
Sony's Tokyo Game Show PS4 Lineup Announced; Detroit, Monster Hunter, Gran Turismo and Many More

Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan and Asia disclosed its Tokyo Game Show 2017 lineup for both PS4 and PlayStation VR, with no Vita in sight.

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proudly_X2509d ago

Same old games.. I will pass

Abriael2509d ago

Uh... Not sure what you'd define "old" in there.

FITgamer2509d ago

I'm sure there will be a few unannounced games.

Forn2509d ago

Here's hoping for a new From Software exclusive!

DeadSilence2509d ago

Same old Xbox fanboy derailing the topic Lmao absolute loser.

proudly_X2509d ago

I have never played an Xbox.. In your disillusioned mind, everyone that talks rationally and doest suit you must be an Xbox fan..

You were probably not born when I had the original PlayStation..

madforaday2509d ago

Funny how he only responds to a comment that has to do with the Xbox. It is funny that the games they announced aren't even out but yet they are old already lol

Proudly if you read this your comment was not a rational thought which is why you got so many dislikes. Don't put the blame on PS fanboys because that isn't the case, it was solely on your comment and that comment alone.

JackBNimble2509d ago

I thought proudly_x comment was pretty obvious. I'm pretty sure the comment "same old games " was meant as .... we have seen all these games at every games conference this year .
You don't have to be a fanboy to understand his statement wasn't an attack... smh

Why o why2508d ago


Oh, so surprises or unannounced titles aren't a thing anymore. Same old could indeed mean 'seen before' but to then say he'll pass is a tad flippant almost like what he thinks will be there is all that will be there. C'mon now

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2508d ago
StormLegend2509d ago

You barley seen anything of Detroit, GT and whatever else they show. How are those old games? And i'm pretty sure they'll announce some new stuff like always because this is Sony.

kayoss2509d ago

Xbox fans to Playstation fans, "Same old games...I will pass"
Playstation fans to Xbox fans, "Same old games... oh wait... No new or old games... I'll pass"

yellowgerbil2509d ago

not quite. Same old games, really fits xbox as they are going gaga over original xbox games backwards compatibility like it is awesome when no one wanted to play those games 15 years ago and no one wants to play them today

Why o why2508d ago

@ yellow

LMAO.... I have noticed that notion...more available games isn't bad but new consoles should be primarily for their new content and always were until . . . . well... u kno

corroios2509d ago (Edited 2509d ago )

Always better that no games. Wait power and playing again old games is better

DarXyde2509d ago

Says you.

I'm all for seeing more Code Vein.

yellowgerbil2509d ago

This is where we will see unannounced Japan Studios games. We might even see bloodborne 2 or a look at Death Stranding.

goken2509d ago

wouldn't you pass anyway? yiu know? since it's not X rated?

notachance2508d ago

so in your logic they just gonna show unannounced games in a trailer, not in the conference itself?
that's a new level of bravo

Exvalos2508d ago

Same old games that haven't came out yet? Didn't know something new could be old, and if you bothered to read the article it clearly states this doesn't INCLUDE any new announcements.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2508d ago
OB1Biker2509d ago

Wow its already next week.
Any Blood borne 2 rumor? :P

TheKingKratos2509d ago

Don't .....just don't toy with me.

DeadSilence2509d ago

GT Sports build is probably the last before full game, I want to see weather baby!

aaronaton2509d ago

Dynamic weather will not feature in GT Sport unless things have changed recently?

ILostMyMind2509d ago

Great games! But seriously guys, these events are meant to showcase new games. An already known game should be shown again only in the month of release. I hope Sony brings news because if it's just games revealed one to two (or three) years ago, it's a loss of opportunity. Who needs to keep repeating ads is Microsoft.

Kingthrash3602509d ago

I think you are forgetting the E3 is in the US gamescom is in Europe so it's only natural for them to give the Asian market some up close and personal time with these games as well. Possibly there will be some new annouments but all in all the new stuff will likely be at psx in 3 months

ILostMyMind2509d ago

Fair enough. But all events should bring new content and the PSX should be about the future of PlayStation such as hardware, operating system improvements and so on.

iceman062508d ago

Actually, these events are to showcase what the console has to offer...period. That means covering eminent releases as well as revealing what the future holds. Sony tends to provide updates to already revealed games AND drop new content. TGS, specifically, tends to showcase what Japanese devs will have to offer to the library and revisit content that Western devs have coming to Japan. Thus far, Sony has been pretty good at balancing conference info between all of the higher profile conferences.

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The Pokemon Company Had Retail Sales Worth $10.8 Billion In 2023

The Pokemon Company had retail sales worth of 10.8 billion US Dollars in the year 2023, based on the latest report.

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gold_drake11h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot2h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing2h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro1h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


Unending Dawn joins PlayStation China Hero Project

Parcae’s Fate Studio-developed open-world action game Unending Dawn has joined Sony Interactive Entertainment‘s China Hero Project incubation program, the companies announce. As previously announced, it will be available PlayStation 5, iOS, and Android.


Project: Jinyiwei joins PlayStation China Hero Project

CangMo Game Entertainment-developed action RPG Project: Jinyiwei has joined Sony Interactive Entertainment‘s China Hero Project incubation program, the companies announced. It will be available for PlayStation 5.

VersusDMC6h ago

Love me some third person action games.
Reminds me that Black myth is weeks away...