publishers print disc in low runs and Nintendo has recently jumped on board. Microsoft still has a crazy high minimum for print runs but that's not surprising we all know ms's intention of digital only. Digital is not the only way to go in fact it's the worst way, as a gamer/collector where's the preservation in digital only atleast with consoles. Once a store is shutdown that's it. Sure there maybe other means of getting them a jailbroken system or whatever. The Thing With You Guys Who Only Want Digital is you fail to see that there is room for both formats. Some of you are just flat out lazy "you mean I gotta get up and change the disc" . I don't think the disc have as much of an affect on digital sale prices as you'd like to believe. I was just on psn earlier and there were quite a few games that were on sale for a steal of a price. You can call disc dumb pieces of plastic all you want but again physical gaming still has gotten bigger this generation, with all these publishers nowadays it reminds me of nes, SNES, sega days. Also digital only is extremely anti consumer


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