
NWR: Cave Story Impressions

NWR writes: "Cave Story is one of the most acclaimed homebrew freeware PC games ever created. The game was designed and programmed by a single individual who goes by the internet name "Pixel." Though I had not played it before, I was immediately taken in by its classic action-adventure gameplay. Control is no more complex than an NES game, and this simplicity is combined with an all-around engaging environment.

The game falls into the Metroidvania genre, with many interconnecting regions that can be revisited, including save points and teleportation pads. Compared to those two games, Cave Story is faster-paced than either Castlevania or Metroid. Though the game looks simple on the surface, it has surprising depth easily equaling similar commercial endeavors, standing as proof that large development teams are not necessary to produce complete, quality games."

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Cave Story+ free at Epic Games Store

Cave Story+ is free at Epic Games Store. The free game offer runs until September 7 at 11 AM Eastern. Once you claim it, it's yours to keep.

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Top 20 Best DSiWare Games (10-1)

Alex S. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "Last week we took a look at ten games that, while great in their own right kind of represented what most people think of when they think of DSiWare; small games that offer fun, but limited experiences. And while that's definitely a defining feature of DSiWare games the service was also home to some surprisingly deep experiences that you can take on the go. And that's really what defines the best games for the service, games that went above and beyond what people expected from it."

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Cave Story+ is free at Epic Games Store

Starting today, Cave Story+ is free at Epic Games Store. The free game offer runs until December 10 at 11 AM Eastern. Once you claim it, it’s yours to keep.

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drunkenspy0071294d ago

don't do it unless you want epic spamming adds at you while you try to enjoy your game.

UltimateOwnage1294d ago

But the original game has always been free from Studio Pixel...