
Xbox's Shannon Loftis Defends Exclusives Lineup, Teases More Game Announcements

"I think our offering is good and it is solid," the Xbox GM says.

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RpgSama2454d ago

That's all they do, they always keep teasing more announcements that never come or when they do come it's a "WORLD EXCLUSIVE" (launch trailer), they lost so much ground in this generation on the software department against the 360, it's just crazy.

chrisx2454d ago (Edited 2454d ago )

Exactly. With all the money ms has the software presentation this gen is indefensible. they need major restructuring over there.

UCForce2454d ago (Edited 2454d ago )

The problem is that MS don't want to. They afraid to lose a lot of money. Sea of Thieves have cost a lot of money for MS. But Sea of Thieves is a GaaS game which will increase profitable to MS. Did you see why MS buy Minecraft in first place ? Because They want to be profitable. It will be the same thing with PUGB exclusive. And Microsoft will be just like Valve. When they will be no longer taking risk of making more new games.

Relientk772454d ago

But but you gotta wait until E3 when Microsoft shows off all these ridic "exclusives" it's only like 8 months away.

2454d ago
UCForce2454d ago

MS focus is now Multiplayer and Coop. Single Player isn't MS priority anymore. That's just disappointing.

343_Guilty_Spark2453d ago (Edited 2453d ago )

They just had major restructuring.

How is Sea of Thieves GaAS. Do you have insider info @UCFORCE

Jinger2453d ago


As of right now SoT isn't a GaaS game. Just because it has a focus of online co-op doesnt mean it's GaaS.

TankCrossing2453d ago (Edited 2453d ago )

Sea of Thieves is definitely GaaS. MS plan to support that game for many years.

You think they will just release it, then forget about it and move onto other projects? That'll only happen if t is a catastrophic failure (which i wouldn't rule out at all from what I've seen of it).

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2453d ago
2454d ago Replies(9)
2454d ago Replies(3)
bluefox7552453d ago

I have a feeling when they're not talking about AAA titles when they say "announcements".

drunkenspy0072453d ago

They love saying exclusive when that game is also available on PC. PS4 and Switch are the only consoles with real exclusive games.

DialgaMarine2453d ago

Their E3 announcer voice was a total laughing stick for that lol

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2453d ago
Gazondaily2454d ago

"I think our offering is good and it is solid. I definitely hear that gamers want more. Would we love to have two-dozen more super-strong, absolutely exclusives? You bet,"

Disagree there. Solid as far as the holiday season? Maybe but only because of PubG and the usual waiting for hols to release titles.

" I do not see how offering games on more platforms to more gamers is a bad thing necessarily, particularly in a multiplayer scenario"

Well the Xbox console's value proposition takes a MASSIVE hit when the titles are available on PC. I agree that the MP scenario has real benefits, assuming that can work well without compromising on balance. Games like Forza being on both with enhanced/shared player numbers is great.

Gamers have spoken and MS appear to acknowledge it but wouldn't it be great/refreshing for team Xbox to say something of the lines of "Yo, so we know we're suffering from a lack of exclusives currently. We recognise that and we are definitely working towards fixing that. Don't worry we hear you."

I guess they are trying to say that...but they have been saying that for a while. We need some results. Yes the early years weren't so bad but its at the latte part of the gen where the results truly matter. The 360 slumped massively in this regard at the end. Unless Xbox pull their pants up, the X1 is to continue that trend

Death2454d ago

Value takes a hit when the games are on PC? I buy all my games digital now so I can play them on my Xbox and PC. How does that reduce value? Are you referring to all the people that hate Xbox and choose to play Xbox games on their uber PC instead?

The only thing Microsoft can do now is make more exclusive first party games and pay to keep games off other platforms. I would like to see them make more quality first party games.

ApocalypseShadow2454d ago

Reducing value means even in the smallest way, they are giving consumers reason not to buy the console if they can play Microsoft games somewhere else.

Consoles have exclusives for a reason or there's no point in buying them. Not sure why you don't see that. If Sony and Nintendo had offered their games on PC in the past, there would have been a possibility of more sales from the first Nintendo and PlayStation 1 going forward. But **LESS** of a reason to buy their hardware because PC was always more powerful than consoles.

If Sony and Nintendo offered their games on Xbox, would there be a reason to buy a Nintendo Switch or PS4? No. If Netflix offered their original programming on Hulu, would there be a reason to subscribe to Netflix? No. There's a reason why some people go to particular restaurants. Because the Master Chef only makes food at that establishment only.

Exclusives matter when you want clientele or there's no point in competition or creating a place, exclusive features or product.

Death2454d ago (Edited 2454d ago )

I see reducing value as limiting where I can play my games and for how long. Play Anywhere and b/c have added value to my games. Locking games to a single platform generation and then reselling then over and over reduced value to me. SOC was just announced for PS4 which is the third console for the same game. Letting gamers use the PS2 or PS3 copy they already own on PS4 with free enhancements would add value. Allowing them to by it again, not so much.

We clearly define value differently.

As for making Microsoft Xbox games playable on Microsoft Windows 10 PC, I don’t see the difference between that and PS4 exclusives that also play on Vita or PSNow

Outside_ofthe_Box2454d ago (Edited 2454d ago )

"Value takes a hit when the games are on PC? I buy all my games digital now so I can play them on my Xbox and PC. How does that reduce value?"

It increases the value of each individual game because you can play it on two platforms, but at the same time the value of the Xbox One console does take a hit, it might not be a ginormous hit, but it's still a hit nonetheless. Previously, titles that were must have, you had to buy Xbox hardware to play it, now you have a choice to play it on Xbox or PC. The Xbox isn't absolutely necessary to play those games anymore. And it does make PC gaming more attractive. Those that were strictly console gamers before might dabble with PC to maximize their gaming.

Either way MS has to increase their output.

"As for making Microsoft Xbox games playable on Microsoft Windows 10 PC, I don’t see the difference between that and PS4 exclusives that also play on Vita or PSNow "

Well the XBox and PC games are the same game. With the Vita, usually you are getting a far inferior experience compared to the PS4 version. Some gameplay feature may omitted in the Vita version. For PSNow, it does reduce the value of the PS4 as well. There is a reason why Sony isn't releasing new exclusives right away on PSNow even though they can easily do it.

rainslacker2453d ago

Think septic is saying the value proposition of the hardware is reduced. You seem to be referring to the value of the software. If so, it would seem more beneficial to want ms to make more games to have more value to both systems you own. However, if one has a pc, the value proposition for console hardware is diminished because it becomes redundant. Obviously there will be some that see value in having both, but the need to get one isn't as pressing if you already have the means to play said games elsewhere.

Death2453d ago


That assumes you are interested in all or at least a significant amount of the available exclusives. As a PS4 owner I don’t buy the majority of the exclusives available. How much value should I put into the games I don’t want?

I own a very competent gaming PC as well as an Xbox. I find more value in my Play Anywhere games that I buy once and have access to on both. I find more value in playing my “old games” I already paid for enhanced on a new system. Buying a game on my PS4 and knowing it has a shorter shelf life of usability doesn’t make me feel like I’m getting more value. I respect that people are out ther excited to pay for SoC for a third time, but I feel it’s gouging. It’s the opposite of adding value. I would rather see the game I already bought be worth something longer.

Why o why2453d ago

Death... its obvious you either just don't get it or just dont want to understand.

Answer me this... why did you think ms stopped/blocked many of the xbox exclusives from being on pc last gen?

Why do you think they used the term 'exclusive' during their presser?

My point is the value of the hardware is lessened if the software can be played in its same capacity elswhere, in this case the pc but thats not the be all or end all as sony has shared many titles with pc too. Here's the thing though, sony know the value of usp's and true exclusive content is increases the value proposition. You may not like all there is to offer but you ultimately have more choice as do others. You may not like everybody's golf or persona 5 but others will. Multiply unique titles by 10 and theres more opportunities to attract and retain custom by casting a wider net.

Ms devalued the xb1 when they announced all of its software were going multi. Great for the devs and guys who owned a pc too but not so much for the xb hardware. Many pc guys were overjoyed when they heard ms's plan to share all titles...one less piece of hardware and a subscription to worry about. How can you not see how that affects the relevance of the x1. Its not a doom n gloom situation but it sure isn't helping that much.

rainslacker2453d ago (Edited 2453d ago )

OK. Well, before we proceed, I have to ask how play anywhere has added a lot of value to a lot of your game purchases if you don't buy many exclusives.

On top of that, there are only 25 games available now, with 11 coming in the future with Play Anywhere based on MS own provided list, and the only two big ones that aren't from MS are Shadow of War and Resident Evil.


It seems you're exaggerating the actual significance of the value you gain from this feature. Just like with Sony's cross buy, it's not a heavily implemented feature, and while there is value in those games which offer it, I can't see that it's that much of a consideration on the larger scale.

plus, I feel Septic was speaking generally, while you were speaking personally, and anecdotally. I can understand, and even relate to what you find of value in the X1X, and won't discourage you from seeing that or buying an X1X(which I assume you already did). I just think that you are taking Septics generalized statement, and trying to make your own views as applicable across the board.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2453d ago
freshslicepizza2454d ago

I like the direction with Play Anywhere, Windows support. I also like the designs of the Xbox One S and XB1X, both are beautiful and amazing engineering. They also have very strong online support and cloud services around the globe.

But they need games, they need to create new studios. When they canceled Coalitions new project in favor of Gears of War I knew right there they still don't get it. The only sign I see of anything new is Sea of Thieves. Not one other game shows they are investing in the future.

Gazondaily2454d ago (Edited 2454d ago )

Dont worry; won't be long till you're back to launching ad hominem attacks but let's enjoy this moment with a nice cup of tea ☕

Outside_ofthe_Box2454d ago

If I launch ad hominem attacks, then you are most definitely guilty of it as well.

Gazondaily2453d ago

Pretty sure you launch into those first but never mind. So is that a yes to tea?

travestyj2453d ago

Did she take PR speaking lessons from Donald Trump?

bluefox7552453d ago

Considering Trump won, I'd say no.

KillBill2452d ago

"Well the Xbox console's value proposition takes a MASSIVE hit when the titles are available on PC." - in saying that you are then surmising that games offered on PS4 and on PSP or PS Vita then PS4 console takes a MASSIVE hit. It does not. Offering a game that is playable across multiple platforms to play with a single purchase point actually buffs the worth of Xbox console. It is something that even Sony realizes they need to get invested in and are doing so in their own way with PS Now on PC. (though at a much weaker value point)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2452d ago
-Foxtrot2454d ago (Edited 2454d ago )

Bullshit. They've done this like 3 years in a row now if not longer...it's the same routine and some people still fall for it. It feels like they are literally just buying their time as long as they can, until next gen or something.

E3 comes and there's a lack of good announcements or first party content

People express their disappointment

Microsoft hype up future game announcements at every new up coming game event

They all pass and nothing

E3 comes...cycle repeats. Some years better then others but compared to their year round hype...it's not as good.

Maybe they should literally shut their mouths, seriously if there's no hype to an event where they announce games then even the most lackluster conference will look better then what it would be if they hyped the shit out of it as peoples expectations would be low. I mean you don't really see Sony or Nintendo hyping the hell out of events continuously do you...they show, not just tell.

RpgSama2454d ago

I 100% agree, they've been doing this for the better part of this generation and people still fall for it, and when they do eventually show something, it's either a timed exclusive that they word in such a way that makes it seems like an actual exclusive, a game that will not be released for 4 or 5 years but they hype every year or a game that will never see the light of day because they cancel it (after hyping it for years)

Death2454d ago

So you don’t want Microsoft to talk about more first party games. Interesting...

UCForce2454d ago (Edited 2454d ago )

I think MS need to let their first party Studios do their own thing. For me, I want to see 343 do a new IP like Sony let GG did with HZD.

RpgSama2454d ago

We want them to talk more about first party games that actually exist and are actually released.

2454d ago
-Foxtrot2454d ago

Eh? I said they shouldn't hype up their conferences if they aren't going to show anything to match their own hype. Where the hell did you get "don't ever talk about first party games" from...seriously, it's like you guys create your own counter points when you see someone criticizing them because there's nothing else you can counter point with.

All they have to do is just wait until the event, then show what you have...not hyping the shit out of a conference half a year before hand promising big things nearly every week until then only for people to watch the show then express their disappointment.

The difference between Microsoft and Nintendo/Sony is that Microsoft make their mouth go all the time even when it's quiet and nothing is happening while Nintendo/Sony wait until gaming events like E3/Paris Games Week or a launch for an exclusive game for their system. I'm not saying they never say a word in between but compared to Microsoft they seem quiet as a mouse because they know "there's a time and a place for everything"

Next time you'll hear Sony suits and the like going on about stuff will probably be in December a few days before and after PSX.

bluefox7552453d ago (Edited 2453d ago )

No. All they do is TALK. It's time for them to show, not tell, for once.

rainslacker2453d ago

I'd love for them to. I'd love for them to show them, then talk about them. Instead, they talk about them, but we have no idea what they are, or if we should really be hyped for them, because again, we don't know what they are. Ultimately, I'd love for them to release them, particularly the one's they've been talking about for years now, all while they act like they are holding back announcing them until they are ready to release them so they can save face against all the people begging for them to show something new.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2453d ago
freshslicepizza2454d ago (Edited 2454d ago )

The big problem as well for Microsoft is they put so much emphasis on E3 that if it doesn't deliver then it becomes even more jarring than if Sony and Nintendo don't deliver at E3. Sony just had a Paris show and had new games, where is Microsoft showing new titles all year? Shannon is just another puppet whose job is to promote the Xbox and put the most positive spin. This comment speaks loudly about how out of touch they are,

"I think our offering is good and it is solid. I definitely hear that gamers want more. Would we love to have two-dozen more super-strong, absolutely exclusives? You bet,"
Loftis said. "We do have more coming; more that are in the works that we're not talking about now. But I feel good about what we have to offer for the launch [of Xbox One X]."

Would we love to have two dozen more strong exclusives? What kind of nonsense is that, they don't even have one dozen in the last few years all together. This year the only notable games are Forza 7 and Halo Wars 2 and maybe Cuphead, with PUBG to follow. Am I missing anything? That's not strong enough Shannon to dismiss concerns for exclusives.

UCForce2454d ago

Cuphead isn't exclusive because it's on Steam.

freshslicepizza2454d ago

"Cuphead isn't exclusive because it's on Steam."

So is No Mans Sky but that still didn't stop Sony from promoting it as a console exclusive. PUBG is also on Steam. Anything else you want to add?

RpgSama2454d ago

The difference is that No Mans Sky it's just one of a LOT more games that actually are 100% exclusive to the system, Cuphead is one of 4 games that came out for the year on Xbox One that are "exclusive" and somewhat important, the other 3 being Halo Wars 2 (the only exclusive for the first 8 months of the year) Forza 7 and PUBG.

2454d ago
ziggurcat2454d ago


"So is No Mans Sky but that still didn't stop Sony from promoting it as a console exclusive..."

... because it IS a console exclusive...........

Gazondaily2453d ago


"... because it IS a console exclusive..........."

And so is Cuphead. That is the point Moldy is making, countering what UCForce is saying about the game being available for Steam

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2453d ago
Death2454d ago

You see what you want to see.

nix2452d ago

Or some people like you don't even want to see things from other perspective.

Gh05t2453d ago

You make it sound like this is planned. You think they planned on not having Scalebound to talk about at this last E3? You think it was planned to have Sea of Thieves and Crackdown 3 not ready for the Xbox One X launch?

Its not good and everyone knows it but it is not like it is how MS expected things to go. they are doing what they can given the hand that was dealt. I dont really expect them to hang their heads and cry. It is their job to try to maintain confidence and build the brand. Next year will be shallow with the standard Halo and Forza announcements and I believe releases during holiday 2018. I dont expect anything new out of MS until 2019 holiday which sucks as an xbox owner but it is what it is.

rainslacker2452d ago

We can always expect the unexpected to happen with any game production. Sh*t happens sometimes.

But when those cancellations and delays are exacerbating the lack of overall game output to epic proportions, then it's obvious that MS simply just doesn't have the content to back up their own console.

The hand MS was dealt is one of their own making. They decided not to invest more into their own games development or acquisition. They decided to hype up what they do have to a great degree without being sure they could deliver, and have done that on multiple occasions, to the point where it's only their big three games which actually seem to get released on time.

I understand it's their job to maintain confidence in the brand, but statements like this only serve to ignore, or at least not address the actual criticisms they are getting. It doesn't build confidence to keep saying they have stuff coming, when they've been saying that for years with not much to show for it. They've over-promised and under delivered for years now, and no one besides MS dealt them that hand.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2452d ago
Relientk772454d ago

Weak lineup especially this year.

2454d ago Replies(3)
StormLegend2454d ago

"I think our offering is good and it is solid," the Xbox GM says."
Why TF you lying?

2454d ago

Lol..."Give the lil dude his ball back."

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