
Bethesda's Pete Hines Praises Guerrilla's Horizon: Zero Dawn, Says It's "Unbelievable"

Pete Hines, VP of PR and Marketing at Bethesda, praised Guerrilla for straying out of Killzone to create the unbelievable Horizon: Zero Dawn.

That's what creative studios need to do, just like Bethesda isn't necessarily tied to Elder Scrolls.

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Cybermario2492d ago

is good to see developers praise the works of others, instead of acting like jealous people. Very deserved praise.

k2d2491d ago

I bet he's a little envious over Horizon's qualities, though.

IamTylerDurden12491d ago (Edited 2491d ago )

Bethesda needs to look at GG and CDPR and realize that u can have an amazing open world rpg WITH great visuals that runs properly. Bethesda has great creative ppl, but their games are embarrassing on the technical side. They use old antiquated engines and are arguably the worst running games around. There is no excuse anymore, when your games sell 10-20 million units each it's an embarrassment to have sub AAA visuals coupled with laughable performance. Seeing what GG has accomplished their first time out (with an open world rpg) makes it all the more embarrassing for Bethesda. I love Bethesda, but they need to scrap the dying archaic corpse of the Gamebryo engine and they need new technical ppl.

TheKingKratos2491d ago (Edited 2491d ago )

Horizon: Zero Dawn is so damn beautiful on the Pro
and on top of that it offer great Story/Gameplay/Soundtrack and great boss battles.

-Foxtrot2491d ago

Hopefully they will improve things in the next Elder Scrolls game

No dumbing the game down...Oblivions system was a little broken but there was some ideas there, they just need to go back to the drawing board.

Silly Mammo2490d ago

Probably envious of how few game crushing bugs Horizon had for a new IP. Bethesda could learn a thing or 2 from Guerilla.

Armaggedon2490d ago

Horizon Zero Dawn is open world, and has solid visuals, however, it does not have the same level of depth that Bethesda's games do. Bethesda have skilled developers, and people underestimate just how dense their games are. It would be very hard for developers to do follow in Beths tracks. There is a reason there are virtually no copy cats to Bethesda's games.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2490d ago
Bigpappy2490d ago

It is also a good PR move to not ruffle the feathers of a beloved fanbase. Obviously PS4 owners love them some Horizon. Too say anything with a hint of negativity regarding any of their exclusive, but especially this game or uncharted, would start a serious anti-Bethesda boycott by the PS fans.
Look no further than what is happening to Cliff B. He insulted that base on many occasions then try to play up to them and even went as far as insulting his own fanbase. Now no one even gave his game a chance.

KaiPow2492d ago

I hope one of those two upcoming projects is that space title I've heard rumors of.

TyrellCorp2490d ago

Starfield, E3 was a huge tease.

Imp0ssibl32492d ago

Yes it was. Thank Heavens they dropped Killzone!

UCForce2491d ago (Edited 2491d ago )

Without Killzone, there wouldn't be Horizon Zero Dawn. Think twice, buddy.

BlackTar1872491d ago

You didn't say anything he didn't.

ooquis2491d ago

Im still hoping for Killzone 2 remake.

UltraNova2491d ago

Same here. I like Killzone games and i really wish they revist this universe sooner rather than later!

Army_of_Darkness2491d ago

I'd be good with an HD remastered of 2 and 3 checker boarding running at 60fps! Damn can you imagine how great that will play and look?!

Thomaticus2491d ago

Killzone Kollection (KZ - 1-3) with the vita Killzone ported to the PS4 would be nice.

Felsager2491d ago


"Yes it was. Thank Heavens they dropped Killzone!"


"I'm a dumb jackass who knows nothing about video games and comes here ejaculating nonsense like a 12 years old kid with this a troll alt account"

We get ya buddy....^^

Quetzll2491d ago

Nice addition to the discussion. You have provided a great service. Just kidding, that was sarcasm.

You added nothing and instead insulted another user. Go get some crayons and write an apology.

And you of course missed OP's point, despite you replying to it. He meant that he's glad they didn't pump out another Killzone game. He meant that he is glad they made HZD and not another Killzone. He is glad for HZD. He didn't say anything negative about Killzone. Do you understand now, Felsagger?

Considering what he actually meant, I agree with Imp0ssible and im sure nearly everyone else does as well. Definitely glad we have HZD and not another Killzone. Killzone is cool though.

morganfell2491d ago (Edited 2491d ago )

They did not drop Killzone. It is simply not the game they made this time. Killzone is very much a part of their heritage. Its possible after having a taste of open world Guerrilla could make an open world Killzone Survival title. But whatever the case may be, GG is possibly not done with Killzone. Conceivably Guerrilla could become a two platoon company like Naught Dog.



Felsager2489d ago


"You added nothing and instead insulted another user. Go get some crayons and write an apology."

I did, I simply spotted a dumbass moron who tried to write nonsense without thinking. If any user wants to provide an insight, he or she should get informed on what such user is going to say. He simply ejaculated random nonsense without thinking.

"He meant that he's glad they didn't pump out another Killzone game. He meant that he is glad they made HZD and not another Killzone. He is glad for HZD. He didn't say anything negative about Killzone. Do you understand now, Felsager?"

Killzone gave Guerrilla a head start and good dividends in the PS3. They became noticed and thanks to their talents they managed to evolve into Horizon Zero Down. Killzone established their engine and their programming strategies for their next titles.

Killzone is a good franchise with a fair set of followers. I'm not asking for another killzone now. Eventually there will be a sequel adding the open world scheme due to the experience gained in Horizon Zero Down. Besides Killzone is not dropped out.

"Considering what he actually meant, I agree with Imp0ssible and im sure nearly everyone else does as well. Definitely glad we have HZD and not another Killzone. Killzone is cool though."

He went dumbass and forced my hand. Next time he needs to stop being a retard and think a bit more. Simple.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2489d ago
Chris_Wray2492d ago

I loved it, can't praise it enough myself. A good example to use of a company that branched out to make an excellent game as well.
However, Bethesda haven't exactly proven themselves outside of TES or Fallout though. Hell, their only none TES or Fallout game in the past 15 years that they developed, not published, was a drag racing game, back in 2004. It's time they did branch out.

2491d ago
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Yuzo Koshiro's PC/Megadrive Shooter: Earthion Trailer #1 Has Been Released

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Random: Hideo Kojima Highlights The 21st Anniversary Of 'Boktai' On GBA

No sunlight that day, apparently.

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OtterX9d ago

They should release it on NSO's GBA lineup. The Switch has a light sensor afterall! (Switch Lite owners would be out of luck though)

Chocoburger8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

I don't think games would be able to 'hook into' the light sensor for automatic screen brightness.
The best way to play the game is with the fan patch that lets you adjust the amount of light the game is receiving at will. Make sure not to play at max sunlight for too long, or the game will punish you, keep the sunlight meter lowered in order to keep playing longer.



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