
Screen Play Interview: Jeff Brookes

Screen Play: "When they have time for screen play, millions of teenagers around the world don't fire up a console or turn to a PC game, they enter Habbo.

Whether you want to dub Habbo an online world, a social networking website, or just a digital play space, there is no doubting its popularity.

Habbo was created in Finland and is operated by the Sulake Corporation. It will next year celebrate its 10th anniversary, but is still growing and currently enjoys over 100 million registered users.

Screen Play recently caught up with Jeff Brookes, Sulake's regional director for Asia-Pacific, to chat about topics like the genesis of Habbo, the importance of online worlds, what games developers can learn from the likes of Habbo and Facebook, and the future of online communities."

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Habbo Hotel Celebrates 15th Anniversary

Do the terms “falling furni”, “DTTF” and, perhaps with a knot at the pit of your stomach, “autokick”, ring any bells?

If so, it’s more than likely you’re one of the millions of teenagers of the early-to-mid noughties who were sucked into the online virtual world of Habbo Hotel, which marks 15 years of continued service this weekend.

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Sulake unmutes Habbo Hotel in select countries for first time since sex scandal

Habbo Hotel, a social game for teens, is back online in three countries after shutting down earlier this month amidst reports of pornographic chat targeted at underage users.

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Skate-AK4379d ago

Some people are just so weird.


Investor drops support for teen social game after allegations of sexual chats

Venture capital firm Balderton has pulled support for Habbo, an online social game targeted toward younger audiences, after allegations that pornographic chatting was taking place in its virtual world.

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Sadie21004393d ago

I kinda want to read what the heck these pervs are saying in this game...but I also don't. People are gross.

alien6264392d ago

well i played couple of MMO games and its common in all. I see people talking sexual in them. Now idk the ages of the people but it is a problem but cant be stop

DA_SHREDDER4393d ago (Edited 4392d ago )

Yes it is. I can't even let my son (you read that read, gays hitting on my 6 year old kid.) play Little Big Planet 2 cause of you freakin weirdos. Thanks alot @ holes.

Edit: Nuke, you're probably one of those idiots. Yeah let me catch someone doing that to my kid outside of gaming. You won't see me on n4g anymore cause of a murder charge.

nukeitall4392d ago (Edited 4392d ago )

I think children need to learn to deal with this. If it isn't on the internet, they will be exposed to it in other areas.

Teach a man to fish!

Yeah, easier said than done. I know!

murkster-dubez4392d ago

They had zero proof it was paedophiles sending the messages, just assumed.

noxeven4392d ago

it happens all the time this isn't new its just cause free 2 play finally has taken off in America wow cant wait till Americans see the f2p dating mmos lol