
Nintendo Switch May Have More Third Party Games Than You Think

Has Nintendo found a way of bringing great third party games to the Switch without having to have downgraded versions?

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Gemmol2464d ago

Like I wrote on another article

I could of told anyone this, even before the Switch came out. All I needed to see is if the system was portable or not and history shows all of Nintendo devices on handheld always had great support. It may not have all the Western top 3rd party games, but it had everything else and this is why all of Nintendo past handhelds did well. Look at it from this point of view, Nintendo handheld got a Grand Theft Auto game before Nintendo home console, and this is just one example. There was an article few weeks back showing the 3ds have over 800 exclusive games that you do not find anywhere else, and the PS4 with 400. When that article came out, I told people, over and over, even though the 3DS did not have the big western 3rd party games, it still had so many games, that it was not needed, and if Nintendo can have half of those developers move to the Switch, then the Switch will be okay, no matter what happen.

But if the Switch do start to get more western 3rd party, and still maintain the ones the 3ds have, then it will be game over, there will be way too many games for people to ignore, and the main reason they will ignore is because they will choose the Switch games because of its portable nature over picking same game for their PS4.

Here is a line from DualShockers article, a known sony website

"In a lot of ways, the Switch also has me reconsidering purchasing titles that I’d normally play at home on PC (such as Sonic Mania and the upcoming ports of Stardew Valley and Rime) to instead bring them with me on the go. While I skipped out on the Wii and the Wii U previously, the Nintendo Switch during its first six months has been a system I’ve loved to bring around with me."


This person is not the only person who said they will pick Switch version over PS4, if you scroll back a couple articles, Eurogamer/Digital Foundry said the same thing. Do not get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with wanting to play on your beautiful 4K screen at home, but being able to play those same main console games anywhere is too good to not take advantage especially if you busy all the time.

These developers know Nintendo hybrid system will do well, so I expect to see way more games in 2018 and the future, even Fifa developers promote the new FIFA as a handheld experience more then it being docked. This will only continue, and since Nintendo main developers mostly move to the Switch, for example Fire Emblem team and Pokemon team, they have no more mainline games for the 3ds. The reason I bring them up is because with Nintendo main teams on the Switch, more people will pick up the Switch, and with more consumers, there will be more 3rd party games. Everyone loves portable, even Vita when it came out.

Erik73572463d ago (Edited 2463d ago )

Yea I agree there are a lot of indie games that I would of got on my PC but I actually might prefer the Switch version which is a first time for me to not assume the PC version is the best.

I think it will actually end up having more indies on it than ps4. Western and Japanese.

The 10th Rider2463d ago

Exact reason I've been holding off on Stardew Valley. I use my PC primarily for shooters, online gaming, and strategy games. When it comes to indies, especially side-scrollers or retro style games, it just feels right to play them on a console. The portability aspect is huge as well when it comes to games like Stardew Valley where you know you'll be sinking a ton of time into them.

bouzebbal2463d ago

not it has like 3?
and i think i'm stretching it.

Istolla2463d ago

What does "would of" mean? We're you trying to say "would've" or "would have"? What you typed makes no sense at all.

freshslicepizza2463d ago


You wrote pretty much the same reply in another topic so I will answer as I did there,

"Everyone loves portable, even Vita when it came out."

People in the West don't like portable as much, as witnessed by the Vita's early death. The Nintendo switch can also be used as a game console so that is what works well right now for Nintendo. Sony tried to use Vita as a bridge with the console but it's not the same thing. It was also quite an expensive portable device in comparison.

The big challenge moving forward will be the same challenge Nintendo always faces, power limitations. Will developers such as Rockstar try to convert games like Red Dead Redemption 2 on it, how about Anthem? It really all boils down to money and investment return but they may have to make serious concessions to get it to work.

I do expect more third party support because like anything the more systems sold equals more chances to make a profit. The Wii faced a different challenge, it was aimed at a lot of non-gamers and the hardcore titles just went ignored. Switch is being marketed at a wider audience so i believe it will do better for third party publishers.

Gemmol2463d ago

you are wrong, how you think DS got those sales, because of the West and Japan, They sold a lot in Europe also, but the place where Nintendo sells more of their hardware for handhelds is America, then Japan, then Europe........so Vita did not fail because people did not want handheld.....it fail because Sony gave up

If you read my response above, you will see all of Nintendo handhelds did well without Western 3rd party, so do they need Rockstar? the answer is No, but if they wanted to come they can come and company 2k engine works on Switch, NBA 2k18 their first game with the engine on switch and it have all the features of the ps4, and the amazing part they got the game out in a short time, did you see the youtube videos of the game working, 2k is a beast of a developer, Im all digital on switch on ps4, but I plan to get nba 2k18 digital for Switch to play anywhere, and just send internet from my phone to the switch to beat people online.

freshslicepizza2463d ago

"you will see all of Nintendo handhelds did well without Western 3rd party, so do they need Rockstar? the answer is No"

The Switch is also Nintendo's newest game console so you can't really apply the same logic. Unless of course you want to tell everyone Switch should be a secondary device and play popular titles on something else. The DS was a handheld and the WiiU was a console. One died because it did not get much support or was a very good device for those big titles. People didn't buy a DS to play games like Call of Duty. Now Nintendo is trying to bridge the two so they have to consider gamers who also want those big titles and fix the hole that the WiiU had.

Knushwood Butt2463d ago

Still yet to see a single person playing a Switch in public.

Istolla2463d ago

The phrase "could of" doesn't mean anything. It's either "could've" or "could have".

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2463d ago
chris2352463d ago

no one is interested in indie titles. the psn store is also flooded with these subpar games. I would not go so far as to tell the world and myself that these games are the stuff that people are buying hardware for - or making blog posts about indies. I am ignoring most Indies on my high end console just because it's the wrong place. they can occupy the mobile gadgets, but on my high end console I like to play titles that are challenging the hardware. or at least I want to buy titles where I know that they are not to be had for 1/10th of the price tag they are demanding for a ps4 version of a 4.99 dollar game.
the switch on the other hand seems to be the right destination for these indie titles. low hardware power and a ridiculous control scheme.

I say there are aaa titles, big ports of third parties that got some budget and then there are the Indies. The headline of this blog post indicated that somehow the switch got a third party support that's worth mentioning. talk about biased asf. all I can see is Indies for the switch and blog posts like this who like to bend reality.

quent2463d ago

"High end Console", you know that's an oxymoron right ?

EddieNX 2463d ago

Ridiculous control scheme. That's the same as XB1 ps4. You're just a hater with a warped opinion that is not trust worthy.

wonderfulmonkeyman2463d ago (Edited 2463d ago )

"Sub-par games"
Shovel Knight and Azure Striker Gunvolt, amongst many others, are FAR from sub-par.
Your own bias, towards mainstream AAA third party games that, lets face it, aren't as great as they sell themselves to be pre-release, especially compared to two or three gens ago [ME Andromeda stands as a good example], blinds you to the fact that there are plenty of great indie games that people LOVE PLAYING REGARDLESS OF THEIR CONSOLE'S POWER, because they're GREAT GAMES.

Indies DO count as great third party support; the only ones bending reality are the ones claiming otherwise.
And just FYI, there ARE people out there, making blog posts about how awesome some of these indie games are.
But of course, you don't pay attention, so you wouldn't know that.

2463d ago
Ra3v3r2463d ago (Edited 2463d ago )

Also, I don't think you know what indie means. Indie devs are those who choose to self publish. Do you like Rocket League? PUBG? Elite: Dangerous? Star Citizen? Portal? The list goes on. (I know portal isn't technically indie, but the idea was formed by an independent team, then Valve bought it).

Indie =/= poor quality. Just because it's not your preference regarding graphical style don't write it off. Some of the biggest games released by big publishers are from teams who got lucky enough to have an idea they wanted to put money behind. Ubi, EA, MS, Sony, Activision and Nintendo don't always provide us with the best content.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2463d ago
Pantz2463d ago

Microsoft does what Nintendon't

2463d ago Replies(2)
sk8ofmnd2463d ago

If you want Nintendo 1st parties, Nintendo remakes of wiiu games, Nintendo gaming on the go, indies, and 3rd partys that are mainly smaller budget games that are considered indies on the ps4/xb1, the switch is the console for you!

If you want other platforms 1st party games, 98% AAA 3rd partys that arent on the switch, more mature rated games, better online infrastructure, vaster gaming catalog, the switch is not for you!

The thing that these 2 have in common, is that they are both priced at $299.00

Nintendo fans:

We dont need all those games on ps4/xb1 they look and play like crap anyway. Nintendo 1st partys are superior to all games. #gameplay over graphics

Everyone else:

Yes Nintendo 1st partys are mostly amazing, but its not worth a mp experience that doesnt appeal to me, and the console/peripherals/games are too expensive.
#gameplay and graphics over a $299 Nintendo mainly machine.

On topic:

What this article is failing to mention is that the 3rd partys that are comming to the switch are basically smaller budget 3rd partys that are considered indies on the ps4/xb1, and 8th gen (ps3/360) AAA 3rd partys **skyrim** that should have released in march when the switch launched that have yet to release.

What kind of faith do consumers have that AAA 3rd partys will come to the switch when after 6 months this is the support shown? If lower budget 3rd party games are the only ones comming to the switch, Nintendo needs to stop flirting with the thought like yesterdays ffxv might come to switch bs. These games arent comming and everyone either knows this or are in denial.

The switch is great at what it does best... Everything else... Not so much

ruefrak2463d ago

It's not about having 3rd party games. It's about having the 3rd party games that people want to play.

wonderfulmonkeyman2463d ago

If by that you mean "If they don't have every single AAA third party multiplat that my PS4/XB1 does, they have nothing people want to play", then I think you might want to re-evaluate what people are looking for when they think of third party Nintendo games.

Most of the fans of those mainstream multiplats are pride-bound to their console of choice, and wouldn't even double dip on the Switch versions of them, much less abandon the consoles they have for them, even if all of them DID hit the system.
They'd always have some sort of excuse for it, too.
Right now it's "They don't have all the multiplats".
But if they did have all of them, it would suddenly be "They don't have mature enough first party games"
And if that were solved, it would be about the internet capabilities, Netflix/Youtube, in-console streaming, price [which would ironically be increased, if a console that small could handle all that without overheating, to justify the tech it would require to make such a machine], honestly the list of excuses goes on and on and on.

The reality is that, aside from the group of more open-minded gamers that are willing to put down console biases and own more than one console, Mainstream AAA third party multiplat fans don't care about any third party that comes to Nintendo systems.
Nintendo needs to get third parties that stand out from the mainstream crowd, more than any other kind of third party game.
FIFA and stuff are great, but since 99% of their fanbases are already solidly set on other consoles, those mainstream games cannot, and will not, benefit Nintendo like they benefit Sony and Microsoft.

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