
Night Trap's Anniversary Release Interview with Tyler Hogle, Head of Screaming Villains

Night Trap is a classic in the annals of video game history as one of the titles that brought about the ESRB ratings we all see on the boxes of our games today. While a review is forthcoming for the rereleased title, Ryan Johnson of The Gamer's Lounge was able to sit down with the lead of Screaming Villains for an interview to see what brought this title back from the grave.

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The Infamous Sega Sickener Article

The 'Sega Sickener' was an infamous article printed by the Daily Mail concerning the release of the videogame Night Trap on the Sega Mega CD.

slowgamer1000d ago

Well all press is good press.. until it is not. After decades were basically still there, some makes an article which makes it sound more horrible than it is and people getting outraged and boot up their twitters.
If there is somepoint new tomb raider, i guess she is wearing a veil and no death scenes. Only enemies are robotzombies and your weapon is megaphone where you can tell how to recycle and not pollute.


10 Bizarre DOS Games You Need to Try

It's time to get weird. We've rounded up some of the most bizarre DOS games out there.

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Phoenix Down 83.0 – Night Trap

We take on the not so most violent game congress has ever seen.