
Son of Scoregasm Review | Gamers Heroes

Gamers Heroes writes: It’s you versus the world in Charlie’s Games’ twin stick shooter Son of Scoregasm. Should you set off to find the king’s biscuits, or is this one battle not worth fighting?

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dead_pixels2379d ago

I thought it looked like some good mindless fun.


Son of Scoregasm PC review - A truly great and challenging twin-stick shoot-em-up game - TGG

I (Robin Ek, TGG) think it's safe to say that RC Knight hit the bulls eye with his twin-stick arcade shoot-em-up game "Son of Scoregasm". You see, the game is simply freaking awesome, and this is the reason why.


Son of Scoregasm (Vita) Review | DarkZero

“Son of Scoregasm has the mechanics in place for some addictive high score attack gameplay. It’s such a simple twist on the twin-stick shooter formula, but having multipliers tied to the pulse bomb gives itself some originality, but more so, an addictive and tense scoring mechanic that benefits risk/reward and skill for anyone good enough to make it through all the levels.”

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Son of Scoregasm (PS Vita) - Review | SquareXO

Rob Pitt writes: Son of Scoregasm is a twin-stick shooter from Charlie’s Games. Charlie’s Games is a one-man developer studio, something we don’t see very much over on the console front so I was eager to find out just how well one man can stand up against studios with numerous people working on a similar game within the genre. The game may be light on story but it’s heavy on action and doesn’t hold back on the difficulty. However, will the game be a ‘great twin-stick shooter’ or a ‘great, big twin-stick pooper’? Let’s find out…

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