
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Standalone Now Live on PS4, Xbox One, PC

Activision announced today that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is available as a standalone release now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in stores and as digital download

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Weeblordbad2523d ago

Like how it should have been from the start?

Who enjoyed popping the disk in only to have Infinite Warfare start installing itself? Who thought that was a good idea!?

galgor2523d ago

The guys who wanted your money, and still do, given the ridiculous price and fact it's not the full game.

Weeblordbad2523d ago

I had zero issue with purchasing Infinite Warfare, I thought the Singleplayer was one of the stronger campaigns in a CoD for awhile. But I looooooved CoD4, so the Legacy Edition was a no brainer. After the campaign I had no desire to play any more IW so it just took up space on the hard drive. So if you wanted CoD4 for some MP you had no choice but to leave IW installed or stop it from installing/updating repeatedly. A system level option to ask if you'd like to install the game probably would have solved the issue too.

I'm fine with some of the MP maps they omitted, I'm right there with you on the cost of the standalone+DLC, that's ridiculous.

thekhurg2522d ago


Infinite warfare was really good on single player

AnubisG2522d ago

Single player was really good in Infinity Warfare. Especially after BO3. I only by CoD games for the fun sp modes. I play MP in Battlefield instead.

This packages was worth it in my opinion. But I knew they will eventually sell it seperately. Why would they not?

Weeblordbad2522d ago

The thing I buy so I can resell a game if I don't want it.

TheColbertinator2523d ago

Looking forward to slaughtering the new initiates.

annoyedgamer2522d ago

To little to late Activision. I will never buy another COD again.

thekhurg2522d ago

Infinite warfares campaign is top notch. You're missing out.

narsaku2522d ago (Edited 2522d ago )

You're not missing out on generatic stereotypical military tropes dancing around the future with guns.

Nobody is going to remember anything about that singleplayer in 10 years...

Go on. Ask how many people here remember Silent Hill 2 or FF7's characters/main story/music score?.. I bet even they'll be surprised how much they can recall after all these years.

Edit: You know what? I won't even ask about ~the~ iconic games. How about just another typical great story game like Legend of Dragoon or Grandia?

..You could dig to the bottom of the game history and find better single player games than IW campaign.

thekhurg2522d ago

What an utterly retarded statement. Because you can't remember a game 10 years later means it's not good? You must hardly play anything at all then.

Good luck being a hyper cynical QQ gamer though. You must be from EU.

armchairDev2522d ago

Agreed. Infinite Warfare's campaign seemed more like a well-produced hollywood movie than a game.

Weeblordbad2522d ago


Characters like E3N, Omar, Sato were all really good characters for a Call of Duty game. You also have to look at how the game plays out, you're not cut out to be in the position you're in and having those decisions play out because your character ordered it. It's fundamentally different when it's your character saying "go" and everyone gets chewed up compared to say you just being a dude, it's your fault they all died and you may not even complete the mission because you weren't prepared to make the sacrifices when it's needed.

The game also had phenomenal character moments, some of them happened fairly quickly like Omars turn with E3N;

Sgt. Usef Omar: My guys, eyes on me! As far as Ethan goes, I will personally vouch for this stiff metal motherfucker! He's one of us! Ethan! What's the Navy's official policy for a gunfight?
ETH.3n: Send in the Marines!

Or how about the moment when it appears you and E3N are cast aways in space, you're losing oxygen and you're literally talking to this robot trying to calm him down. "Sir, I'm scared" and then when you come to onboard the Tigress and learn that E3N didn't let you go regardless of what the odds of you surviving were and actually waited in the medical bay. It's phenomenal work for a game that no one should reasonably expect decent characterization. Don't even get me started on the letters from the fallen, that was some next level shit it added GRAVITY to those people who in other games would just be named NPC's you learn about the people they've left behind and it makes what they did in the game even more impactful.

If you don't like Infinite Warfares MP or the Zombies, i'm not going to argue with you. It's perfectly reasonable some people just don't like the wall running and the double jumping stuff, that's fine. What I won't sit here and let you do is disparage one of the best things they've done since CoD4. The single player wasn't a "master piece" for what it is, it's a hell of a lot better than a lot of games with a military theme trying to tell a story.

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Araragifeels 2522d ago

The price throw me off and especially that it doesn't include the DLC so I won't be buying this Remake.

The_KELRaTH2522d ago

I can't get over the standalone being more expensive than the bundle price around launch time!

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The Worst Video Game Remakes Of All Time

BLG writes: "You take a big risk when you set out to remake something. Have you stayed true to the original? Have you made any worthwhile contributions of your own? Did you make sure that all the characters are wearing the right color hats? It’s a tricky thing to get right, and sometimes, it goes horribly wrong, hence the following list. These are the worst video game remakes of all time."

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irfo2004806d ago

Remake or Remaster? I think the writer doesn't know the different between remake and remaster

MadLad805d ago (Edited 805d ago )

They just found bad rereleases and lumped everything altogether.
As someone who knows what it was like to write for nothing sites before I started shaking hands with the bigger sites, even the small sites barely paying anything in the name of "helping build you a portfolio" there were always weekly quotas you had to make in terms of articles, despite the fact they were barely paying you at all.

I'm guessing things are no different, being written articles are even more dead than when I was doing it.

0hMyGandhi806d ago

I know that the Silent Hill HD "remaster" isn't the biggest offender on this list, but because I hold those games so dearly to my heart, the horrific end-product by an indifferent studio felt like a personal attack on some of the greatest "gaming years" of my life.

Yui_Suzumiya806d ago

Runs fine on my PS3 with no issues.

porkChop806d ago

Why are there remasters on a list of remakes?

Knightofelemia806d ago

The SH HD Remaster I enjoyed I also had fun trophy hunting it for PS3. I know it has it's quirks that fans hate but I paid $30 for it on Ebay. The PS2 port is fetching around $150 so I saved myself $120 Canadian going the PS3 route I will grab SH3 on PS2 sometime. But I enjoyed the game specially since I have never played SH3 before SH2 I got free with a $10 Xbox I bought.

autobotdan806d ago (Edited 806d ago )

To the end of the earth all the way till eternity people will still get confused about REMASTER and REMAKE. Like episodes of the Twilight Zone. Forever and ever with no end

VersusDMC805d ago


It's like they think a new 4k version of Oldboy is the same as the American remake.

I use the movie example because i assume most videogame journalists don't like videogames and just took a job they could get...

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Should Lovers of Modern Warfare Buy Black Ops: Cold War?

KeenGamer: "Fear not, Modern Warfare players, for this little article will give you all the information you need to decide whether to stay put, or make the next step in your FPS journey. The new Call of Duty game is finally here, but if you're still enjoying the series' previous instalment, you might be asking yourself one simple question. 'Should I buy Black Ops Cold War?'"

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NeoGamer2321310d ago

Nobody should be buying Cold War yet it is the best selling CoD.

I have a huge problem when you cannot get the nextgen version of the game by buying the standard version. Even if you own a nextgen console. The only way to get the nextgen version is through deluxe and higher versions.

This is a complete rip-off and money grab. If you buy the standard version and you own a nextgen console you are getting a gimped product for your console.


Let's Give Activision a Bit of Credit, Yeah?

It’s a truth universally acknowledged, that a Real Gamer™ must hate major publishers. None of the big boys escape criticism, whether it’s Ubisoft for its perceived approach to copy-and-paste game design or EA for, well, absolutely everything, really. Activision has oft been a dirty word in enthusiast circles, presumably because it insists on releasing wildly popular Call of Duty titles every year, but while other companies have had a dire generation, let’s give Bobby Kotick and his underlings a morsel of credit for some of its extracurricular activities recently.

The reality is that even if you think first-person shooters will give you cooties, Activision has done a wonderful job resurrecting some of its older brands. All the talk at the start of the generation revolved around whether Sony could wrench the Crash Bandicoot franchise out of the publisher’s cold hard grasp; the discussion was partly fuelled by outright fandom, but also because no one truly believed that the American publisher could do the mischievous marsupial justice in this day and age.

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Knightofelemia1384d ago (Edited 1384d ago )

You should define what a real gamer is you ask anybody what a real gamer is and the definition will be different. A real gamer in my definition does not care about console wars, and is in it for the feel of the game the enjoyment of the game relating to the characters and story of the game and says wow this is a great game. As a customer I hate EA I hate their business practices I hate how they close down good studios I hate how they litter a game with loot boxes and microtransactions I will not support EA. Activision releasing older titles as remakes is nothing new other companies have done it I like Spyro and Crash but I will not buy them day one I wait until they are cheap then I buy them. As a customer I just don't like Activision either I like Namco,Sega,Insomniac,Epic,Naug hty Dog,Santa Monica,Ubisoft,Quantic Dream,Banpresto,Gust,KOEI Tecmo, and SquareEnix. Again as for Nintendo's Disney approach to the new Mario collection releasing it as a limited number run both digital and physical then throwing it back into the vault is a dumb idea. I want the Mario collection just for Galaxy and Sunshine but as a customer especially if I am buying said limited number run game I expect Mario 64 to be cleaned up looks wise and have it polished. If modders have been doing it for years then why the hell can't Nintendo do it even Disney when they take a movie out of the vault for a limited time even polishes up their old cartoon movies. If Nintendo keeps going down the Disney route with limited time run then goes back into the vault it will eventually kick them in the ass.

monkey6021384d ago

Activision laid off hundreds of employees to save costs in the same year they made record breaking profits and gave Bobby Kottick a disgustingly large bonus on top of his already obscene paycheck.

They left a huge library of properties dormant for years so they could force more studios into a cycle of developing Call of Duty games.

They lock demos for upcoming games behind preorders.

Remember when they tried to sell Spyro 1 on a disc titled a trilogy without 2 and 3 included? They had to be downloaded.

Honestly Tony Hawk, CTR, Crash 1 -3, Spyro 1 - 3 were all great but Activision is run by absolute scumbags and no we should absolutely not let them think we forget that

AngelicIceDiamond1384d ago

They need to rid of the 1X to ease up confusion and ppl will pick up the Series S. Keep the 1S as the only ast gen console.

JCOLE131951384d ago (Edited 1384d ago )

Edit: never mind

KwietStorm_BLM1384d ago

You immediately lost me when trying to be funny with all gamers hating big publishers. Just tells me you're overlooking the actual criticisms they deserve, for the sake of patting Activision on the back.

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