
The Evil Within 2 Runs at 1800P on Xbox One X and 1260P on PS4 Pro

Bethesda released official details on The Evil Within 2's new update, which allows the game to run at 1800P on Xbox One X and 1260P on PS4 Pro, respectively.

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DeadSilence2418d ago ShowReplies(29)
ccgr2418d ago

Nice! Can't wait to get my Xbox One X!

2418d ago Replies(1)
conanlifts2417d ago

Just picked mine up. I lived in a small town that usually has minimal queues for launches. There were 30 people waiting and i was told i would be that busy all day as orders were huge.

conanlifts2417d ago

Lol, I get down votes for telling people there were large queues at my local store when collecting my xbox (BTW I live in Australia so if the down votes are for people thinking I could not have been collecting it that is why). But I am sure if my store is anything to go by then there will be photos online soon enough showing the queues when it releases worldwide. Personally I really was not expecting these large queues.

Old McGroin2417d ago

You got down votes because internet folk like to downvote stuff, no point trying to figure out why, you would need to delve pretty far down in to the human psyche to find the answer.

spreadlove2417d ago

My local Best Buy said it was the biggest preorder of any console they ever had. I was like dang!

2417d ago Replies(5)
XStation4pio_Pro2413d ago

I love mine. It’s fantastic. Everything looks so much sharper smoother and even more colorful.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2413d ago
Many-hat52418d ago

That's a pretty big leap from standard consoles to Pro and X. That's good isn't it? What's the issue here?

ZeroX98762418d ago

The only "Issue" is that I guess some were expecting the same performance for both upgraded consoles, but you're paying more for The X than the Pro. Only make sense that you would get better performance on the higher cost hardware.

Why is it so hard to understand for some, no clue. Except with the original X1 bundled with kinect, usually you get better performance the more you pay.

hulk_bash19872418d ago

I mean how is this not getting into some people's heads? I own a pro and I more than accept that the Xbox One X will win out almost every time when it comes to multiplatform performance. Let's all move on and enjoy the games that every one gets to play on their platforms of choice. Jezzus some people act like it's the end of the world.

Sunny_D2418d ago

Especially since the X decided to come out a whole year and a half after announcement. It only took 4 years for Microsoft to release it... oh and I guess the whole thing about Phil Spencer saying “Play games, not pixels” has been forgotten? Lmao

ZeroX98762418d ago (Edited 2418d ago )

completely agreeing with you, there's so many games to play, no need to envy another platform.

Just like the always online, yes it's been forgotten. Xbox needed some changes and this is exactly what they're trying to do. If Xbox owners care more about their money going in R&D to develop a better hardware rather than budgeting new games, so be it. It's a choice and nothing's wrong with it. Plus, most Xbox owners I know plays mainly third party games, so the X is a big plus for them!

NeoGamer2322418d ago (Edited 2418d ago )

And the fact it is released a year after PS4 Pro

freshslicepizza2417d ago

Well it's nice to see so much interest in people wanting better performance.

tontontam02417d ago

These xbox fanboys are hypocrites they pay more to get better performance, but when pc gamers pay more to get better performance they mock pc gamers.

Captain_Tom2417d ago

I mean I think the truth is in the middle:

1) XBOX fans need to calm down. I get that you are desperate for resolutions above 720p, but it's not like the XBX is insanely powerful. It's just 1 year newer than the PS4 Pro and more expensive. So yeah it's stronger lol.

2) Playstation fans shouldn't doubt that the new XBX is the strongest console. IT IS. But that's ok lol. It costs more, and honestly the PS4 Pro is more efficient. But again the XBX should ALWAYS have at least slightly higher performance than the PS4 Pro because it is a tad simpler and brute force stronger.

P.S. TLoU 2 will still be the best looking game of this gen...

2417d ago
spreadlove2417d ago


There should be no cases where the Xbox One X doesn't win against PS4 Pro. If it is, it is the developers fault, because of the raw power is astounding. #FeelTruePower

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2417d ago
GamingSinceForever2418d ago

These are a bunch of morons you're questioning. Most of them likely only have a 1080p TV and they'd still argue the difference between anything above 1080p as if they could really see the difference.

Unless you have both systems running side by side, the resolution that you see would be perfect you fine.

This ish is exhausting really.

zoweyecex2417d ago

I quit working at shoprite and now I make $35h - $80h...how? I'm working online! My work didn't exactly make me happy so I decided to take a chance on something new… after 4 years it was so hard to quit my day job but now I couldn't be happier. Heres what I do, •••••••••>> http://tiny.cc/online-jobs-...

CoryHG2418d ago

LOL no the issue continues to be ms lying. Its not true 4k gaming, its just as dynamic as ps4 pro

2417d ago
MattE2417d ago

Actually.. it's still almost a 100% increase from the Pro.. so there you go .. it's not a high end Pc but it's far beyond the console competition

CoryHG2417d ago

PlayStation Pro ads even state Dynamic. Xbonerx states native or true. It's blatant.

Smokingunz2417d ago

So why does the x look way better then? Do u even have an x?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2417d ago
Wotbot2418d ago

Damn that’s a jump from the Pro. The X is definitely the place for console multi platform gaming.

constantine_man2417d ago (Edited 2417d ago )

So? I mean, the PS4 Pro was literally advertised as "dynamic 4k" console so I don't see the issue here.

Prince-Ali2417d ago

of course.... but it's not been a console hyped to hell and back... duhh

OC_MurphysLaw2418d ago

X getting better performance over the Pro shouldn't surprise anyone.

constantine_man2417d ago

Not sure how that is surprising. Where did Microsoft say that every game would be native 4k?

ZeroX98762418d ago


4K for some titles, but we all know that graphics are always getting better, so the 4K statement will fade out as time goes by.

Won't change the fact that the X graphics are better.
Just like it won't change the fact that Sony brings more exclusives and diversity with Playstation.

Judging from your comments, you prefer more titles over hardware performance, which is exactly my preference also.

zerocarnage2417d ago Show
NoPeace_Walker2417d ago (Edited 2417d ago )

"BUT not getting 4k is"

The Pro is 1260p. Let say if the XB1X is native 4K for instance, that would of made the PS4 Pro seems even more inferior than what it already is compared to the X. Ask yourself this, does it make Pro owners happier about their investment to see a 540p disadvantaged of 1260p vs 1800p or a 800p disadvantage of 1260p vs 2160p?

DarXyde2417d ago (Edited 2417d ago )

Ask yourself this, were Xbox gamers happier about their investment to see sub-1080p resolutions as a standard in gen 8?

I think the answer is probably the same to both of our questions, depending on who you are. My answer? I don't care. I don't own a Pro, but I do own an Xbox One. I don't care that it's 900p. I don't care if PS4 has better resolution and visual fidelity. Naturally, I don't care about a 540p advantage. I love my PS4, but resolution was never a deal breaker for me. I game for fun and I see everyone obsessing over such superficial nonsense. You're literally paying for these consoles again because you want more pixels (or frame rate which I can get behind, but you'll never have 4K/60fps if the normal version isn't 60fps). Nothing about this screams savvy consumerism. We're all losers if this catches on because it sets a bad precedent.

If y'all want your graphics, good on you. Enjoy your stuff. But it's pretty damn sad to see everyone being hypocrites. Resolution didn't matter, now it does. Native resolution always mattered, now it doesn't.

Give me a break, keyboard badasses. Play your games and be humble about it. That's so hard for some reason.

Felsager2417d ago (Edited 2417d ago )

"X getting better performance over the Pro shouldn't surprise anyone."

True, but this type of news makes Asperger dumbass xbots burst like drama drag queens justifying their purchase. Its painful to see butthurt xbots spend 500 dollars on a '3DO' console without exclusive and watch the same emo snowflakes ejaculate nonsense on PS4 threads.


OC_MurphysLaw2417d ago

nonsense pretty much sums up many posts on N4G....including yours.

Weeblordbad2417d ago

If you planned on buying a console, saw it performing well with software you already owned wouldn't you be excited? To think anyone expressing excitement or interest in the One X means they're a fan boy only highlights your own bias and insecurity.

The OneX was always going to outrun the Pro. What matters is how it's supported with third party titles and how Microsoft's own first party work develops. Getting bent out of shape because some people get over excited is just... Really sad.

Felsager2416d ago (Edited 2416d ago )


You get a new consoles for the following reasons:
1. Exclusives.
2. First party support.

Why spend 500 dollars plus 400 dollars on two xbox with a weak library of games. Yes power matters when there is a reason to use it. Why should anyone spend 500 dollars at the end of the generation when MS felt short of exclusives?


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2416d ago
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