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Star Wars Battlefront 2 PS4 Pro First Look Digitalfoundry

One of our highlights from Gamescom 2017 was Star Wars Battlefront 2 at the EA booth, with a really cool space battle demo. Rich played it to death and bagged a ton of PlayStation 4 Pro capture. Here's his full report.

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Community2589d ago
Aurenar2589d ago

I hope they get it to 1440p at least...

MegaMohsi2589d ago

Considering BF1 ran dynamic from 1080-1600p, almost certain the final release will have a higher resolution. Although 1080/60 with ultra pc settings would be fine for me as well.

81BX2589d ago

I was going to say, doesn't it depend on the detail as well? The last game was amazing looking so I expect no less from this one

Babadook72588d ago

Pre alpha says little about what the game will feature in final code. Battlefield 1 was up to 1656p with significantly smoother frames rates over ps4 so expect good things to come at release.

Skull5212588d ago

Yikes, the native 4K60 of the XBOX is going to put the PS4P version of this game to shame.

Bruh2588d ago

BF1 ran with a dynamic resolution that varied from 1080p to checkerboard 1800p

OffRoadKing2588d ago


Have they actually released the final specs for this game on xbone x or are you just trolling?

BrettAwesome2588d ago

@skull521 - jeez, you're a fucking idiot

freshslicepizza2588d ago

Well if they can manage at least checkerboarding 4K and 60fps on the XB1X then it puts even more questions into why Bungie couldn't get a higher frame rate for Destiny 2, even if it means 720p on the Xbox One S and 900p on the PS4.

memots2588d ago

Did Ms really brainwash you that much.
I guess there is no point. I was talking to someone who doesnt follow gaming at all and he was "told" that Xbox one X was all 4k. Like that mattered suddenly since he doesnt even have a 4k Tv.
Told me the Ps4 pro and Xbox one S could do exactly like the xbone X and do some sort of 4k and he had no idea. Proof that Ms goes for the lowest common dominator and make em believe anything

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Gazondaily2589d ago

Whaaa 1080p 60 on Pro? That must surely improve. Luckily it's pre Alpha

2589d ago
MegaMohsi2589d ago (Edited 2589d ago )

The first BF ran 900p/60 on PS4, my guess is the final version on Pro will be dynamic 1080 - 1440p max/60

If they do checkerboarding then could definitely go a bit higher.

Zero_Suit_Samus2589d ago

“Whaaa 1080p 60 on Pro? That must surely improve. Luckily it's pre Alpha”

And if it don't? It’s the same game regardless and it will play great at 60fps.

snoopgg2588d ago

Luckily Crackdown was delayed, huh septic.

Silly gameAr2588d ago (Edited 2588d ago )

Bro, it's going to sell the most on any PS4 console anyway. Doesn't mater if it's Pro or PS4 og. I'd say that resolution isn't going to be the end all factor for sales of this game, if you know what I mean.

Pricey2588d ago

Whaaa Septic concern trolling again? Surely not.

freshslicepizza2588d ago

@Silly gameAr
"Bro, it's going to sell the most on any PS4 console anyway. Doesn't mater if it's Pro or PS4 og. I'd say that resolution isn't going to be the end all factor for sales of this game, if you know what I mean."

You're right. I'm sure most people who bought a PS4 Pro are far more concerned with how many copies a game sells than the quality and performance of those titles.

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MegaMohsi2589d ago (Edited 2589d ago )

The first

Bigpappy2589d ago

Many here said 1080p 60fps should be the target for their Pro. So that's exactly what they are getting. The problem with that for me is I have a 4K TV and prefer a higher fidelity. 30fps for me is not a deal breaker when it stays solid.

81BX2589d ago

Yeah I can see that but it's a case by case basis.

letsa_go2589d ago

I don't get why it is one or the other...they just need one slider with two options: Performance(60fps) or Quality(4k)

Bigpappy2589d ago

agreed letsa_go. TR will have 3 settings on the X: 4Knative @30fps, 1440 can not recall fps and 1080p ultra@60fps. I have seen a few games offer setting choice on the Pro, so this may be done here too.

Zeref2589d ago

so we can expect native 4k or at the least dynamic 4k on Xbox one X. great news.

DialgaMarine2588d ago

Native 4K/ 60, I sincerely doubt. Not unless you want 360-level textures anyways. One look at this game and you can tell it's incredibly demanding. X isn't THAT much more powerful than the Pro. People seriously overestimate that 20% difference.

letsa_go2588d ago

hahah did you seriously just make something up, and then tell yourself it is great news??? hahahah That's hilarious

Aenea2588d ago (Edited 2588d ago )

How do you come to this silly conclusion?

Zeref2588d ago

I see PS4 fanboys are still in denial.

Aenea2588d ago

"I see PS4 fanboys are still in denial."

LOL, seems to me there's only one person here whose in denial!

Realms2588d ago

@ Zeref

Well unless developers choose to optimize for the X there won't be a massive difference even then PC still get's the best version so what's your point?

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Obscure_Observer2589d ago (Edited 2589d ago )

I hope they reach at least 1440p/60fps

strifeblade2588d ago

ouch. bring on the xbox one x lets see how this game really runs

ILostMyMind2588d ago

Maybe they do 4K/30fps low textures for some guys.

LastCenturyRob2588d ago

They won't...The game is very demanding...Probably checkerboarding at best, but I still don't know why so many people dump on full 1080p/60. My primary console is Xbox and have had to deal with all this resolution garbage when reading articles online for a while now.... Just could never understand if a game looks and plays great why pixel count becomes so dominant.

Erik73572588d ago

Would honestly prefer 140hz 1080p for fps honestly

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MegaMohsi2589d ago (Edited 2589d ago )

Take notes Bungie 1080/60 >>> 4k/30

Also being pre-alpha footage I'm pretty sure the final release will be higher then 1080p, similar to BF1.

Zero_Suit_Samus2589d ago (Edited 2589d ago )

For a first person shooter it’s 60fps or die.

Zeref2588d ago

So this will be Native 4K or Checkerboard 4K/60 on Xbox One X.

4K/60 > 1080p/60

WilliamSheridan2588d ago

Maybe maybe not... I would use Battlefield 1 as the reference point...

I'm excited, and can't wait to get my X, but im trying to limit my excitement because the Pro didn't blow me away...

2588d ago
aaronaton2588d ago

There are only gunna be 5 or 6 players on the XB1 version of BF2 at any one time, doesn't matter if if can do 8k!

r2oB2588d ago

@ zeref

It will also be 720p/60 on the Xbox One, which is what 99% of the Xbox playerbase will be.

Every PS4 console > 720p/60

Id recommend before Xbox gamers try and throw shade regarding power, they remember they are also throwing shade at the 99% of Xbox gamers that are playing on the weakest current gen console.

Aenea2588d ago

Checkerboard? Perhaps
Native 4k? Nope

Try to be realistic!

Am expecting this to run checkerboard rendered on the Pro as well, perhaps even 2160p CB, otherwise 1800p and then upscaled...

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Thunder_G0d_Bane2588d ago

Bungie has Destiny 2 at 4K 60fps+ for pc so maybe you should think about your platform of choice?

Neonridr2589d ago

here's hoping the Pro can definitely push it even higher by release time.

WilliamSheridan2588d ago

I'm sure they will get to 1440... It's in Pre Alpha...

1080 should be the goal for the base unit...

InTheZoneAC2589d ago

and battlefield ran at a high res at 60fps as well.

Too bad everyone's making excuses for why bungie is unable to do the same with their pvp mode, all 4v4 of it.

Pandamobile2589d ago

To give you a bit of industry context, in most cases multiplayer games are on CPUs than games that are heavy on simulation for AI and world systems. Developers obviously want their games to hit 60 FPS, but CPU bottlenecks are going to be a big limiting factor in this generation of consoles.

InTheZoneAC2588d ago (Edited 2588d ago )

and in Destiny PVE is still a multiplayer game so I'm not buying the excuse that the PVP side is taking up more CPu resources where there's no CPU enemies, CPU ai, cpu script, tons of onscreen enemies, more level effects, more of everything.

PVP is bare bones compared to PVE.

EmperorDalek2588d ago

If you're arguing that Destiny 2 should be 60fps on all consoles, then that's fine. Destiny fans just don't want Pro and XBX players to have an unfair frame-rate advantage over everyone else

Dice make the best graphics in gaming, and Activision doesn't have any developers that can compete. But still, I agree it should be 60fps considering the ordinary graphics. It was rather choppy in the beta.

InTheZoneAC2588d ago

I'm not talking about pro but even still your argument makes no sense.

Destiny fans don't want 30 vs 60 on consoles, but destiny fans have no problems on pc when people can be under 30fps and some can be as high as 144? OK. Yes I'm completely aware you can't have all pc players play at max spec, but that doesn't mean they should be allowed a much higher fps cap to have a bigger difference than on consoles.

WilliamSheridan2588d ago

Bungie can't do it because they are using a shitty off the shelf game engine. They need to make their own like with Halo and COD and EA

Pandamobile2588d ago

Bungie do use their own engine. It's built on top of the same framework that they used for their Halo titles.

EmperorDalek2588d ago

"I'm not talking about Pro" - This is an article about the Pro... so perhaps you could have made that more clear.

But anyway that's something that PC players just have to deal with, which they have done for every multiplayer game in the past. People who can only run destiny 2 at 30fps on PC probably aren't all that bothered about being competitive, whereas competitive players will want more powerful rigs to handle 60fps and above.

Consoles are different. Unlike PC, you know what hardware the majority of console players are using. Therefore, games should be developed with that in mind. What you don't want, is for maybe 5-10% of users to have an unfair advantage via double the frame rate.
What you do want however, is for Pro and XBX players to have a better looking game, while keeping everyone on the same playing field. A simple 4K upgrade provides this.

Pro and XBX exist to make games look better, that's it. It's not intended to give an unfair advantage over the majority of players. SIngle player games can have an fps boost, but not competitive multiplayer ones.

"but destiny fans have no problems on pc..." What Destiny fans on PC? The first wasn't on it, and bugger all people will be going from Console to PC to play it, especially not with the community it has. What happens with the PC playerbase shouldn't at all affect console users, and vice versa.

InTheZoneAC2587d ago

Seeing how a lot of people are jumping to pc destiny over xbox and some from ps4 there are many fans on pc

It's not my point, but still it's relevant as all I hear is pro can't be 60fps because that would be unfair, yet everyone stays quiet on pc when someone playing at 25fps is going up against 144fps mlg all-pros.

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Silly gameAr2589d ago (Edited 2589d ago )

But, the pro is weak, under priced, and no 4K. I'm looking for that premium choice for my 3rd party gaming. That's the only way I can enjoy my games. So weak, Sony. So weak.

Zero_Suit_Samus2588d ago (Edited 2588d ago )

“But, the pro is weak, under priced, and no 4K. I'm looking for that premium choice for my 3rd party gaming. That's the only way I can enjoy my games. So weak, Sony. So weak.”


Silly gameAr2588d ago

Dude, if people can't tell that's sarcasm, then I don't know what to say.

_-EDMIX-_2588d ago

@Silly- lol, but there are folks on this site that would legit post that seriously.

Allsystemgamer2588d ago

Then play on PC if power matters so much. You're getting a resolution bump.

WilliamSheridan2588d ago

He was attempting at being sarcasticbut didn't realize he was spot on for most of it.

WilliamSheridan2588d ago

I own a Pro, but you made a good point. It is underpowered. I thought I'd enjoy it more.

But for the price, it's a bargain....

Ju2588d ago

I own a Pro (and a Slim). Once you have it, getting used to it is easy. Switching back once in a while and you get it. Pro plays it just fine.

ocelot072588d ago

Best get building that PC quick. I highly recommend a 1080TI it's a beast of a card. No need to worry about 30FPS on any game. Weather that be Star Wars or Crackdown or Sea Of Thieves or Destiny 2. It's a little expensive but if you truly want that premium choice for 3rd party gaming it's going to cost you.

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Get Star Wars Battlefront 2 Free on Prime Gaming: Epic Battles Await

Get Star Wars Battlefront 2 Free on Prime Gaming: Dive into Epic Battles and Iconic Heroes!

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Community105d ago
ActualWhiteMan105d ago

2005 Version...

How generous 😒


Star Wars Battlefront 3: Is There Still Hope For A New Game?

Is Star Wars Battlefront 3 coming? Well, the correct answer is yes, no and maybe. It’s been six years since the second instalment, and fans are still waiting for confirmation of another sequel.

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Community287d ago
anast287d ago

Game companies are not mature enough to handle this concept without turning it into a casino.

287d ago
shadowknight203287d ago

The remakes of battlefront should have been more simular to the originals. CoD/battlefield reskinned as Star Wars was not the anwser.


Star Wars: Battlefront II - Celebrating 18 Years of Galactic Warfare

Celebrating 18 years of 'Star Wars: Battlefront II', a game that defined a generation. Dive into its legacy, success, and enduring appeal in the Star Wars gaming universe

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Community329d ago
mastershredder331d ago

Remembering or celebrating? It's Halloween yo, that's what people are celebrating.

franwex329d ago

The first game was really fun. I remember being disappointed with this one when it first released.

I went back last month actually, and had more fun than when released-but I still think the first one is superior. Do like the soundtrack!