
5 Monster Hunter World Beasts That Make Us Say "Nope"

Monster Hunter World tasks us with hunting dangerous beasts but here are some we'd rather not mess with.

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fenome2326d ago

I just got to the story chapter where I have to fight Rathalos and Diablos. Fml

DarkOcelet2326d ago

Rathalos is fun to fight, flash pods do wonders with him so keep some with you and use it when he is in the air to make him drop then keep hammering on him.

Diablos on the other hand... Well, good luck with that if you're going solo cause he can be such a pain.

fenome2326d ago

Yeah, I haven't taken them on seriously yet. I've ran into both of them in the wild while I was exploring and under-leveled, they both stomped me good and proper. I actually put up a fight with Rathalos though, so I'll start with him now that I've got better gear. I didn't stand a cold chance in he'll against Diablos, he wrecked me. I might have to send up a flare for him, after I bash myself against a brick wall like 20 times first of course :p

2326d ago
2326d ago
rezzah2326d ago

Hes isn't too bad, then again I've had a lot of experience fighting him in the older games.

Fgfttfgff2325d ago

@fen make sure you're using pitfalls to hold them and get good part damage helps a lot. Lot lo

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2325d ago
drunkenspy0072326d ago

Same. I'm a vet so I like to solo all monsters before I multi. I've always hated diablo and have hard time soloing in MH3... I'm scared, lol.

Lovable2326d ago

You can solo those monsters? I always had to multi since it says on screen SOS is available? lol

Also, I feel like they are too tough to solo? I mean just look at them.

Alucard_4202326d ago

Soloed odogaron 4 times yesterday, they are not that hard it is just a long grind to kill them. Look up there weakness it will help a lot, Odo is super weak to ice broke off 8 parts on him.

fenome2326d ago


I was solo farming odogaron yesterday too! I want his full set, his headgear is dope AF

2326d ago
drunkenspy0072326d ago

@Lovable : the whole game can be soloed and there are vids of people doing it (at least for past games). I recommend everyone try soloing as it's great way to learn monsters. Also, I would rather solo if no friends are on. Nothing sucks more than getting in a pick up group and having it fail because others keep dying.

Alucard_4202326d ago

Also palico has a rare Gadget that will break parts of monsters for you making your farming session more productive. It is called Plunderblade "super" worth it get it.

godofiron2326d ago

I'm a newbie to the series and it's absolutely amazing playing solo on my opinion - I just die shit tons till i get it right...!

Farming Odogaron right now for his high level armour - definitely the coolest set in the game for me. Such a vicious fight, every time!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2326d ago
slappy5082326d ago

Me too, I just finished Dioblos 5 mins. Let's just say I'm relieved to get past it

slappy5082326d ago

*5 mins ago. Was stuck on him for hours

fenome2326d ago

It's on when I get off work

slappy5082326d ago

Dark Souls came to mind during this battle with Dioblos. Now I'm certainly not one of those that automatically say "this is the dark souls of... game" but it was literally I hit then roll away fest as 2 consecutive hits meant I'm out, and also learning his movements

fenome2325d ago

Diablos was a pain but it was an epic battle. I want his gear now. I'm not giving up my Ogdoros mask though, that thing is sick! Lol

slappy5082325d ago

Yeah I still wearing that mask myself but now that I've uovked the high level hunts together with gear I'm gonna have to forgo it

rezzah2326d ago

Wait until you move into High rank...your armor will be almost useless.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2325d ago
DarkOcelet2326d ago

Tbh, I found Nergigante so much easier than Rathalos or Diablos. The only thing that annoyed me a bit in the beta was the 15 min time limit but I got him on my second try. So he should be much easier to deal with in the game due to having more time.

xPhearR3dx2326d ago

He was immensely scaled down in the beta. I just reached him in the full game a few days ago. I cleared him in the beta no problem, but he's a bit tougher in the full game lol

Pookandpie2326d ago

Nergigante can still get wrecked by a Charge Blade if you SAED anywhere near his head. He spent most of the fight knocked down and I'm fairly certain I didn't hit the head with my second SAED, lol.

Nerg is also super fun to fight with the bow.

DarkOcelet2326d ago

Still didn't learn how to use the Charge blade well since I am mostly using the Switch Axe and the Longsword. Most weapons work very well with Nergigante which is nice.

Chaosdreams2326d ago

I won't lie, when I came across Diablos for the first time, I turned around and walked away. lol

rezzah2326d ago

i did the same early in the game, even with my experience fighting him in older games. Having weak armor makes you think twice before approaching some monsters. However, now I am in High Rank this mentality applies to almost all monsters until I start inching my way forward with HR armor.

Lionsguard2326d ago

Fo rme, it was the Paolumu, I mean it's just so too adorable.

FullmetalRoyale2326d ago (Edited 2326d ago )

Me and my friend’s run in with Diablos:

I had climbed up on a little ledge when I saw it up ahead. My friend(who is obsessed with picking up every little thing he sees) was going right around the corner towards it.
Me: “Name” stop! Stop right now!
Him: Why(continues to collect iron ore)
At this point as he’s walking towards Diablos, they see each other at the same time. So my friend runs(directly towards me, of course lol) while fake screaming, we run back into the cavern we just were in, then Diablos comes in through the ceiling(or what we thought was a ceiling above us.) We continue to panic and make corny quips while looking for an escape route, finally getting away.

Him: Ooh! A footprint!

I love this freakin’ game.

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