
What should people know about Suikoden?

Whenever people talk about RPG series they would like to see make a comeback, Suikoden is often among the titles named. This Konami turn-based series is known for its massive character rosters, underdog stories where a newly form army challenges and triumphs against an established, opposing force and overarching storylines and concepts. It might be a little daunting, attempting to determine how to get into such a series. Well, [Michibiku is] here to help [readers] get into Suikoden!

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PhoenixUp2545d ago

That it's on PSN so you don't have to pay high prices on eBay to play it

gangsta_red2545d ago

It's a game that should have been brought back for today's consoles.

Fullmetalevolust2545d ago

It is one of the best JRPG's released in Ps1/Ps2 era and needs a revival or an HD collection. Super cheap when it's on sale, can play it on ps3, psvita. It has an amazing story and great gameplay.

gamejediben2545d ago

The greatest 2D RPG series on the PS1. While Suikoden II has the best overall story, I'd put Suikoden V as second best in the series. Also for the love of all that is good and holy, skip Suikoden IV. Its almost unplayable. I'd rank the series as follows:

Suikoden II > Suikoden V > Suikoden > Suikoden III > Suikoden Tactics > Suikoden Tierkreis > eating a steaming pile of dog shit > Suikoden IV

Gaming4Life19812545d ago

Luca Blight was lord on suikoden 2 and that is all that matters!

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My Top 5 Favorite Suikoden Characters

One of the most beloved series of all time is Suikoden. So today we are going to talk about what my top 5 favorite Suikoden characters.

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shinoff2183154d ago

Wish they'd hurry with these remasters lol. I was hoping to knock them out before ec released.

CUnit123123154d ago

You're telling me. I assume they will likely piggy back of EC hype. But we will have to wait and see.


Suikoden: The 27 True Runes Explained

The Suikoden series helped revolutionize the JRPG genre. So I decided to talk a little bit about the 27 True Runes of the Suikoden series.

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Suikoden: True Runes of the 5 Main Games

One of the best JRPG series of all time is the Suikoden series. So let's talk about the 5 main games and each of their respective True Runes.

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