
Rime Review - The Gamers Lounge

Explore the beautiful and rugged world of Rime while solving puzzles at home or on the go. After awakening on a mysterious island after a torrential storm you will explore long forgotten ruins, massive towers, and expansive vistas. Armed only with your wits you must explore the enigmatic island and discover its guarded secrets.

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Fanatical Safe in Our World 1st Anniversary Charity Bundle launches today

Fanatical just launched a new bundle that supports Safe in Our World. All of the proceeds go to charity to support mental health awareness.

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5 Bad Switch Ports That Should Not Have Happened

Greysun writes:

The Nintendo Switch gets bombarded with many, many ports. But most of them actually run pretty well, with only a couple that we would call bad Switch ports.

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Neonridr1809d ago

While I agree with the majority on this list Bloodstained is far from a bad port. Sure it doesn't run as fast as the other more powerful machines and has some sacrifices made to the graphics to keep the game running smooth. But some of the errors that are being mentioned can be patched and addressed. The game is still fun to play, it's not like it's broken or anything.

King_Noctis1809d ago

Ark should have never been released the way it is on the Switch. The game is so so bad.

1809d ago
EddieNX 1809d ago

It's purely down to the incompetence of the Devs. Just go and look at how more demanding games have successfully been ported to Switch and then you have proof that these are just poorly done.


Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale Discounts: 2nd-8th July 2019

Neil writes: "The start of the month can only mean one thing - you've got money to burn and Xbox games to buy. Bit of luck then that the latest Xbox Deals With Gold and Spotlight Sale is kicking into play, with bargains galore hitting the Xbox Store to ensure Xbox 360 and Xbox One titles can be had on cut-price terms. But what games are being slashed in price between the 2nd-8th July 2019?"

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