
My Reaction to Dean Takahashi's Cuphead Gameplay: How Hard Can It Be?

Lex wrote: Remember Polygon’s video of DOOM? It was agonizing to see how the player in the video doesn’t have the grip to play first-person shooters and vigorously uploaded the footage online. I can’t merely grasp what the intention was in the first place. Was it to make it fun for viewers to watch? Or was it in the point of who gets to upload it first? Neither of these choices by the editors themselves thought about the reaction from the people watching. Because showcasing the game is not even on the checklist, if that was their excuse.

Now, the DOOM video is almost a year and a half old already, but it seems that there is another horrifying, or let’s use the player’s word “shameful”, trending display of playing a video-game. StudioMDHR’s Cuphead is a side-scroller shooter platformer, in which the player considers to be “hard” on his hands-on impressions. I was told by one of my writers about this fiasco, and I took some time digging for more details.

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-Foxtrot2575d ago

Guys been a tech journalist for 25 years and been covering games for 18

It's embarrassing

TFJWM2575d ago

The amount of time it took him to realize he needed to jump on the smaller platform to get over the larger one was beyond sad.

EatCrow2575d ago

It reminds me of when I was a 6-7 year old playing a game for the first time. Problem solving was always what I liked about video games. How does one get from point A to B without falling off a platform.

Its been many years since then and I would assume an adult who has been playing for a while would have developed certain simple problem solving skills by now.

-Foxtrot2575d ago


What's more sad is that younger people who have degrees in and out of journalism are looking for jobs and the industry is full of people like this...people with no experience

I feel the gaming industry is a place where people who've done journalism degrees and have high hopes of becoming a major journalist in their local paper or even big magazines end up going nowhere in which they turn to the gaming industry only to get a place. There they are stuck within an industry they have no interest in and decide to "be a gamer...why not I played a bit of Mario, Sonic, Zelda, Spyro as a kid how hard is it". It's so easy for them from what they were prepared to do in other, more serious places which would have covered topics they are interested in that they just half arse it, living the easy life.

morganfell2575d ago (Edited 2575d ago )

"What's more sad is that younger people who have degrees in and out of journalism are looking for jobs and the industry is full of people like this...people with no experience "

The issue here is Dean Takahashi isn't one of those young kids. He's been a tech journalist for more than 25 years. This guy has been reviewing games for some time...with this level of competence.

Pozzle2575d ago (Edited 2575d ago )

I don't get why he would even WANT to upload that footage online. If you've been in the gaming industry for 20 years, why would you want to make yourself look like an idiot who can't figure out basic platforming mechanics. It's like if someone started Super Mario 64 and spent 20 minutes wandering around the front of Peach's castle, wondering where the hell they are supposed to go when there's a bright red door right in front of them. It makes the player look stupid, and it's frustrating for viewers to watch.

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Prubar2575d ago

I remember my first video game.

jznrpg2575d ago

That level was disappointing, mostly shooting hardly any platforming. Maybe its just that level but what was shown was mediocre

DialgaMarine2575d ago

I never judge people based off their skills at something so mundane as a video game, but I have to make an exception here; that was pathetic. Not only was it just sheer lack of video game skill, it was almost a sheer lack of common sense and basic problem solving. Like, it didn't work the first 5 times, why would you keep using that same exact method another 20? It's not like there was so much on screen that he couldn't just look around and think for a few seconds.

If I had to try and defend him somehow, I'd say he was on something lol

As long as he doesn't review the game and say it sucks, it's all good lol

specialguest2574d ago

It seems like this guy while gunning intentionally runs into enemies like a dummy and keeps on doing it. Who plays that way? Even beginners know how to be a little cautious.

maybelovehate2575d ago

Meh, I am not going to judge someone's skill at a single player game. Take your time, it's just you and a game. Now if he reviews it harshly because he sucks that is another thing.

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