
Valve Releases Source Mods for Free on Steam

The free Source MODs receive auto updates like Steam games and let creators use stat tracking and better integrate their creation with the Steam community.

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Charmers5836d ago

It's a nice idea but so far I can't say I am too impressed. I downloaded D.I.P.R.I.P and cannot get on a server for love nor money. So I set up my own and drove around for about 30 minutes and no one joined. It's a shame really it looked like a pretty good car battle game, ho well such is life.


Infamous HL2 Cinematic Mod 13: Benchmarks, comparison

Website PCGH.de shares some impressions with Beta 1 of the famous Cinematic Mod 13 for Half-Life 1 which features alternative character models for Alyx and others. They also made a comparison video and some graphics cards benchmarks.

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Cinematic Mod 2013 Beta Download Release "soon" - First Stunning Screenshots

Here are the very first screenshots from the Cinematic Mod 2013 Beta (Half-Life 2). Modder FakeFactory writes: "I'm starting with some beta.1 schots (release soon) with ultra-wide aspect ratio."

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Half-Life 2: New Sexy Alyx Vance Non-Scifi-Outfit Unveiled - First Screenshots

Take a look at Alyx Vance from Valves Half-Life 2 with a new non-scifi-outfit. Sexy or not? What do you think? Modder FakeFactory has released an update (alpha 17) for its Cinematic Mod 2013, that includes the new outfit. Check out the screenshots and more infos after the break!

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