
Final Fantasy XV Gets A 'Pocket Edition'

Players will soon have even more ways to experience the FINAL FANTASY® XV Universe as SQUARE ENIX® today unveiled the FINAL FANTASY XV POCKET EDITION.

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PhoenixUp2497d ago

Cindy will always somehow make it into most thumbnails for FFXV

NewMonday2496d ago

Squar Enix must use this engine to remake FF6 please please please

SarcasticDuck2496d ago

they made III and IV already and I loved to play it. Never expected another remake though, even more so a demake!

Michiel19892496d ago (Edited 2496d ago )

I rather have them use the engine from that Nintendo Switch game Project Octopath Traveler and remake FF6 in that. The trailer from that game basically asks for SE to remake FF 1-6 with that engine.

edit: actually not sure what engine that game uses, but the artstyle is a perfect fit though.

FallenAngel19842497d ago

Looks like there's finally a version of FFXV that Switch should have no problem running 😅

InKnight7s2496d ago

Now someone will step up say but but but but celshaded dragon quest run at 720p below 30fps. 2 disagrees are mario and pokemon recycles forever. Ni no kuni beat any switch graphics.

DillyDilly2496d ago

So they just literally re made the game for kids instead of just optimizing it like Bioware did with KOTOR ?

SarcasticDuck2496d ago

what does this graphics have to do with kids? the story is the same! This is just mirroring the remakes of FFIII and IV that are also on mobile (but were initially made for Wii or something).

DillyDilly2496d ago

Are you questioning me I am corn holio & I want TP for my bung hole

SarcasticDuck2496d ago

And I am princess but whole from the hills behind the feet.

SarcasticDuck2496d ago

at least they could've made this turn-based so the owners of the original could have a different experience and fans who didn't liked it could get what they wanted.

EddieNX 2496d ago

Switch is getting the real FFXV , this is mobile garbage. They said theyre looking to bring it to another platform as well as PC that sounds like Twitch and he was clearly talking about that version not this garbage version ;) The Switch haters are gunna have to eat major crow lol

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Top 5 Big Franchises Squeezed onto Mobile

For a while, there was a sizable difference between the quality of games on mobile devices and the quality of games on consoles or PC. As technology has progressed and the audience has expanded, the games available on mobile devices have changed and cell phones have become a viable option for gamers. This is partly because major publishers saw an opportunity and decided to squeeze their gigantic franchises into the portable market.

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playnice2108d ago (Edited 2108d ago )

I feel as though mobile games will always suck because of lack of built in controller... I don’t care for iPhone Xs being more powerful than Switch, better graphics are worthless without a proper controller. (never mind the scarcity of quality games that aren’t cheap micro transactions filled crap games)

Felix_Argyle_Catbro2107d ago

You can always get a controller for mobile devices though.

playnice2107d ago

Not always... And often if the game is built around mobile it would be very interesting even with a controller. I play Minecraft with my 360 via usb adapter and it works pretty well but then you have to support the phone somehow... And if you need to take a controller and screen holder along might as well get a switch where your odds of getting full games with microtransaction gimmicks are way better.

2107d ago

Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition For the Windows Platform

Originally released on mobile, now Windows users can play FINAL FANTASY XV POCKET EDITION as the game launches for PC, laptops, and Surface Tablets.

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Shiken2208d ago

Switch pocket edition incoming

finite2208d ago

like the sound of that :)


Final Fantasy XV DLC 'Party Pack,' PC mod tool, Pocket Edition Windows 10, latest update dated

Square Enix announced various Final Fantasy XV content-related release dates via the game’s official Japanese Twitter account today.