
Playground Games talk Xbox One X and their next Microsoft project - rumoured to be Fable

Playground Games has recently expanded its studio, taking on a mysterious second project - we speak to studio head Ralph Fulton about this new title and developing on Xbox One X.

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Razzer2380d ago

I really hope this is a new Fable. That would be awesome.

Pepin2380d ago

So many rumours now, it really looks like it could be

choujij2380d ago

Hopefully it is. I'd love a new Fable.

lxeasy2380d ago

Give us that open world Fable oh yeah!

timotim2380d ago

"Fulton suggested that their new game will be utilising the Xbox One X as 'the lead platform' for the title, leveraging the awesome power of Microsoft's new flagship device - and most powerful console in the world - for this new project."

Great news! This confirms my assumption that Microsoft will use X as the lead platform and scale down to the base model instead of scaling up to X. This means that these games arent being held back by the base models and they are able to fully take advantage of what X can do. Playground is one of the best studios this generation...whatever this game is, it's going to be awesome!

Pepin2380d ago

Whilst I do think that could spell bad news for the vanilla Xbox One going forward (performance issues, optimisation problems), I do think it bodes well for the generation as a whole

Apparently the XBX SDK is one of the best some studios have ever worked with - which is fantastic news

TheCommentator2380d ago (Edited 2380d ago )

I think that what we're seeing on the 1X right now are OG games with basic patches. Going forwards, new game development should be able to leverage 1X's strengths better, but I'm not sure that it would adversely affect the OG coding.

In the PC world, a great many things can be scaled back from the Ultra settings in order to accommodate a machine with less capable or even different brands of HW. I have to assume that the same would be true of developing with 1X as lead platform. Besides, Playground did make this statement: "What (developing on 1X) means is that it's not just about the Xbox One X version, but all versions in the Xbox One family improve as a result of that focus".

Obscure_Observer2380d ago


"Whilst I do think that could spell bad news for the vanilla Xbox One going forward (performance issues, optimisation problems), I do think it bodes well for the generation as a whole"

Since Microsoft said that their are done with generations, to focus on the X as the lead platform, only makes sense.

And unless Sony has plans of releasing the PS5 soon, i can see them doing the same thing for the PS4 Pro regarding PS4´s games.

MecheSlays2380d ago

That’s better because then the OneS will get more features

2380d ago Replies(1)
gamer78042380d ago

Kinda would like a new story rpg, a new ip

gangsta_red2380d ago

Pretend Fable is a new IP. Then you will enjoy the new story.

gamer78042380d ago

I started pretending with fable legends... despite the lack of story was actually pretty fun, moreso than sea of thieves.

2380d ago
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TennoCon 2024: Ben Starr On His Bridgerton Moment In Warframe 1999

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Sea of Thieves Developer Rare Now Has a Dedicated Doggo Park

Rare, the developer behind pirate adventure Sea of Thieves, has introduced a dedicated dog park to its studio grounds for employees' good boys and girls.

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CrimsonWing691d 9h ago

Is the industry hurting for money or not?

Hofstaderman1d 8h ago

They belong to XBOX. Its a dog's life....

Chocoburger1d 9h ago

Nice thing they did, but not actually gaming related, not sure why this article was approved. Also strange informing us what game Rare worked on, as if we don't know their legacy.

Tacoboto1d 8h ago

Sorry you hate dog news - here's a game-related headline for you, the latest: "Deathsprint 66 is a hyperviolent freerunner that proves game journos suck at games | Video Gamer"

Yeah we need more headlines like *that* on this site, instead of news about a studio's employee perks.

GaboonViper1d 8h ago

Its actually nice to see a story like this instead of the usual doom and gloom but people still moan, anyhow hope these beautiful doggos have a great life.

1d 8h ago
GaboonViper1d 8h ago

Really nice story, kudos to Rare.

Mulletino15h ago

I went to look at new apartments and saw only dog parks, no kid parks. We're so screwed.


Concept Art For Bluepoint's Next Game Spotted In PlayStation Tour Video

A new PlayStation Malaysia tour video shows what looks to be concept art for Bluepoint's next game.

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phoenixwing1d 12h ago

Damn was hoping for a fantasy setting. Looks futuristic

jznrpg1d 10h ago (Edited 1d 10h ago )

I think that’s a screensaver if you look to the right it looks more like a fantasy game and so does the concept art leaked earlier. Who knows though

phoenixwing12h ago

Unless that structure/pillar thingy in the right picture is long forgotten technology it's futuristic.

Name Last Name1d 11h ago (Edited 1d 11h ago )

Another shooter? Yawn. Thought the prevous concept looked more fantasy.

shinoff21831d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

I hope not.

just_looken21h ago

With there same look on the right a arena setting this might be live service game #5 from sony

So a live service shooter like concord.....

StormSnooper21h ago

It looks like a fantasy game on the right screen. You are looking at a screensaver.

Goodguy011d 11h ago

Been looking forward to what they have next. Looks interesting.

Eonjay1d 11h ago

Really excited to see them release an original IP

GaboonViper1d 8h ago

Looks like my dream of them remaking Metal Gear Solid is over, still cant wait to see what they are cooking up.

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