
1UP Pre-TGS: Treasure Talks Sin & Punishment 2, VC, 360 Shooter

1UP writes: "Visiting acclaimed Japanese developer Treasure has now officially become a pre-Tokyo Game Show must for us (we spoke with them last year and the year before), so today we dropped by the Treasure offices once again to check in on one of our favorite studios. We spoke with Treasure president Masato Maegawa to get an update on the company's games in development -- including the just-announced Sin and Punishment 2. While we'll bring you further pieces of our interview in the future, here's a rundown of some of the main topics we discussed and his answers for each. As you'll see, there's plenty of good news -- though also some bad news for fans of the developer."

condorstrike5736d ago

who in their right mind could think that sin & punishment 2 with those graphics would be Wiiware? jeez...

SinnedNogara5694d ago

Well about the game's graphics, it is either that this is a 3rd party game (only pretty graphics come from Nintendo, and High Voltage). Second is that the game is still under developement and rough around the edges (that is too easy, they are as rough as a rattlesnake who stayed in the sun too long after getting out of a oven). I hope the game somehow uses co-op mode or WiiConnect24. We need more hardcore games that need that (Games that beg for WiiConnect24: The Conduit, TimeSplitters 4, Sin & Punishment 2, Pyroblazer)


Rangiku Matsumoto of Bleach is the Cosplay Babe of the Week

"A lieutenant in the 10th division of The Gotei 13. A very carefree, lazy and beautiful woman who tries to uses her charms to win over any situation. Her Zanpakuto is named Haineko and allows her to turn her sword to ash and control it to envelop her enemies.

About the games: The first game to be released from the Bleach series was Bleach: Heat the Soul, which debuted on March 24, 2005, and the latest release being Bleach: Soul Carnival 2, which was released on December 10, 2009. There are 19 games holding the "Bleach" name, not including the two crossover games, Jump Super Stars and Jump Ultimate Stars, which feature characters from numerous Weekly Shōnen Jump anime and manga series."

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GunShotEddy4986d ago

She is only equalled by Tsunade from Naruto. CAT FIGHT!

vgn244986d ago

I was thinking the same thing. They're both built alike "up top" and both have attitude.

bviperz4986d ago

The must have strong lower backs...

VG_Releaser4986d ago

Winner winner Chicken dinner.

vgchica4986d ago

The bleach games are some of the best fighters on the PSP and DS. Easily worth importing.

MGRogue20174986d ago (Edited 4986d ago )

Ummm... She looks like a 17 year old boy wearing a wig in some of those pics. >.>

But I'm liking those boobs though.

Optical_Matrix4986d ago

Its more than one girl though lol Some of them are hawt shit. I'd definitely glaze a few of them melons like a krispy kreme doughnut.

Convas4986d ago

Great minds think alike.

RacingLightning014986d ago

Oh wait, there I go pretending to have standards again..............

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How I Learned That Not Every Game Is Ikaruga and Loved Tyrannosatan | Black Flower Music

A satirical dialog regarding the treatment of niche titles like Sin and Punishment 2: Star Successor and Deathsmiles by mainstream gaming media.

Original title: Lolis Smile Back At The Star Successor: or How I Learned That Not Every Game Is Ikaruga and Loved Tyrannosatan

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Game Revolution: Sin & Punishment 2 Review

Game Revolution writes: "Few game genres summon the sounds, sights, and downright stink of the good old arcade days more than shoot-'em-ups. Back before the days of teh Haloz, these were the real “shooters”. But over the years, the genre’s been pushed further and further to the fringes of the gaming landscape, where shmup fans now have more in common with elderly shuffle-board players than with the youngsters pwning them in Call of Duty."

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