
New Game Review – Derelict Fleet (PS4) | WayTooManyGames

The poor poor poor poor poor poor man’s Rogue Squadron.

WTMG's Leo Faria writes: "Derelict Fleet is just yet another cheap Unity game released for the PS4. It features no redeeming qualities whatsoever. This game is absolutely abysmal and fails in basically every single aspect. Just like Life of Black Tiger before it, it’s yet another game which makes me wonder what kind of substance the Sony guys are on, allowing stuff like this to be part of the PS4’s library. The game is also scheduled for an Xbox One release soon. Microsoft, for the love of Bill Gates, you still have time to cancel the deal."

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DaDrunkenJester2510d ago

Sometimes I wonder how games like this even get approved for PSN or XBL. Is there no screening process? It's like they are trying to compete with Steam with the crappy indie selection haha

Rangerman12082510d ago

And Solbrein. Heck, even Soda Pro Drinker on the Xbox One.

Barbauer2510d ago

this looks like an even crappier Wing Commander

Jinger2510d ago

Lmao I was actually just thinking the same.