
Marvel Heroes Omega's Cancellation Highlights The Concerns Over Microtransactions

Andrew Gonzalez from Xbox Enthusiast talks about how the cancellation of Marvel Heroes Omega highlights many issues surrounding microtransactions.

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ZaWarudo2498d ago

I don't think the shutdown has to do with microtransactions. There wasn't news for an update for 3 weeks.
The CEO of Gazillion was accused of sexual misconduct by a woman a little while back. He closed his Twitter after the Harvey Weinstein news broke out. coincidence?

I reckon Disney buried everything so they won't be associated with the current controversy in Hollywood. It sucks, since i enjoyed the game. Oh well.

This is all speculation fyi.

2498d ago
Cmv382498d ago

The issue is, i paid for something, and now out of the blue i can't use it again. It would be different if the games had an expiration date, then i could make an informed decision. But i can't even play it off line, that's the biggest issue with all this. Shut down the server, but i would still be able to play. that would be at least an ok thing.

DillyDilly2498d ago (Edited 2498d ago )

This was F2P this is the risk of any game that relies on servers

2498d ago
andrewsquall2498d ago

Hopefully all it will take is a few million people to get burned by something like this on a huge game and then they become a lot more weary about this type of "gaming" going forward and are more cautious with their wallets.

Servbot412498d ago

Funny how both microtransaction issues lead back to Disney. I wonder if they simply don't care or are unaware of the poor situation their IPs are in.


Why Aren't Superhero MMOs Hugely Successful?

Considering the genre's explosive popularity, why aren't superhero MMOs hugely successful? Shannon gets to the bottom of the matter.

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gangsta_red2445d ago

Why aren't there more super hero games? You would think it would be a no brainer with all the material right there for the picking.

And yet we have really only had less than a handful become popular.


Marvel Heroes Omega to Shut Down - Developer Gazillion Closing

Gazillion has announced the game and studio will cease operation shortly.

rdgneoz32487d ago

Took a while for this article to get approved? Cause they both (game and studio) shut down 2 days ago... Even the tweet is from 2 days ago.

ThatDudeMunkee2487d ago

It did. The article was from the Nov. 27th.