
Can the Xbox One X Save Microsoft's Generation?

USGamer: “Our review of Microsoft's new power console, Telltale's layoffs, and more in the latest episode of our flagship podcast.”

2450d ago Replies(3)
TheEnigma3132450d ago

Only software can. MS is weak as hell in that department.

2450d ago
AZRoboto2450d ago

This generation, MS flubbed themselves. The One X will only save the brand in the long run if MS can prove forever-compatibility and Sony somehow doesn't with the PS5.

butterknuckles2450d ago

Save is a pretty strong word. While they may not have as many exclusives as Sony I'm sure everyone here can agree they definitely righted the ship after their disastrous launch of the Xbox one and are heading in the right direction so long as they do intend to acquire more studios and develop more exclusive content. Time will tell.

TheVetOfGaming2450d ago

That's the thing though. Time will always tell with Xbox. They should have been bringing good, fresh new games, but instead they're focusing on more power and enhanced older games. Apart from Forza, they don't really have anything worth noting. Gamers want games, new stories and experiences, but Xbox do what they do best, and regurgitate games, promises, and empty line ups.

corroios2450d ago

If Microsoft didnt closed studios and bought studios and create new studios, then they could save this gen and start even strong the next one. Create hype behind new titles.

Sony and Nintendo show this year that exclusive games are crucial for the sucess of a machine. Even a machine with the power of 0.5 teraflops can get much more sales then the combined sales of 1.13 and another 6 teraflops.

Just saying best version of this and best of version of that, will not make a diference at this time of the gen. Because those game can palyed on other machines. The 4k selling point is getting old and is not even real, because more and more games arent running at that rez.

So the best weapon would be getting new games with exclusive deals or buying good studios, like EA just did.

I think next year will be even worse, because of the games coming from Sony and Nintendo. So many triple AAA games that sell millions, that specs cant do nothing against.

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The Pokemon Company Had Retail Sales Worth $10.8 Billion In 2023

The Pokemon Company had retail sales worth of 10.8 billion US Dollars in the year 2023, based on the latest report.

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gold_drake9h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot1h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing56m ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro12m ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


Sea of Thieves Developer Rare Now Has a Dedicated Doggo Park

Rare, the developer behind pirate adventure Sea of Thieves, has introduced a dedicated dog park to its studio grounds for employees' good boys and girls.

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CrimsonWing691d 7h ago

Is the industry hurting for money or not?

Hofstaderman1d 6h ago

They belong to XBOX. Its a dog's life....

Chocoburger1d 7h ago

Nice thing they did, but not actually gaming related, not sure why this article was approved. Also strange informing us what game Rare worked on, as if we don't know their legacy.

Tacoboto1d 6h ago

Sorry you hate dog news - here's a game-related headline for you, the latest: "Deathsprint 66 is a hyperviolent freerunner that proves game journos suck at games | Video Gamer"

Yeah we need more headlines like *that* on this site, instead of news about a studio's employee perks.

GaboonViper1d 6h ago

Its actually nice to see a story like this instead of the usual doom and gloom but people still moan, anyhow hope these beautiful doggos have a great life.

1d 6h ago
GaboonViper1d 6h ago

Really nice story, kudos to Rare.

Mulletino13h ago

I went to look at new apartments and saw only dog parks, no kid parks. We're so screwed.


Game Boy Advance is Getting a New Game Xeno Crisis

Bitmap Bureau has announced its plans to release Xeno Crisis to the Game Boy Advance in both physical and digital form.

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