
Ghost Recon: Wildlands On Xbox One X Features Impressive Improvements Over The PS4 Pro Version

Head to head comparison between the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X versions of Ghost Recon Wildlands.

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TheColbertinator2467d ago

Another victory for the X. Thank you Gamingbolt for informing us.

S2Killinit2467d ago ShowReplies(8)
Dark_Knightmare22467d ago

Yeah I'm sure the small group of pro and x1x users are estactic while 90 percent of the games base couldn't care less since it's the same average game

Black0ut2467d ago

Small group or not, there's significant results. Although the pro does indeed look pretty beautiful still.

I look forward to trying this for myself come christmas!

2467d ago
2467d ago
tontontam02467d ago

Why is everyone so impressed by this, when pc gamers shows what their pc can do, console fanboys can't see the difference.

343_Guilty_Spark2467d ago

My $8000 rig totally beats the X.

tontontam02467d ago

I know that price is important, but what irritates me about console fanboys is that they refuse to acknowledge that a more expensive pc produces superior graphics, than their $500 console, they think that their console is so great that a $1000 pc is inferior.

Army_of_Darkness2467d ago (Edited 2467d ago )

@tonton No, no... Not at all. It's as clear as ice that the PC is much more capable in terms of resolution and FPS, but the thing about some console gamers(myself included) is that we don't care about PC regardless so what is wrong with finding certain console games such as horizon zero dawn, uncharted 4 or even gears 4 visually stunning for console standards without the insecure pc fanboys making pointless remarks such as " if it was on pc it would look so much better! blah, blah" ... I'm aware of that. I just don't give a sh!t because I enjoy my easy plug and play gaming on a consoles. Simple as that.

Black0ut2467d ago


Nah. Its the amount of quality that you receive for the $500 console which is great. Far more optimized titles too.

I'll always prefer an XB/PS over PC for gaming due to zero hassles and no BS. All about dat plug & play and thats why consoles still have such a huge market to this day 😊

tontontam02467d ago Show
Black0ut2467d ago


I've been a PC gamer for about 10 years dude. I currently have a mid range rig and a pretty sweet ROG gaming laptop; yet consoles will always be more appealing to me.

Good job jumping to conclusions bud. Settle down.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2467d ago
Kiwi662467d ago (Edited 2467d ago )

Lol of course a more expensive PC would be superior to a console

andibandit2467d ago

"Why is everyone so impressed by this"

Who is everyone?, theres like 2 positive comments in this section, out of like 30.

RacerX2465d ago

2 positive comments, and like 30 trolls who's heads are exploding.

jagermaster6192465d ago


Seriously guy if you care so much about your pc and how much better it is than the pro/x then GTFO of articles that have nothing to do with you or what you like! No one gives a shit about your preference and your PC fanboy bitching. No one wants to play with you on PC so get out of here... Stupid troll!

tontontam02465d ago

I don't want to GTFO, I enjoy seeing comments like yours.

It just shows that console fanboys are so affected by what PC owners opinions and it also means that my trolling is effective.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2465d ago
xX-oldboy-Xx2467d ago

This is great news, next up RDR2 and every other 3rd party game. Small justification to spend $500US/$650AU, which you can any day of the week - because they are everywhere.

No SOLD OUT signs for this box.

xX-oldboy-Xx2467d ago

Nah just tired of the same old hyperbole from gamingbolt, while x fans celebrate being sold a steam machine.

81BX2467d ago

You hear it, but they feel it ;)

Black0ut2467d ago

A steam machine? Lolwut.jpg

alb18992467d ago

Why did you read it? And then comment too?
No one is forcing you to do anything.

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Here are the new Xbox Game Pass Quests for November 2022

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Deathdeliverer686d ago

This should hold everyone off until the next big release. I love me some reward points! [sarcasm]

JBplusVB686d ago

Gamepass has changed everything. Phil, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for Gamepass. I just bought 50 years worth of subscription and I'm so happy.

CBaoth686d ago

Riiight! Thanks to GP I've discovered hundreds of indie fillers I would've never known about otherwise. Best part: team Xbox has discovered how great walking sims and interactive movies really are! And EA Play? Love me some 4 year old sports games!! Why sub up though? Just let MS auto renew that incredible $14.99 a month value. It's so easy!!

JBplusVB686d ago

Gamepass is just so amazing. Adding EA play to it brought the service to a whole nother level. Phil Spencer has the brightest mind in gaming. By far.....


Ghost Recon Wildlands Suffering From Server & Connection Issues for More Than a Week

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