
Redout: Lightspeed Edition races onto the Xbox One

James writes - "Those longing for a Wipeout style racer to make its way to the Xbox One have now got their wish – Redout is here to pay tribute to the futuristic anti gravity racers of years gone by."

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An Indie Game Roundup

Kinglink says "When I finished playing Watch Dogs 2, I had a list of games I wanted to cover next. But I didn’t feel right. All the games I wanted to cover were major releases. So I told myself I should find an indie game that I wanted to cover. The thing is, I don’t know if any of the games were right to cover fully in a single review due to how long it takes to make one."

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Team VVV Racing Game Awards 2018: Best Indie Game

Redout is criminally underrated. More than just a competent WipEout clone, 34BigThings’ futuristic racer is in a class of its own. Controlling the craft takes skill to master thanks to the game’s revolutionary twin-stick setup controlling the pitch and air brakes independently, the sense of speed is superb, and the rollercoaster-style tracks are colourful and consistently thrilling. Redout’s intense pumping soundtrack harkening back to F-Zero GX also deserves recognition, since very few modern racing games feature original music scores any more.

After a successful Steam release, Redout Lightspeed Edition launched on the PS4 and Xbox One consoles bundling previously released DLC but had the misfortune of being released on PS4 just a few weeks after WipeOut: Omega Collection. Competing against the return of an established IP in the anti-gravity racing genre with a bigger marketing budget was never going to be easy, but Redout outshines WipEout Omega Collection in many ways, particularly in the physics department. The Italian developer’s post-release support has been exemplary too, with recent updates adding new track textures and 4K support for Xbox One X. If you haven’t yet had the pleasure of playing this fantastic futuristic racer, make it your next priority.


Take a trip to space with the Redout – Space Exploration Pack DLC on Xbox One, PS4 and PC

Carlos writes: "If breakneck speeds are the thing you look for when it comes to a good racer, then chances are that Redout won’t have passed you by. With tight corners, long straights, and super speeds within its pod to pod racing, it has everything needed to fulfil that true need for speed. If you’ve found yourself wishing for a few extra tracks however then on Redout has now delivered."

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