
Electronic Arts CFO responds to Battlefront II controversy ... again

Following the massive community backlash against Electronic Art’s ‘microtransaction-based revenue model’ for its release of Star Wars: Battlefront II, the company CFO, Blake Jorgensen, has responded once again to the outcry and the resulting decision by EA to turn off all microtransactions just a few days before the game’s release.

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-Foxtrot2424d ago

"If we’re not learning, the means we’re failing in some way and we’re constantly trying to watch what people do and how they play and listen to them to decide what’s the best way to build great games"

First of all you never learn which means you guys are always failing...and it shows

Secondly your games are not always great...they start out great then you ruin them by getting greedy which contradicts your first point because if you had really learnt you would learn not to let greed ruin a game franchise BUT you do.

So yeah...bullshit, bullshit everywhere.

GrubsterBeater2423d ago (Edited 2423d ago )

*tips fedora*

UltraNova2422d ago

EA: Damn where's Phil we you need one...

Solo_882422d ago

Agreed. They cancel Viseral's single player Star Wars game because "people don't want to play linear or single player games anymore" but never cancelled A Way Out. That game looks like straight up garbage. Graphics look like they're a first release game on last gen and looks boring as all get out.

XiNatsuDragnel2424d ago

BS BS everywhere oh what fun is to ride on that garbage train yeah

SegaGamer2423d ago

This is EA's idea of learning, they get rid of one anti consumer practice and replace it with another one.......

They deceive their audience all of the time.

EatCrow2423d ago

You forgot to add that the replacement is usually a greater anti consumer practice.

Theyre definitely getting better and better everyday at pissing us off.

2423d ago Replies(1)
strayanalog2423d ago

Now this is just becoming a joke. This is starting to feel like they don't want the controversy to die because of the free publicity.

"If we’re not learning, the means we’re failing in some way and we’re constantly trying to watch what people do and how they play and listen to them to decide what’s the best way to build great games."

You know if the above were true... never mind. This is way too easy. Get bent, EA.

MunchMiller002423d ago

Blake. You need to open a nice tall can of STFU already. You're digging your grave with your tongue man.

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ActualWhiteMan43d ago

2005 Version...

How generous 😒


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anast225d ago

Game companies are not mature enough to handle this concept without turning it into a casino.

shadowknight203225d ago

The remakes of battlefront should have been more simular to the originals. CoD/battlefield reskinned as Star Wars was not the anwser.


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mastershredder269d ago

Remembering or celebrating? It's Halloween yo, that's what people are celebrating.

franwex267d ago

The first game was really fun. I remember being disappointed with this one when it first released.

I went back last month actually, and had more fun than when released-but I still think the first one is superior. Do like the soundtrack!