
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Review - Godisageek

Senua is a tortured soul who’s plagued by Psychosis, fighting through a world based heavily on Norse mythology.

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UCForce2604d ago

Another one ! Also, the game also focus Celtic mythology.

Obscure_Observer2604d ago

Thejimquisition gave it 1/10 and now it seems he backtracked on his score. Idiot!

UCForce2603d ago

I think he's gone too far with his aggressive attitude.

The 10th Rider2603d ago

I saw that on the metacritic page. He was complaining about the game being a "broken piece of crap". Have any other reviews mentioned technical issues. Even the few other reviews I read that gave it relatively low scores (6-7) didn't seem to do so due to technical issues.

DigitalRaptor2604d ago

I never expected such great reviews for this.

Well done Ninja Theory for trying something different.

rainslacker2603d ago (Edited 2603d ago )

I did. Hellblade received a lukewarm reception mostly due to it's length and the general media having a hard on for anything Xbox 360 and killing off the PS3 at the time. But it was a great game overall outside the length.

Devs that are very open with what they're trying to achieve, and don't muddy the waters with stupid stuff to cloud expectations tend to be better received in the end.

Plus, this game hasn't had this huge exclusive bump bent put on it, so there was no reason for those that want to get clicks off fan boys to look at it beyond the actual game.

I brought the game. but I was silly and decided to go through and plat the entire Kingdom Hearts 1.5+2.5 on PS4 before starting another game last week(wife was out of town giving me more gaming time). Was going to do Nier after Horizon plat(had to skip the new new game+ trophies), but did Arc the Lad:TOTS PS2 remaster for the platinum, and then had a KH craving. Damn my OCD.

Kurisu2604d ago

When I have money = buy. Bills coming out of my damn earrrssss. I still need to get Horizon as well and Uncharted: Lost Legacy is out this month too.

ravinash2604d ago

Save money - buy games, never go out!

Kurisu2603d ago

I hardly ever go out as it is other than to work! Times are hard lately money wise but I'm hoping things will get better soon!

Sam Fisher2604d ago (Edited 2604d ago )

Omfg, bro stop every purchase, go get horizon. If you have to, skip a bill... joking. But seriously get horizon. You see the first five minutes youll feel like kicking yourself for not getting it sooner, i know i did

Kurisu2603d ago

I kind of want to get other games out of the way first before jumping in to an open world. I look forward to eventually playing it!

rainslacker2603d ago

Naa....make a double credit card payment....use said credit card to buy a game.:)

chris2352604d ago

horizon ist one repetitive game. uncharted is another reheated game. you don't need these two games at all.

Kurisu2603d ago

Nobody "needs" any game. I want them though and nothing you say will change that :D

chrisx2604d ago

Will def be picking this up

--bienio--2604d ago

Nice!! I was sure it's going to be 9/10 great!

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Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice Review | What's It Like In 2024?

Admittedly, Hellblade: Senua's Saga is far from perfect and won't be a game for everyone, but now with a multitude of accessibility options it has made itself much more palatable for a wider audience, and with constant sale prices between $2-$4, Hellblade: Senua's Saga is too good to pass up for a unique experience that has stood the test of time and will do so once more with its even more robust and epic sequel.

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jwillj2k48d ago

The only thing epic about this “game” is how longnit took to make.

90sGamingWasBetter8d ago

The Hellblade games looked nice but they were essentially walking simulators with a minimal amount of combat tracked on.


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Last Word on Gaming takes a look at ten games who treat mental health issues as respectfully and seriously as they ought to be in real life.

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Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II – Check Out the Minimum PC System Requirements

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, the much awaited sequel to the award-winning Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, arrives on May 21st. With under three weeks left until the launch, the developers from Ninja Theory have shared the game's

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PrinceOfAnger144d ago

Waiting to see what the "Recommended" spec be like!

Skuletor144d ago

Waiting to see if "Minimum" spec targets 30fps 😂

PassNextquestion144d ago

It's my understanding that the frame rate is unlocked on the pc version

Skuletor144d ago

I've seen Ubisoft have PC specs that have targeted 30fps before.

PassNextquestion144d ago (Edited 144d ago )

Why the heck do you need Windows 11 to run the game? I remember there was a ssd feature locked to windows 11 not sure if that's still the case and if that's the reason.. direct storage I believe it is called

DivineHand125144d ago

If those are the minimum specs on PC then why can't the series x do more than 30 fps? Did they intentionally lock it to 30 fps when higher frame rates are possible?

PassNextquestion144d ago

Maybe they didn't want to compromise on the graphics

DarXyde144d ago

Very probable, but I can't really believe that when literally, the Series S ensures that they do.

I kind of think they just want to make it 30fps now to make an update later to keep people "on the hook" or give game pass subs something to look forward to with this game later on.

Personally, I think this game can push at least 45fps, but that's just my opinion. I don't really see a game this short being announced before TLOU2 launched, only to come out *now* and they haven't gotten those frames up.

RedDeadLB143d ago

Probably because they wanted better fidelity and that is probably too demanding for the XSX to push a stable 60fps on. Judging how most games are these days, the performance difference between low to high is sometimes not enough to target double the framerate. A locked, smooth 30fps i better than an unstable 60, even though it feels like picking between two turds.