
LOTR:Fellowship of the Rings announced for Blu Ray

The much anticipated LOTR: Fellowship of the Rings has been announced for Blu Ray. It is slated to hit stores in 2009.

via digitalbits

"Here's some news that's going to thrill a whole bunch of you Blu-bies. Warner has revealed, in a promotional insert packed with the new Poltergeist Blu-ray Disc, that it's currently working on a Blu-ray version of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring! No s--t! Not ONLY that, but the same insert lists The Wizard of Oz, Being There, Gone with the Wind, King Kong, Woodstock, Rush Hour, The Notebook and Amadeus all as coming soon to Blu-ray! How do you like THEM apples?

What's more, our industry sources tell us that ALL THREE Lord of the Rings films are planned for release in Blu in 2009, though we're not yet certain if the discs will be the theatrical editions, the extended editions or both. Still, if that isn't enough reason for some of you holdouts to run out and pick up a player this holiday season, I don't know what is. Here's a look at the actual insert (not that the image links to the official Warner Blu-ray website)... "

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zimbo0075775d ago

BLU RAY finally kills DVD with this announcement i believe

Veryangry_bot5774d ago

Idiotic xbots.

There is only one HD format and its called Blu Ray. It doesnt matter what you say or think. Blu Ray will be here for the next era and it will be UNCHALLENGED.

The only challenger died a pathetic death in January 2008. And its add on players were sold for 10 bucks a piece by MS after that. They were getting rid of pathetic stock.

Have fun watching those Planet Earth discs. Those are the only worthwhile discs you can get for that format.

morganfell5774d ago

We just watched Iron Man last night. I went on opening day but gathered around the 52 inch we enjoyed it even more. We got a huge kick out of the Bluray Live features as well.

Now with LOTR coming you know this will be huge for Bluray. I can't wait to see what they have packed on for next gen owners.

Pain5774d ago (Edited 5774d ago )

Huggles :3

@mor Yup!! IRON MAN ROCKS on Blu-ray!!!

donator5775d ago

I don't buy many blu-ray movies, but I might purchase this just to see all the battles in 1080p.

dro5774d ago (Edited 5774d ago )

cool, but the movies i really want on blu ray is scareface,heat, and all the god father movies good fellas and sin city.hes i love gangsta flicks more, dont blame me thats just the type of movie i like!! :D

yog-sothot5774d ago

I agree, even if I already own the movies in DVD, I might buy them again in Blu Ray... But maybe not immediately after the release

beavis4play5774d ago

i'll be getting them if they are the extended versions. i can't believe they'd make the effort to put out blu versions and they wouldn't have the extra scenes.
during the question session i was in, PJ said the blu versions would have all the "bells and whistles". so i imagine they'll be worth buying.

lsujester5774d ago

Well, I distinctly remember being hammered with a lot of versions just on DVD, so I wouldn't be surprised if we get Blu-ray theatrical, then Blu-ray extended, then Blu-ray box set just to take everyone's frackin money.

shovelbum5774d ago

Even though I already own two versions, I am looking forward to the Blu Ray editions. I'm sure that they will be the extended ones or possibly even something new (if that is even possible).

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5774d ago
Gaystation 35774d ago

The funny thing is; DVD is killing Blu-ray sales!

Q: What sold more? Iron Man on DVD or Iron Man on Blu-ray.


Repeat for every single film available on both formats and the answer will be DVD everytime.

DVD wins!

MaximusPrime5774d ago

@ gay gaystation:

DVD been around longer than bluray. no doubt BR is or isnt doing well.
IT took DVD 6 years for it to be a biggest seller than VHS.
BluRay no doubt will be a biggest seller in years to come.

Use your brain next time...

VMAN_015774d ago

Damn I would buy these if I didn't own the DVD's oh well no I am waiting for Star Wars on blu ray imagine the CG goodness on Hi def.

Panthers5774d ago

This and the SW trilogy are the ones I need. We know how long it will take for SW though. It took them forever to get them on DVD

darthv725774d ago

I am like you VMAN. I got the extended versions on DVD. Blu would be cool but it is just to limiting in my viewing options. Meaning if i want to watch a movie in my bedroom or the front room or the play room or on the go I can do that now with a DVD player on each TV (and the car). I can't do that with a blu movie at the moment.

@Panther...do yourself a favor and get the original SW trilogy on Laserdisc. If you are a purist like me then you probably hated how lucas f-ed up the original trilogy with all new CGI stuff that had no purpose being in their. I have the original theatricle release on LD and it is awesome in digital sound and picture clarity. Almost as good as DVD but without the added crap of the rerelease. Just the ending of Jedi alone pisses me off about having the DVD's.

One thing though...you would need a LD player (which are pretty cheap now). I have a classic of a machine in the form of the Pioneer CLD-A100 aka the LaserActive. It is a thing of beauty as it not only plays LD movies but also Genesis CD/Cart games and Turbogrfx CD/Card games and it even plays Arcade LD games (movie mode only) like Space ace and Dragon's Lair.

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TheNamelessOne22d ago

All that processor ever really served was to make game development harder for most people. It's the gift that keeps on giving.

Markdn20d ago

Your right, well up. Till the point they realised how to program it and then it became a monster, they way it off loads tasks to spus and they way it manages this is astounding, I wish they had just upgraded it for ps4 gave it more ram to its disposal as it would truely have been a monster, instead we got an under powered AMD chip and some of the guys here we very disappointed indeed. For a cost point of view it made PS4 more affordable but from a development point of view, we already had the development tools and software

yeahokwhatever20d ago

all that processor did was wipe the floor with its competition. like, badly.

TheNamelessOne20d ago

I remember most 3rd party titles being the runt of the litter when it came to ports that generation.

yeahokwhatever20d ago

EA made a few bad ports in the opening months of the release. compare 1st party titles. go ahead. do it. oh you cant. not even the same league.

Number1TailzFan21d ago

Ignore because they're good at tech/frame rate analysis? K..

1nsomniac20d ago

Ignore because they’re arguably widely recognised as one of, if not the best source in the industry… great logic. Well done.

fsfsxii20d ago

They offer surface level analysis, its like that Tv overlay that displays the framerate, they absolutely have 0 clue with anything development related, or anything behind the scenes, and more often than not, they’re a propaganda machine.

1nsomniac20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

The irony being they clearly do know and they continuously prove that they know.. Relentlessly. If these comments aren’t sarcasm then they’re a sure fire way to make yourself look a bit stupid.

Aggesan20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

I think they're among the best in the business when it comes to frame by frame analysis, but they often speak on topics where they're not more informed than any other interested and passionate amateur. Quite often it's painful watching their show when they state things like facts when they're in fact wrong, and knowing that most of their viewers will assume they're 100% correct about everything they say. I still enjoy them though, especially the retro stuff.

RaidenBlack20d ago

lol, one slightly -ve take from DF and bam! ~ " Ignore "

Huey_My_D_Long20d ago

For those who say DF doesn't know what they are doing...Gotta give us a hard example not a generalized statement.

TheEroica20d ago

Sony beggers raging at DF because Sony can't feed them enough remakes and old generation content to keep them happy. Yikes!

VariantAEC20d ago

DF... the same people convinced PS5 and Xbox Series consoles couldn't do raytracing? The same people who didn't consider PS4 Pro was running AC7 better than Xbox One X due to PS4 Pro's CPU rapid packed math feature while I was telling them to look into it? The same people that are still confused about the PS5's capabilities against XSX's despite all the information being handed to them on a silver platter by Mark Cerny which some smarter gamers with some programming experience have been telling them since the road to PS5 talk was done? Those people?

Yeah, I think I'll continue to pass on any superficial opinion-based observations they make about game developement, too.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 20d ago
neomahi21d ago

Here they are using NATIVE again like they know what it means, they don't.

meganick20d ago

I’d like to see someone explain why you’re getting downvotes. You’re correct. If software is running on native (original) hardware, then it’s not being emulated. If it is being emulated, then it’s not running on native hardware. “Native emulation” seems to be a bit of an oxymoron.

VariantAEC19d ago

DF doesn't know what "native support" means... it doesn't seem like you know either. Native support can mean emulation, but meaning the original hardware is not required, but it also means no downloads. "Native support" means that nothing additional is required to run the software as intended. You can certainly call a software emulation layer on PS3 for PS1 games native support because it ran software from the disc needing absolutely nothing else to work properly. The PS1 hardware was not on PS3, but the games were still natively supported.

Xbox backward compatibility support is not native, no games run from discs without downloading a repackaged app to run. That is not native support and we all agree DF is blatently lying by suggesting it is.

All consoles run repackaged legacy games this gen, which is exactly why the PS3 is still the gold standard for backward compatibility on consoles to this very day. You would simply pop in any PS1/2 disc and they'd just run without needing anything else from anywhere. Apparently, the newer PS3's (no Emotion Engine) still ran the majority of PS2 games.

meganick19d ago


First off, you’re using a different term than me. I was talking about the use of the term “native emulation.” But you’re using the term “native support.” Maybe that’s the same thing. I’m not sure.
So from what I gather, “native emulation” means emulation that doesn’t require a download. In computer terminology, I’ve always thought of “native” as implying original hardware, or at least original components.

Eonjay21d ago

Would really love to play some Infamous and Resistance.

InUrFoxHole20d ago

I never understood the love for resistance... I found it the be mid at best. Infamous 2 was good. Would be great to play killzone again

TheNamelessOne20d ago

Outside of the third game, the series was definitely average.

anast20d ago

The concept was cool. I would day 1 a current gen version of the title.

babadivad21d ago

It's only a matter of time before Xbox has PS3 emulation before Playstation because of them dragging their feet.

Bathyj20d ago

Be nice if they did. Be nice to have a reason to get an Xbox again after all this time .

RaidenBlack20d ago

OP's sarcasm comes from Xbox's superior emulation department ... likely the only efficient department at Xbox

Vits20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

I mean... it's really not that far-fetched. Emulation on the Xbox consoles is miles ahead of the PlayStation consoles. The Switch gets close if you jailbreak it, but it lacks power and the cool part about emulation on Xbox is that you just need a $20 dev account to use those features.

And if anything, the Xbox just doesn't have a PS3, Wii U, and Switch emulator yet because it lacks native support for Vulkan/OpenGL 4.3. The moment someone makes a new wrapper or it gets that compatibility, it will be a matter of weeks for those consoles to be playable on it as well.

babadivad20d ago

rpcs3 already perfectly emulates tons of PS3 games on PC. The Xbox already emulates the PS2 far better than Sony. As for the PS3 emulator, the only thing needed is for someone to create a uwp version of RPCS3 and you'll be good to go. There's already a 360 uwp emulator. I suspect RPCS3 will be ported over before the year is out.

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