
Hands-on with 10 Xbox One X games that show us what it's really capable of | Digital Foundry

"Xbox One X is the console for your 4K screen, and anything else in addition to that (like Tomb Raider's multiple rendering modes) is a bonus. It's an impressive early showing then, and with over 100 games set for X enhancements, the chances are we're going to be kept really busy from November 7th onwards."

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Gazondaily2588d ago

"After all, this represents is a 2x increase in the native rendering resolution between Xbox One X and PS4 Pro, from hardware with a 43 per cent increase in compute power and a 50 per cent uplift in memory bandwidth"

What a BEAST!

PrinceOfAnger2588d ago ShowReplies(7)
2588d ago Replies(2)
bluefox7552588d ago ShowReplies(9)
kenna9992588d ago

But the beast can only run crackdown at 30fps? a powerful console yes but a beast it is not

denawayne2588d ago Show
BeOpenMinded2588d ago

I think it could but console parody will hold this back

gamer78042587d ago

You're right beast implies its big but it's also one if the smallest consoles while being the most powerful so it needs its own name coined that conveys a beast of power in a small form factor

Movefasta19932588d ago (Edited 2588d ago )

It is impressive for sure, I want a fable 4 in 4k now

ssmilloy362588d ago Show
denawayne2588d ago

New Fable @ E3 2018. I'm calling it now

BeOpenMinded2588d ago

They better be having discussions about resurrecting that franchise. It's a no brainer if done right

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2588d ago
81BX2588d ago Show
gangsta_red2588d ago

It's definitely great to read but still not a huge reason to go out and buy one at $500

2588d ago
denawayne2588d ago

Tell that to the pre-orderers

gangsta_red2588d ago Show
hamzilla2588d ago

Unless you really love Halo and have a 4k screen then there is no reason to get one. All other so called exclusives are on PC. So sounds like to me all we need is a PC PS4 and Switch for all the best of the best games. Xbots can't use Gears and Forza anymore because I can play it and play it well on my gtx 1070 powered laptop better then they can on the X1x

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2588d ago
Genuine-User2588d ago

This is rather surprising given the power difference. I wonder how Nixxes managed to pull off a native 4K resolution on the One X.

Ju2587d ago

They weren't even sure if that is native. Was this ever confirmed?

MrFisher212588d ago

This is what I have been waiting to hear. I just need a couple games to show me that power. And I am sold.

XStation4pio_Pro2588d ago

can not wait. it looks soooo good in person.

Kingthrash3602588d ago (Edited 2588d ago )

I suggest everyone read the entire article.
There are many things unsaid in the comments.
That's said I'm happy there is a difference for a console costing 100+ bucks more with more gpu. It's justifies the price tag. Even games like qb running at 900p-1080p checkerboard, 30fps over 720p checkerboard 30fps is an improvement. What remains to be seen is true comparisons between consoles. Resolution is nice but there is a price to be paid and shadow of mordor will be one of them. 4k 30 with drops will not hold over well. They should have at least locked 30fps and checkerboarded up to 4k. Any game dropping below 30 for the sake of 4k is just a mistake imo.
Hopefully the rumored of ms not funding xbox division anymore is false and we see new games come utilise this "beast" of a console.

Kribwalker2588d ago

There has been a comparison between games. Tomb Raider is 4k with more graphical enhancement extras vs 1080p with some graphical enhancements

rainslacker2588d ago (Edited 2588d ago )

I'd suggest that as well, particularly like here where Septic completely misrepresents the quote, takes it out of context, and leaves out the actual problems which DF pointed out before talking about the raw numbers.

DF did have some good things to say, so why misrepresent?

People should know what they're getting, and this analysis isn't bad so people can set their expectations. I'd imagine as time goes on, some of the issues they brought up will be ironed out though.

freshslicepizza2588d ago

It's good to see so much interest in this new system. Quite impressive too, going from 720p to native 4k while retaining 60fps on Killer Instinct.

Obscure_Observer2588d ago


From the article:

"Regardless, the fact is that both RISE OF THE TOMB RAIDER and F1 2017 are adopting NATIVE 4K RENDERING in situations where PS4 PRO IS CHECKERBOARDING instead, and THAT´S a COMPARISON point we really didn't EXPECT to see. After all, this represents is a 2X INCREASE in the NATIVE RENDERING resolution between Xbox One X and PS4 Pro, from hardware with a 43 per cent increase in compute power and a 50 per cent uplift in memory bandwidth."

2X INCREASE! So much for "I know what a 6TF machine can do. The difference between Scorpio and PS4 Pro will be slight"

Too late for damage control now. ;)

Obscure_Observer2588d ago


"It's good to see so much interest in this new system. Quite impressive too, going from 720p to native 4k while retaining 60fps on Killer Instinct."

Yeah, rainslacker and Aenea might know something on how they pull out with these results as well. ;)

rainslacker2587d ago


Also from the article, and in relation to what your quote it referring to

" Image quality on this one is off the charts - if it's not a match for the top-end PC experience, it's very close. However, while the title targets 60fps, its current performance level often falls somewhat short, with dropped frames and noticeable screen-tear."

What he's saying is that the performance drops are due to the fact that it is representing 2X increase in resolution.

Damage control isn't needed on my part, it's right there in the article. Those things called paragraphs are to separate 2 ideas, but a paragraph doesn't make something unrelated to the prior paragraph.

Septic misrepresented the quote, just as you are. Either on purpose, or poor comprehension skills I don't know.

DF isn't downplaying the increase in resolution, they're offering it as an explanation for the performance issues.

Overall, the article was very positive, so there was no need to cherry pick a quote and make it seem like more than it is. I've never downplayed the abilities of the X1, and have offered up more personal experience from working with the system to say how good it actually is than anyone on here who cherry picks quotes to make an argument. Others just want to build up expectations, and to me, that is going to back fire as time goes on, and the realization sets in that it won't matter that much. Just continue reading, in that same paragraph you quoted, where DF said that the differences aren't that stark in comparison to the PS4P overall, but there are noticeable differences. Everything I've said about the hardware capabilities of both mid-gens, and potential has been correct since these mid-gens became a thing. I have no reason to be worried about others ignoring me or trying to discredit me, because the proof is in the pudding as they say. Whether one chooses to accept what i say....or even what DF(which is obviously more reliable overall than my word) is up to them.

So keep picking what you want to believe. It won't matter to me. Just don't expect others to buckle under when you try to dismiss their efforts to clarify an obviously out of context quote

Ju2587d ago (Edited 2587d ago )

TR is probably adding a CB renderer to the already Pro native hi qual 1080p mode and add some effects. I would want to see, if they'd add CB to that Pro mode if it actually would also get them to 1440p. If so, the 43% is yet again an exact match.

F1 runs 4K CB @ 60fps on the Pro, and native on the XoX. CB give you that raw bit of frame time to run that 43% faster. I don't know where they get those 2x pixel density from; especially that it actually demonstrates how one can burn 43% power to achieve basically the same image quality. F1 look stunning on the Pro as well.

I am not impressed. Why do I have the feeling DF gets easily excited with the XoX with every little pixel, while if it isn't native 4K on the Pro it gets talked down. At the end of the day, it's the $100 which will get you the subjectively same result. But hey, why not. You guys have waited long enough. It's not like you have an alternative if you want to play Xbox games "better".

When the games are finally out - and we will continue arguing - I am sure, the difference to the Pro version will be smaller than the PS4 to Pro upgrades; and yet it will be hailed as the second coming of Christ.

Aenea2586d ago


Does the Pro version drop frames? No? The One X version does, therefor I will now make the same silly conclusion many an Xbox fan made before: the One X version runs worse than the Pro version!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2586d ago
peppeaccardo2588d ago

You should work for Microsoft .. you are wasted on this site Bro !

2588d ago
Guyfamily9992588d ago

Checkerboarding requires more than half the power of native though, because the rest of the pixels have to be rendered at reduced precision. That's why CB only gives like a 35 to 40 percent performance increase, instead of double. It's technically true that it's twice as many native pixels, but if that excites you then you don't understand the technology...

Artemidorus2588d ago Show
cbuc11252588d ago ShowReplies(1)
Condemnedman2588d ago

can't wait for my Scorpio edition to turn up

2588d ago
UKmilitia2588d ago

you know what ,it is a beast.
serious beast and i really really hope MS get some games worth playing with all that power.
100gb+ games (via download !?!?!?! fk that)
but seriously im 37yrs old and im more than happy with the ps4pro graphics and it has the killer games.

but and i hope people believe me when i say this,
i wish MS all the luck with it and i so hope they get there act together and get some killer games/studios because we all benefit then

rainslacker2588d ago

Funny you're leaving out the context that that quote doesn't say that Xbox is actually performing a 2X increase, just that's what the raw numbers suggest.

Also funny you leave out the part they aren't actually making a comparison here on actual hardware, and also state how the games they're referring to have noticeable dropped frames and screen tear.

They did say the actual image quality is close to a top end PC, although not quite there(no qualification on what top-end is).

Is this how you write your articles as well? Disregard context to get a quote to make a point?

Obscure_Observer2588d ago (Edited 2588d ago )


Keep on trying. Maybe you´ll convince others than yourself, that the difference between the X and Pro will be only "slight".

Gazondaily2588d ago

"Is this how you write your articles as well? Disregard context to get a quote to make a point"

I'm sorry what? I'm not allowed to quote the article and say I'm impressed by the contents of that paragraph? There is plenty more praise in that very article.

Don't concern yourself with how I write my articles and worry about your blatantly overt insecurity over the contents of this article, my enthusiasm for this piece of hardware and the results of Digital Foundry' s piece which also states:

"Xbox One X is the console for your 4K screen, and anything else in addition to that (like Tomb Raider's multiple rendering modes) is a bonus".

The context of the article is clear. Read it yourself. No matter how much you grasp and squint at the contents, the results are obvious, no matter how much you dislike that fact.

rainslacker2587d ago (Edited 2587d ago )

Read my comment above. The 2X representation was an explanation for the performance drops in said games being referred to. ROTTR and codemasters F1.

It was giving a technical explanation on a prior stated observation, while you make it seem like this is something across the board.

You most certainly can quote the article, but if you're going to quote, at least quote in context. You're impressed with a technical detail that simply says it's 2 times the resolution and that it can achieve this due to the power and memory, disregarding the context that it's still not enough to overcome the performance issues stated based on what DF said.

I don't concern myself with how you write your articles, because you've proven yourself unreliable in delivering information. Both in your articles and in your comments, and your obvious bias means any opinion you have is too clouded so you only talk about what you want to believe, and what you want others to believe.

DF was quite positive about the X1X, and there were plenty of quotes in the article one could find to be excited about, without picking the one that doesn't actually represent anything of substance in the way you were inferring it. And don't say you weren't inferring it, because you had to throw in that whole "Beast" nonsense, so it's obvious your intent, but you disregarded the best has a limp.

badz1492588d ago

I can't wait for somebody to start calling them Sony Foundry in here...oh wait...

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 2586d ago
_LarZen_2588d ago

And this is why I ordered a XboxOneX to accompany my PS4Pro.

Gaming4Life19812588d ago

Exactly cant wait to have them side by side.

81BX2588d ago

Still have to get my pro... you lucky. Bet uncharted looks mind blowing!

_LarZen_2588d ago

It looks amazing. And Horizon...oh man... :D

hamzilla2588d ago

Know what else looks absolutely stunning on the PS4 Pro is Madden 18... Pure 4k football goodness. Best looking sports game ever

81BX2588d ago (Edited 2588d ago )

I just got madden today on xb1s. It's glitchy but looks amazing. The cod beta looks great as well. Played one match but the screen froze after the match ended

blady_man2588d ago

Same here!! Cant wait to the best of both, and sitting next to them my switch !!! Lol

ThinkThink2588d ago

That's the best way to do it my man!

denawayne2588d ago

I'm jealous. I wish I could afford both the time and money to have both.

CoryHG2588d ago

Here we have the ballers fam

gameslayer24112588d ago

I've got my Pro already it gets daily use, I'm excited to see what Xbox one X exclusives can do, which is why i ordered it as well :), best of both worlds for sure. I'll still be a mosty pc gamer, but consoles are great too :)

DaFeelz2588d ago

Same. My X, Pro and Switch. Chillin' on my new 65" Samsung MU9000. I'm thrilled. Counting the days

zerocarnage2588d ago

Good on you dude glad you sent amongst the fanboys n haters, enjoy the x1x

babadivad2588d ago

I was gonna upgrade to Pro as well, but Sony doesn't seem like their behind the product. Maybe later, but definitely not right now. I was hyped when it was first announced though, not so much anymore.

BeOpenMinded2588d ago

Base one is a steal and the games are still beautiful. Good enough for me too, I thought the pro was more for the VR, which I'm waiting for more content to jump in that

hulk_bash19872587d ago

Amen, while everyone else is sitting pretty, enjoying the games, fanboys will be missing out. Love all around people, congrats to Microsoft for making a beast of a system.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 2587d ago
Kribwalker2588d ago (Edited 2588d ago )

"but certainly based on the titles we've seen so far, the delineation between the two models looks far more clear cut - Xbox One X is the console for your 4K screen, "

Unleash the beast

2588d ago Replies(1)
PrinceOfAnger2588d ago

"Regardless, the fact is that both Rise of the Tomb Raider and F1 2017 are adopting native 4K rendering in situations where PS4 Pro is checkerboarding instead"

a true monster :)

butchertroll2588d ago


"F1 2017 will use a checkerboard reconstruction technique to hit 4K resolution on both Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro, Codemasters has told us."

butchertroll2588d ago (Edited 2588d ago )

Did you read what Codemasters dev said, chris?

Wanna bet in account?

trainsgofast2588d ago

nope on PS4 PRO it's checkerboard reconstruction but on XB1X it's now

" Codemasters' F1 2017. Similar to Rise of the Tomb Raider, this game is operating at a native 4K on Xbox One X, while its PS4 Pro counterpart hits the same 2160p output via checkerboarding."


trainsgofast2587d ago

That story as to what Codemasters dev said was way before the new code at games com.

LexHazard792587d ago

Butcheroll is right, F1 does use checkerboard on both PS4 Pro and Xbox One X. But the Xbox version being more impressive. In most cases the Xbox One X version is being compared to PC versions.

PS4 Pro only on some games with more games still using base unit assets.

Ju2587d ago

And yet, it wasn't very clear to DF if there is a tangible difference between the Pro CB vs. the native XoX version in F1.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2587d ago
2588d ago Replies(1)
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