
God of War 2016 vs 2017 vs 2018 Trailer Early Graphics Comparison

Cyckiewicz writes: "Here it is folks . God of War release date set to 20.04.2018 and a brand new gameplay trailer showing gorgeous graphics making this game right now the best looking title on PS4 in my humble opinion. I also noticed that there is one particular scene that we already may have seen during very first video of GoW revealed back in 2016 during E3. Let’s compare that scene and check how the game evolved since then.
How do you like the changes?"

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AspiringProGenji2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

The giant serpent looks slightly better now and Kratos still has lots of details on him. The other scenes seem to have different lighting so I can't really tell... where kratos is pulling the axe the background looks foggy, but Kratos looks brighter.

looking really good. Sony devs don't downgrade

EatCrow2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

The shadows of the earlier build are much more natural and cinematic. Every studio downgrades. Some more noticeably then others (ubisoft). Even naughty dog. Every single studio downgrades but it is part of the development process. Optimization is the last or one of the last steps probably and therefore sacrifices all around need to be made to keep things consistent throughout,.

TheKingKratos2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

This is the same idiot who claim HZD and UC4 were downgraded and DF and others plus the awards for graphics prove him wrong

Eonjay2375d ago

2018 looks better in my opinion. it doesn't look like an upgrade or a downgrade. It just looks completely different in some scenes. Lighting to be honest is better in the new one. I think the older one is darker for cinematic trailer proposes or maybe their vision of certain areas is different or maybe there is a time of day thing here.

TheKingKratos2375d ago

No my logic is not off
where is DF article about HZD downgrade ?
I think it's better to leave this stuff for guys who know what they are doing and not someone who is knowen to show low quality videos for Sony exclusives to scream downgrade

also we don't know if the misty scene with the snake is the same scene as the bright one
why not it's a different scene where they meet again in a different time in the day since the boy told kratos the snake want to help and maybe it asked them to bring the head we see in the trailer later .

EatCrow2375d ago


Go ahead. You can leave the thinking to other people if you choose to.
Graphics have nothing to do with technical aspects of the game. Realism is not subjective. Pixelated shadows with hard edges vs smooth transitions can be an artistic choice but one is more realistic then the other. This is not subjective.

Only one screaming "Downgrade" seems to be you.

AspiringProGenji2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

You first need to differentiate a downgrade From a change. Ubisoft downgrades are another level of downgrades, while here just because SSM changed the background and slighty redesigned the serpent (look as his nose) doesn’t mean it is a downgrade. Every other detail still remains there, only the foggy background gave it more focus, while this background gives it more light

It was cinematic trailer so maybe that is why you find it “more natural” even tho the serpent still looks natural.

DialgaMarine2375d ago

“Even Naughty Dog”

Guess you missed the DF videos, huh? Or you’re conveniently ignoring them.

DrumBeat2375d ago

So many trees and much of the foliage is missing in the new build. It still looks great, but why can't people be honest?

Silly gameAr2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

Always has to be people like you in articles like this imagining downgrades, even when there are none.

EatCrow2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

Its because they're passionate about it. No fault of their own. Its the downside of these chats. You have a bunch of people who may never have had to face real criticism. Criticism is all over the Design and Art Industry. Criticism is meant to help the project or improve upon it. These guys defending the downgrade just dont know how you could possibly love it and still critique it.

The serpents look drastically different. Its the same serpent but with a different coat of paint. Different shadows. Different looking skin, etc. Where you notice the shadow differnce the most would be around the eyes and the nose section. Just compare the two and youll notice a blockiness to the nose on the current build vs the prev .

The teeth and mouth look more real as well. The way that the light plays off the left side of the snakes head and the left side of the nose is a lot more realistic then the current one which has shiny light all over the face. Then looking at just the noses you can tell that the one on the left, older, has more realistic detail. And it almost look as if there is breath coming out of the nostrils. Whereas with the newer build all of that is lost.

StrangerX2375d ago

You have a good eye! the draw distance is less in the new build, Kratos has more muddy textures in arms just like the snake creature which in the older build looked like a CGI but in this build you can observe its a graphic model but very close to the original and enemy detail is less and more blurry, the global illumination or light reflection in the surfaces are minimized plus even the water reflection is little even on daylight compared to the earlier build. still the game looks very good. like any game developer they always show a representation of what its almost gonna be and usually they have to do some adjustments and it's understandable. I'm being honest here with what I see from this video, nothing more and nothing less.

AspiringProGenji2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

Missing trees and bushes is not a downgrade lol. Who isn’t being honest cherry picking? That area was just slighty changed

Where’s the drastic difference? You realize both are in a different weather condition right?

IamTylerDurden12375d ago

Sony typically doesn't downgrade, in reality they often upgrade their games. Games like GT Sport, Driveclub, Uncharted, HZD and even exclusives like The Order were arguably better looking at launch. Please don't include Sony in the company of publishers like Ubisoft and Microsoft in terms of downgrading.

Dragonscale2374d ago Show
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Imalwaysright2375d ago

Yes they do even even if their games still look incredible. As for GOW to me is the new graphics king on PS4.

UCForce2375d ago

Uncharted 4 and Horizon Zero Dawn were both best looking game of 2016 and 2017 according to Digital Foundry and NX Gamer.

EatCrow2375d ago

Definitely. Nothing comes close so far. But then of course theres Last of Us 2.

And well earned but it doesnt mean they dont downgrade. The word downgrade when applied to these devs means a slight visual fidelity reduction. With other devs its a much more serious case.
The water scene where nathan drake wakes up...for instance. Its a complete change and downgrade from the initial reveal.
Awards for graphics does not equal no downgrade. They can be downgraded and still be the best looking games out there. Your logic is way off.

Imalwaysright2375d ago

That NX guy was the one that had the nerve to say that Uncharted 4 wasn't downgraded from the reveal wasn't he? Digital Foundry were the ones that said that for honor felt good running at 30 fps when comparing the game running at 60 fps on PC weren't they? Sorry but what they say to me is pretty much irrelevant. I prefer my eyes over what they say.

DialgaMarine2375d ago

Not only that, HZD was a technical marvel that likely won’t be surpassed until next gen or its sequel. The fact that it was 100% open world and so alive made its beautiful graphics that much more impressive. I don’t think any enemy ever is nearly as impressive as the Thunderjaw.

DrumBeat2375d ago

UC4 and Lost Legacy were absolute visual powerhouses. I'll simply have to wait to play God of War before I reach a verdict. Still, I've never seen anything like Naughty Dog's last two games.

Incredible visuals.

dantesparda2374d ago


Just as what you say is irrelevant to all of us.

Imalwaysright2374d ago (Edited 2374d ago )


Yeah the buthurt disagrees from ps fanboys such as yourself and your comment are proof of it aren't they?

dantesparda2372d ago (Edited 2372d ago )

The only thing that sounds "butthurt" around here is you, with you all over this thread whining, now quit your whining.

And p.s. i dont bother with disagrees, i just straight up tell people what i think of their opinions.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2372d ago
MegamanXXX2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

The graphics looks good enough and looks phenomenaI! I just want to play the game! Like right now! At the end of the day what really matters is playing a great game! I rather play a good game with decent graphics than a game with great graphics that sucks. There's a lot of games like that but I won't name them

sprinterboy2375d ago

I'm hoping the side quests are interesting, that's my biggest gripe with most open world environments.

dantesparda2374d ago

"There's a lot of games like that but I won't name them"

Yeah, like Gears, Forza and Forza Horizon. Good graphics, boring/sucky games.

NordicRainy2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

"Sony devs don't downgrade"

I'm sure that's a 100% true. Definitely not something a fanboy would say. No question about it. Sony can do no wrong.

AspiringProGenji2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

They can do wrong but my point still stands. You have idiots claiming downgrade all Happened with DC, Infamous, U4, Horizon, and will happen here as well. Theirs dreams to capitalize on any Sony’s wrong doing gets crushed all the time when it comes to graphics. Sony devs are really gifted

DrumBeat2375d ago

In the end, Sony's first party games always end up looking excellent. Even if there IS a downgrade, the difference is negligible when you're playing the games. You're just in awe of the environments.

Silly gameAr2375d ago

To some people they can't do anything right. I guess it goes both ways.

trooper_2375d ago

Except no one ever said that.

But this is far from a downgrade.

leoms2374d ago

keep trying, your chance will come

IamTylerDurden12374d ago

What game have they downgraded this gen? Sony is not known for downgrades, don't be mad bc your company of choice perhaps is..

NordicRainy2374d ago

I love when people who suck at assuming, try to assume. Thinking I'm some kind of fanboy now for Xbox or something. Idiots at their finest.

dantesparda2374d ago


Nobody is saying that and you sound hurt by this.

And p.s. to MS fanboy, MS can do no wrong, same thing with Nintendo fanboys. Thats fanboys for you, now go complain to them.

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ABizzel12375d ago

2018 looks better in the gameplay clip.

I think the serpent looked better in 2017, but it was also nothing but fog in the background allowing them to focus completely on the detail of the serpent, where the 2018 scene there seems to be a skybox back there, so it's likely more detail in the environment, hence the lighting, color, and reflection change.

AspiringProGenji2375d ago

Yeah that and they slighty redesigned the serpent. His nose looks smaller mow

subtenko2375d ago

I disagree, The 2016 render looks better, but oh well Im sure its still frikkn fun to play. Only Naughty Dog I can recalled with Uncharted 4 made their final look better!

One day its gonna be sick to see these sony renders be the bottom of the barrel for gameplay vs what they can achieve in real-time in the future!

Suave_Langosta2375d ago

There is a slight downgrade, your lying if you don’t see it. The game looks amazing, but don’t let yourself be blinded by loyalty. The serpent looks off in the 2018, not bad, just off. Could be the lighting, but almost all games are downgraded in the optimization process. His son has a weird smoothness to his face in the 2018 compared to the 2016, but his clothes look better in the same scene.

Overall I’m pumped for this game !!!

AspiringProGenji2375d ago

I am not blind to see there were some changes in the environment, but the graphic fidelity is still there. Some comparisons don’t seem to be in the same spot, and even then Kratos closed up in both scenes look pretty good.

IamTylerDurden12374d ago

GT Sport was an upgrade if u compare the initial showing and final release. Uncharted was a proven upgrade. HZD was an upgrade. Sony not the company u need to worry about downgrades with.

mandingo2375d ago

Sony devs don’t downgrade. Lol that’s one for the books

DarXyde2374d ago (Edited 2374d ago )

I don't know if I agree. I think some compromises are made, but I wouldn't call it a downgrade; priorities are shuffled around, but it does retain very sharp visuals. Kratos looks better now, but I think his son looked better on 2016 (based on this footage). The serpent appears to have more vivid textures now with more color, though, as a personal preference, I liked the lighting before with the gray sky. Just looked more ominous. That doesn't factor into my opinion of the visuals though.

For the people calling Uncharted 4 a downgrade, while the gameplay does not look exactly like the reveal trailer, the cutscenes do. And Corinne Yu was very specific in saying the reveal was in-engine. So it's hard to make the case that they downgraded.

2374d ago Replies(1)
butchertroll2374d ago

There is no downgrade. Also Cory confirmed last year some areas are different from the 1st gameplay reveal

Uken122374d ago

Wow you must be wearing drunk goggles dude. The 2018 build looks way worse. Foggier backgrounds with less detail. Let detail on the boys face by far. The Kratos model looked CG in 2017 now it doesn't.
The first scene is a massive difference. The axe looks more real, a higher detailed enemy, better shadows and color balance. You can see a lot more in the background.
The serpent looks quite a bit better in the old build. Slightly?

So to put it, brighter unbalanced colors, less textures, fuzzier, less highlights, more background fog and less objects in the background, the character models have taken a big detail hit.

This is typical Sony, announcing games with graphics that are classes better than what will be released. Not saying it looks bad, it still looks pretty damn fantastic. But it is definitely a big difference and anyone who says otherwise is just in denial. The 2018 was a high end PC build, what we will get will not be as good graphics wise.

The game will still be great and beautiful but why promote a game to look better just to impress people. A game should look better with time, not worse.

AspiringProGenji2374d ago (Edited 2374d ago )

No it doesnt look worse. Look at kratos himself. He still has all those details regardless of being compared in different scenes. The background as I pointed lookes a bit blurred, but kratos looks sharper than the 2016 footage. The serpent also was slightly change and still has all those details on it.

There’s no downgrade, just some changes like the fog background, and who knows if that is a different scene witn a different weather. Also this is a story trailer and the game still has lots polish to be made. I suggest people wait before calling downgrade but hey, they didn’t learn their lesson witn previous games.

“This is typical Sony, announcing games with graphics that are classes better than what will be released.”

Lol yeah sure... keep telling yourself that . Guess you joined this site today

Uken122374d ago

There is a downgrade. It's noticeable. But is it a problem? Not at all. It's only graphics and they look amazing anyways.

Sony IS known for doing this. I don't have any bias towards them since I own a PS4 and PS4 pro. I just don't see the reason why they would do it.

The fact that you take it so personally just reflects on you. I'm not bashing the game or Sony. Just stating the facts. They have been called out multiple times. It could be seen as a tactic to create more hype for the game.
Which is why I would like if they didn't do that, it isn't needed. The game will look great.

Will it look as great as the first trailer, signs are pointing to no.

Fog? lol that is a clear downgrade. Using fog to create less detail in the draw distance. I don't have a problem personally but it is a noticeable difference.

The game has lots of polish to go? They downgraded meaning it still won't be on the same level as the original trailer. But personally I would take a graphics downgrade for the better of the overall game.

1Victor2374d ago (Edited 2374d ago )

I don’t care I’m getting the game even if it’s a 16bit versión I want to know how he survived and how this game is going to continue the story ,will kratos live will he die for real this time,what’s the kid true identity. I can’t wait to know more for myself

xPaYDaYx2373d ago (Edited 2373d ago )

You're a fool if you think this isn't downgraded and an EXTRA fool if you think "Sony" dev's don't downgrade. Uour precious company isn't immune to doing wrong. Any company will do whatever it takes to market their product and make it look the best it can. this is a fine example. People like you, being blind to everything, are the problem with this industry.

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Angainor72375d ago ShowReplies(7)
agent132375d ago

As cory barlog said earlier, they have added more color to the game so that it doesn't look black and white the improvement is huge. gow is gonna be one of greatest games that the gamers community has ever seen. like the last of us, a game that we would never forget and always play it once in a while. whith a story that challenges best novels,games and movies.

Deep-throat2375d ago ShowReplies(11)
NordicRainy2375d ago

The fanboyism is strong with this one. Already calling it the greatest thing ever (which it will not be), before it's even released. I'm not denying that it could be and likely will be, an amazing game, but you're going a little overboard here.

RememberThe3572375d ago

Haha what is the greatest thing ever?

RememberThe3572374d ago

@snake I do love me some sliced bread. But if it was between sliced bread and God of War, I guess I'd be having my PB&J on tortillas.

chiefJohn1172375d ago

As a GoW fan, agent..... you're doing too much lol. You need to chill, for real.

agent132375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

Well you're right i totally lost my control while writing that comment i love gow series so much:))
but even not the best game ever, gow can be a memorable game just like previous games. don't wanna have a very high expectation.

bluefox7552375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

Some of the scenes are different, but not necessarily better or worse, maybe less saturation now than before. Kratos looks better though for sure, as does the snake.

2375d ago
ONESHOTV22375d ago

that is a massive downgrade for the environment and character models well i guess there are limits for a 400$ box

agent132375d ago

this 400$ box has the best exclusives ever. this is not the final game the final game might be totally different comparing to trailers.

ONESHOTV22375d ago

"this 400$ box has the best exclusives ever" subjective because I also own the box pro version but I can also say you are wrong but that too is subjective so who wins ?? no one

RememberThe3572375d ago

Well if we're gonna dive into subjectivity, then this "massive downgrade" would fall into the same rut. We have an increase in draw distance and color palette with a slight drop in some texture clarity. It's subjective which aspect is more valuable to you but the devs made a choice and I cannot wait to throw as much time as I can into this game.

UCForce2375d ago

Really ? Some downgraded but some other upgrades. And yes, I saw the video and my eyes are not blind.

UCForce2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

Even people said Horizon Zero Dawn was downgraded, but it not that a lot. Horizon Zero Dawn was considered the best looking game of 2017. What about Crackdown 3 from 2014 to 2017 ? That one is massive downgraded.

bolimekurac2375d ago

hzd was good looking just boring and repetitive

RememberThe3572375d ago

Man I love being bored and redundant. Horizon was the perfect game for me.

UCForce2375d ago

You are also wrong, buddy.

Razzer2375d ago

lol....the game still looks better than anything on any PC. I love my gaming PC, but it is what it is. No one makes great looking games like Sony first party. You will just have to get over it.

Imalwaysright2375d ago

Yeah really? What game on the PS4 or PS4 pro looks anywhere close to this? https://www.youtube.com/wat...

UCForce2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

@Imalwaysright Watch NX Gamer on YouTube Of Top 10 best graphics/technology of 2016 and 2017. And see who number one is ? Sure, it’s your opinion, but NX Gamer explain better than you are.

Imalwaysright2375d ago


And your opinion? Does any game on the PS4 look better than the one in the video I provided? I can see I already have 6 disagrees but no one said which game on the PS4/pro looks better than SWBF1 with mods. Mods showing what PCs are capable off when not being dragged down by consoles.

ONESHOTV22375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

Razzer---lol, call me when Sony can create something that isn't a third-person action game with stealth and QTE ah let's not forget cutscenes. and dude there is nothing on the PS4 that cant run on the PC but there are games on PC that cannot be played on the PS4 do you see the difference https://imgur.com/U3AyI6w

Razzer2375d ago (Edited 2375d ago )

Ok....yeah. Mods are a difference maker for PC. I'm not going to argue that. I've seen some mods do incredible stuff on my PC. So yeah....point taken.

But my point still stands when it comes to unmodded games.


PCs are more powerful than any console. That is a fact. But that in itself means nothing without actual games that utilize every bit of that hardware. Unfortunately, aside from mods, most high budget PC games are ported from console third parties. And none of them look as good as PS4 first party games.

Imalwaysright2375d ago

There is no doubt in my mind that Dice could make SWBF1 look even better than that mod because its their engine so why do people that mod games as a hobby push multiplatform games well beyond what any console is capable off? Why don't devs do it? Are sony and ms paying them not to because they don't want their consoles looking bad in comparison? I don't know but since this https://www.youtube.com/wat... I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

starchild2374d ago

Sony developers defintely make some of the best looking games around and they should be commended for it, but as someone who owns a PS4 Pro and a good gaming PC I think you're exaggerating a little. Not all first party PS4 exclusives look amazing. The best looking ones do compete well with the better looking games on PC, but they don't look better.

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TheKingKratos2375d ago

Oh that 400$ box offer the best looking games ever even against pc
The only downgrade i see is your brain but that's expected from trolls like you
See you when GOW win best gfx awards like UC4 and HZD did

PrinceOfAnger2375d ago

Agree, don't know how anyone can deny this

Markusb332375d ago

Bless you oneshotv2, I can't see your mummy letting you have this game anyway due to the age rating.
November will be here soon for your casual cod game, don't worry xx

ONESHOTV22374d ago Show
Dark_Knightmare22375d ago

I swear sometimes your comments make me think you're an alt account for deep throat because you both say some of the dumbest s**t while fanboying that it can't just be a coincidence

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God of War Needs to Redefine Kratos' Purpose Clearly and Quickly

Whatever form the next God of War game takes, it needs to be clear about what role Kratos is playing, lest the franchise lose direction.

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Nacho_Z59d ago

I'm pretty sure it'd be a major mistake having Atreus as the main character in the next GoW. Seems to me like at best people tolerate him and his gameplay sections.

Ideally the story for the next game would be that Atreus has gone missing in Egypt, Kratos gets mad about it, picks up Mimir and goes on a god killing rampage.

Mad_Matt59d ago

If that is an option for the dev team then they need to make it a clean slate. No Atreus, No Mimir. That's what happened when he changed pantheons before. Lets Kratos be in that world. But it will be a difficult task to complete. Kratos and his past demons are getting a bit redundant as far as story telling goes.

Nacho_Z59d ago

Yeah there's not a lot of meat left on the bone story wise. Personally I'd happily accept any goofy reason they could come up with for why Kratos is in Egypt chopping off heads. I'm personally not that bothered about the finer points of the storytelling, although they do it well.

The_Hooligan58d ago

I would still like to have Mimir in the next game. They (devs) can justify it by saying that Mimir wants to gain knowledge about other realms/pantheons. Also, personally I think Alastair Duncan did a great job as Mimir and would love to see the continuation of the small banters Kratos and Mimir had in the past games.

goldwyncq58d ago

The point of Ragnarok's ending is to show that Atreus is his own man now. Having Daddy Kratos save him in Egypt after getting himself into trouble would just undo his entire character development.

Nacho_Z58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

The point was more to do with getting Atreus out of the way rather than him being saved. Let's say he's off on his own adventures then and invent another reason for Kratos to be in Egypt.

Could be that Kratos thinks he's been captured or killed as motivation but at the close of the game it turns out Atreus has been up to his own shady shenanigans.

Lionsguard59d ago

They need to bring back the "God of War" in God of War. I was expecting to unleash hell and fury in Asgard against Thor that they really talked up in the first game but all we got was brooding middle aged dad drunk in a beer hall. Ragnarok was still "good" but I left that game expecting a lot more.

InUrFoxHole59d ago

Tried Rag... just couldn't get into it. Felt like more of the same. I would welcome a Kratos only game again.


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