
Super Lucky's Tale (Xbox One) Review | CGM

Super Lucky's Tale is a generic and forgettable 3D platformer, and the first new game available for the Xbox One X at time of launch. Fans deserve better.

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ZehnDrachen2423d ago

Oh damn. Looks like this this game is DOA.

darthv722423d ago

The game is hit and miss. It's a hit from the reviewers who view it for younger audiences and a miss from reviewers who try and view it for themselves. The appeal looks to be specifically for the younger demographic.

Ashlen2423d ago (Edited 2423d ago )

I'm pretty sure it's a miss from anyone who has played Mario and other platformers. Heck if you just want a platformer and don't have a Switch get A Hat in Time, that game is fantastically adorable and the gameplay is flawless.

darthv722423d ago

A hat in time looks sweet. That appeals to me but this one... not so much. And my kids are older now so even they prob wouldnt enjoy this. It's cute and all but just a bit too childish. I wish there was a demo of it though. I'd try a demo for myself.

Servbot412423d ago

All the power in the world doesn't matter if you can't make a decent exclusive for it.

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Xbox Game Pass: Calm and Relaxing Titles to Enjoy

Since we are being encouraged to stay indoors, why not enjoy some relaxing games? Here are a few suggestions from the Xbox Game Pass.

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Super Lucky’s Tale Is Better On The Switch, But Also Worse

Following his debut in Oculus Rift launch game Lucky’s Tale, adorable fox hero Lucky gave traditional platforming action a try in Super Lucky’s Tale for the Xbox One and PC. New Super Lucky’s Tale for the Nintendo Switch is an enhanced version of Super Lucky’s Tale, with new and remixed levels, story cinematics, and a fully-rotatable 3D camera. It also adds frequent framerate drops and a ridiculous amount of loading.

NecrumOddBoy1688d ago

"Better On The Switch" 🤔 This is such an overused hyperbole.

Positivelypositive 1687d ago

I personally didn't enjoy how quickly levels were locked behind collecting the coins from the past levels. Sure this feature has become a thing but honestly its a turn off. Mario did it and imo its one of the changes they made that was a bad choice. They got it really right in the first new super mario bros and even galaxy. Don't gate keep. Reward!


Celebrated 3D Platformer Super Lucky's Tale Possibly Coming To Switch

After receiving favourable feedback on Steam last September when the game released on Steam, Playful might be bringing their celebrated 3D Platformer Super Lucky's Tale to Switch this year.

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FallenAngel19842000d ago

Celebrated? Lmao barely anybody paid attention when this game came out, but now that there’s a possibility this game is getting ported it’s suddenly a “celebrated” title

DaDrunkenJester1999d ago

While I agree it's not celebrated or even a top tier platformer. I did enjoy playing it with my daughter, it was simple enough for her to understand, but had slight difficulty spikes that allowed me to play and help her out. I'd like to see a sequel because it does have potential to be a great 3d platformer.

foster4261999d ago

Why would someone downvote this? This comment section is crazy.

Razzer1999d ago

"Why would someone downvote this? This comment section is crazy."

Anonymous upvotes/downvotes are not comments. I have no idea why people like you are more interested with how people vote over what people say. That's whats really crazy.

foster4261999d ago

"People like you".

Fuck you, you fucking bitch. good job generalizing and putting me in a god damn motherfucking bubble you fucking BITCH

Razzer1999d ago (Edited 1999d ago )

People whining about votes is a common occurrence on n4g and yes, you obviously fit that characterization. The guy had only two downvotes at the time, but you couldn't help bitching about it. So yeah....you pretty much put yourself in that bubble all by yourself.

And I'm not generalizing anything. I called out people, like you, who bitch about votes. That is rather specific, not general at all. You, on the other hand, called the comment section "crazy". That was a generalization. Suggest you learn the difference and try not to refer to others as "crazy" before dropping a bunch of unnecessary F-bombs. lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1999d ago
Sono4211999d ago

Lmao I thought the same thing, even reviews across the board gave it terrible scores, did the developers pay the writer to say this or what?

Neonridr1999d ago

64 isn't terrible. In fact it's one more than the Order 1886 scored. Just to put that into perspective.

-Foxtrot1999d ago

What’s the Order got to do with this or is that just an obvious dig at Sony you had to do

Razzer1999d ago

"64 isn't terrible. In fact it's one more than the Order 1886 scored."

Why are you comparing two "terrible" games as if that proves anything? Oh......cuz Sony?

Neonridr1998d ago

@Foxtrot - because it was widely known here that the Order wasn't that bad and all that stuff. Regardless of what the score indicated. Metacritic doesn't mean everything.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1998d ago
maximumspidey1999d ago

i mean it did pretty well for itself

Vits2000d ago

While Minecraft exists and demonstrates that Microsoft is interested in having some of its games on more platforms, so far no other game published by them has received such treatment. So having Super Lucky's Tale being ported is rather surprising.

Sciurus_vulgaris1999d ago

The Lucky’s Tale IP is not owned by Microsoft

Vits1999d ago

Yes, but they are still the publisher. And normally exclusivity is part of the deal with this sort of release and even more after all the promotion that Microsoft invested in this game.

Sm00thNinja1999d ago

Microsoft also published Rise of the Tomb Raider on their platform?

FullmetalRoyale1999d ago

Minecraft was on every platform before MS bought them. I’m not sure that it’s the best way to prove your point. I do agree that Microsoft wants to make money(as every company does. They seem to have the least pride about it, which can be a double edged sword.

EddieNX 1999d ago

Cool. It's not a Microsoft IP tho so calm down.

IamTylerDurden11999d ago

The game was panned by critics and didn't sell a lick on XB1. In fact, the VR, console, and PC version all received poor reviews. I never understood why this subpar platformer continued to be pushed. It was never Celebrated. This PC release with favourable feedback is a 59 Metacritic, yes, a 59.


Kribwalker1999d ago ShowReplies(6)
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