
Doom For Switch Review - IGN

IGN writes: "Whatever ritual sacrifices had to be performed to fit Doom on Switch were worth it."

lptmg2508d ago

and yet IGN gave the console version a 7.1, go figure
still LOVE this game though!

Xerneas2508d ago

Different reviewers for both games.

michellelynn09762508d ago

Different reviewers, but I think they are looking at the accomplishment. I loved Doom on PS4, so I am gonna love it on the Switch.

2pacalypsenow2508d ago

Lol they gave the Ps4/Xbox 1 and PC which are technically superior a 7.1 but the Switch a 8.5.

I guess you can slap a Nintendo logo to anything and ge a 8+

TallonIV2508d ago

Different reviewers / different opinions

zivtheawesome2508d ago

doesn't matter, if a version performs worse with dips in performance below 30fps very occasionally, it does not deserve an 8.5 no matter how you look at it.

The 10th Rider2508d ago


Wait, I definitely agree that it's absolutely moronic that IGN game the original version a 7.1 and the Switch version an 8.5, but if a game dipping below 30fps doesn't deserve an 8.5 shouldn't the console versions of Witcher 3 and GTA V have substantially reduced scores?

Prince_TFK2508d ago

Umm because they reviewed it based on what it is, an AAA game shrink down to portable mode? Maybe the sheer accomplishment of doing that added to the point? Maybe because it has improved arena battle mode?

If you read the review, it says the following:

“Doom for Nintendo Switch is a straightforward port that runs well and looks pretty good. Which ultimately, is everything it needed to be. Even though it’s a little fuzzy, smashing through a legion of demons with a fun set of weapons and upgrades feels great, and especially when you throw in arcade mode and the much-improved multiplayer arena battles, this is the best mature-themed shooter you can currently get on the Switch.”

Thunder_G0d_Bane2508d ago

But then the question is can you play Doom on the go on a train with the ps4/xbox/PC? Without it being cumbersome like a laptop needing a mouse or a controller.

wonderfulmonkeyman2508d ago (Edited 2508d ago )

Of course they're technically superior; those are specifically home consoles, meaning the tech inside them is going to be better because the units themselves have more room to squeeze tech into.
The Switch version is being measured by the accomplishment of squeezing down a game made for technically-superior consoles into a hybrid, yet still managing to hit decent levels of graphical/framerate quality.
It's kind of stupid to expect this version to be scored less for not hitting power heights that only purist home consoles and PC's reliably hit.
That's like calling a penguin a lousy bird because it can't fly like other birds.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2508d ago
Altovoltage2508d ago

That’s funny fanboys shouldn’t be allowed to review games from 7.1 to 8.5 higher score even though it’s an inferior version 🙄

wonderfulmonkeyman2508d ago

It's only inferior due to the tech inside of the machine, not because of any fault of the developers.

This version is being judged by the feat of squeezing a normally high-power game into a portable while still maintaining decent levels of quality.
Not because it's somehow superior graphically to its contemporaries.

_-EDMIX-_2507d ago

Absolutely agreed

this is a classic Fanboy paid off review.

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RaidenBlack4d ago

Wonder what happened to the leaked medieval game that they were working on ... hope that's still on going and gets released sometime after GTA VI

gold_drake4d ago

eh wat?

its been on "break" for 11 years now ha 5 came out literally 11 years ago

isarai4d ago

Seeing as how it's been like 12yrs between releases, i don't think taking even more time is a good decision for the series

TheNamelessOne4d ago

So GTA 7 in around 2045 or 2050 lol

Mr_cheese2d ago

So make one GTA every human generation instead of every other console generation?

Come on...

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darthv723d ago

Well I really hope they make some $$ AND make a HFR2 in the process.

Sciurus_vulgaris3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I’m wonder if Microsoft fully sold the Hi-Fi Rush IP. They kept the publishing rights of the original game. I don’t even understand why the IP was sold. MS could have had another of its menagerie of studios do another Hi-Fi game, despite such a thing being unlikely.

mandf2d ago

It was given for free on gamepass. It didn’t sell well. Look at starfield it only sold 2.5 million because of gamepass

Sciurus_vulgaris2d ago

Starfield did $235 million in revenue on Steam alone from Sept-December 2023. So I’m sure it sold considerably more than 2.5 million copies.


ZwVw2d ago

Yes, it did sell well. GP version has a fraction of the reviews that the Deluxe Edition (more expensive purchase version of original) has. If anything, it shows that more people actually bought the Deluxe version than played the GP version, on Xbox at least.

LucasRuinedChildhood3d ago

Hi-Fi Rush on the Switch 2 at launch would probably sell a good amount.