
Nintendo Switch Hardware Is Already "Couple Of Years Old" Compared To iOS Devices,Says Oceanhorn Dev

Nintendo Switch might be a new console but it doesn't compare to the hardware offered by the latest iOS devices.

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Neonridr2618d ago

Of course it is.. and the PS4 and XB1 hardware were a few years old when they released too.. Nothing is bleeding edge by the time it actually releases.

-Foxtrot2618d ago

Lets not downplay the PS4/XB1 here to try and make this not as bad

Despite the mid gen upgrades they are still doing well 4 years on...I can't say the same about the Switch thinking about it

Fact is they shouldn't have done weaker hardware...again. Instead their focus was on a tablet over hardware power, an online system and chat. The tablet should have just been a successor to the 3DS released later down the road which you could just so happen to link to your console if you had one for cross play...totally optional

Neonridr2618d ago

yeah but this could be Nintendo's new strategy. Not spreading themselves over two pieces of hardware, this might be it from now on. They can have console and handheld teams working on the same projects since you can use it in either form. And as far as a handheld goes, it's pretty darn powerful. I don't care how powerful my Galaxy S8 is, show me a game on there like Breath of the Wild and I will keep quiet.

But when the PS4 released, it's graphics card was equivalent to a Radeon 7850, which was extremely dated in 2013.

narsaku2618d ago

..I don't think you can say something is a fact when it's really just a subjective opinion. I personally think a handheld console was an amazing idea, and it goes very well with their stylized anime graphics as they are significantly less performance heavy.

The switch is obviously very popular. I for one love being able to lay in bed at night and play a real console game for 30 minutes. It fills a time gap that was forever empty for me with a fun activity.. Something Angry Birds like games only did for a couple weeks before the concept became boring and I never returned.

ziggurcat2618d ago


"yeah but this could be Nintendo's new strategy. Not spreading themselves over two pieces of hardware..."

... which is why they announced a new handheld mere weeks after the switch released?

senorfartcushion2618d ago

No. Let's. PC gamers laugh at the older hardware used on the consoles. The Switch is a handheld 360, why are people surprised that the tech is old?

The Ps4 and Xone are being replaced with 4k machines. They wouldn't of with cutting edge tech because they would have the specs of the XoneX and PS4PRO already. So that means that the tech inside the ps4 and Xone are 4 years old after release but that is discounting the fact that PC gamers were saying it was old in 2013 anyway.

_-EDMIX-_2618d ago

@neo-this isn't simply just a strategy by Nintendo this is something that they were very much financially forced to do.

When you're losing market share every single year by a ridiculous amount and you're selling 14 million units of a console it is very clear you cannot afford to keep wasting billions rolling out consoles people are not buying.

They have to go all in on the portable Market and simply have an HDMI attachment to maintain the small amount of Home console fans that they have.

In regards to being a handheld it's as powerful as the previous handhelds were in comparison to consoles ...

You had DS playing N64 games just like you had PSP playing PlayStation 1 games how is this really that different when it's playing a last-generation game like breath of the Wild?

When a handheld like the PSP released in 2004 it was very much playing games like Kingdom Hearts God of War Final Fantasy Grand Theft Auto very much to the actual graphical Fidelity that we saw from PlayStation 2 games at the time.

Even looking back now at the PSPs games it was very clear that what you saw graphically was almost indistinguishable from what you were seeing from PlayStation 2 if we actually played a video montage of PSPs games I find it very difficult to believe that anyone would be able to actually really tell the difference.

So having the graphical Fidelity of a current generation platform did not really have the PSP outselling the DS.

So I'm finding it hard to believe how the switch is going to knock it out of the park when the handheld itself is not even having the graphical Fidelity of current generation titles

I have no doubt in my mind that even if Nintendo made another console and had a hand held that the handheld probably would have been to the specs almost exactly like what you're seeing with the switch anyway

Nintendo then it simply just make some sort of hybrid like you guys are desperately trying to aim The Narrative they simply stopped making home consoles.

It wouldn't surprise me if what the switch is in regards to Tech is exactly what their next handheld was always going to be in the first place they simply just change the name and added the PSP cradle tv out add on that Sony added in 2009.

I would argue you lost a Home console more than you actually gained a hybrid.

We were always going to get a hand held by Nintendo. Nintendo handhelds are generally more powerful than the previous last generation systems.

This isn't simply Nintendo's new "strategy" this is Nintendo saying they cannot hang in the home Console Market and must go portable exclusively.

When you lost 170 million users and Playstation network is making more money than your entire company combined...clearly you have to make drastic measures that's what you're actually seeing from the switch

I literally predicted this several years ago based on how they financially were struggling in losing massive amount of users.

At the end of the day did Nintendo not cease making home consoles and literally just released a handheld that outs to the television?

Sooooo yea. As a person that's in business this was probably one of the easiest predictions I think I've made on the possibility of a company exiting a specific Market. (Lol next to Blockbuster)

septemberindecember2617d ago

Why shouldn't we talk about the X1 or PS4 in comparison? If both of those consoles weren't cutting edge when they were released why would you expect the same from the Switch?

It isn't downplaying, it's making an apt comparison. If it looks bad that the Switch isnt as powerful as some pieces of technology now then it should have looked bad when PS4 and Xbox One weren't as powerful compared to tech of that time too.

Weeblordbad2617d ago

lol edmix thinking you couldn't differentiate between the PS2 and the PSP. WOOOOOO that's a knee slapper to be sure. I'm also a little disturbed when people describe themselves as "In business" yet their writing skills are closer to a teenagers. OH WELL.

-Mainline Pokemon is coming to Switch
-Current 3DS releases are largely localizations or remakes (Mario and Luigi)
-SMT is coming to switch
-The next Bravely game is coming to Switch

The Switch has replaced the 3DS, and that will be their only thing going forward. There were quotes from February about Nintendo always working on different things that could in fact be the successor, but that always sounded like the "DS is the third pillar with the GBA and Gamecube" of 2004.

CrimzonRazor2617d ago

they would have been better off just releasing their games on android and ios

Matfox12617d ago (Edited 2617d ago )

Well take yourself bk to ps4 launch,poor online performance,poor frame rates,poor resolution ie WiiU had more 1080p native games,and screen tear in online matches of COD,then after about 6 months to a year devs started talking a bit better about it even saying its really powerful ect ect,basically most consoles have all sorts of stuff said about them in the 1st year and very little has any truth just devs with lack of experience on the given platform,Bethesda dev said when he saw a Switch demo it was the best he had ever seen,then that UE4 demo on Switch of that apartment is out of an actual game in development also Switch UE4 settings match ps4 so enough said,wait until about Jan 2018 and you will start to realise all these negative comments are just devs with lack of knowledge.

wonderfulmonkeyman2617d ago

It's not downplaying, it's just the truth; compared to PC's, especially, consoles will always be a few years behind.
But sure, let's leave it to you to go ahead and say it's downplaying, while simultaneously trying to say it's "bad" on Nintendo's part, whenever someone says anything positive about Nintendo, rofl.

Sono4212617d ago

The only thing I think is completely pointless on the switch is the touch screen.. seriously someone explain why it has a touch screen..

LightofDarkness2617d ago

Bleeding edge mobile devices cost $700+, especially Apple devices. I can imagine what your "concerns" would have been if the Switch were priced equally.

sonarus2617d ago

Nobody buys Nintendo for the hardware. They buy it for their quality ips like Mario Zelda Mario kart Pokémon etc. With Sony and Microsoft all too focused trying to one up themselves they have essentially left their game offerings more or less the same.

Nintendo is the only platform where u can play Mario or Zelda or Pokémon which literally has no title even close to comparable on PlayStation or Xbox. Nintendos class games are why people still get excited to buy old Super Nintendo and n64

Kleptic2617d ago

objectively, the article is still off with it's headline at least (no interest in reading any more than that)

The Switch uses a customized Nvidia Tegra X1 SoC. I'm not sure of the cpu side of the Switch's inherent changes, but gpu side it's similarly clock'd and thermally optimized for what still remains the more or less most powerful ARM gpu available...iOS or not.

Apple's A10 Fusion SoC has a far better cpu, optimized for iOS and smart phone applications...but a generationally dated gpu based off of the A9X chipset, OC'd (Apple's SoC that released around the time the X1 did)...but of which can't maintain peak clocks for more than a single minute before thermal throttling. All in all both devices, gpu side, perform similarly. Apple's solution had theoretically higher peak peformance, but couldn't maintain it for long at all. The X1 had better resource allocation, and was easier on battery/heat issues.

yes the X1 is dated cpu side, but the Switch isn't running a major mobile operating system...it's running a similarly bizarre Japanese 'we still don't get the internet' nintendo OS/GUI, a trend that started with the Wii. All in all the switch is in no way 'a couple of years old compared to iOS devices' when it comes to rendering performance. It'll stand toe to toe with any Apple product currently released on that front.

Actually, to be totally fair, should be worded as 'both the Switch, and all current iOS devices, are a couple of years old'...as there has been very little gpu centric SoC improvements since 2015 on any ARM platform.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2617d ago
_-EDMIX-_2618d ago

But the problem is the switch is even weaker and it's releasing years after the fact.

Shiken2617d ago

Much like how the PS4 was weaker than affordable mid range PCs. Dont pick and choose, this is common.

Mobile games are no where near dedicaded handheld/console games, period. Your argument regarding power is obsolete outside of performance heavy PS4 games. And like I always said, PS4 owners actually have a reason to buy a Switch due to exclusives and vice versa. They can co exist.

So as long as the games keep coming, there is no problem...well they need to fix the voice chat. Seriously hate that idea with the app.

_-EDMIX-_2617d ago

@Shiken- agreed.

Switch just needs to fix its online situation and Nintendo will be fine. They should have had a HUGE overhaul before this gen started and really looked at MS and Sony. The blueprint is right there.

IF they can even get PS3 levels circa 2006, I'll be ok. It lets me know they have a base that can grow of features.

PS3 2006 PSN is nothing like PS3 2017 PSN

Same for 360.

If Nintendo can get a great base of features to grow, they will be ok if they just keep updating it and look at this like the beginning of the future of Nintendo Online..NOT simply "Switch online". That is a big deal and it shows that the company might not even have real commitment to such a feature.

I feel this needs to be looked at like a real, seriously investment by them, if they want consumers to feel the same.

You can't ask a user to care about something, you don't either as a company. Its something that is telling and many users can sense. Nintendo needs to make it very, very clear that this is what they will have for the future for ALL of their platforms, if they don't, they are only hinting that this isn't really something they are talking seriously.

The market share lost by them, they need to be bold, they need to make bold statements cause they can't afford to just keep slipping up like this after Wii U and 3DS market share loss.

Matfox12617d ago (Edited 2617d ago )

It may be less powerful but Switch uses geforce and is more modern,also Switch gets so close to ps4 graphics in its 1st year that to say ps4 is more capable is not true,all I know is ps4 with Fifa14 and compare that too Fifa18 on Switch exactly the Switch shows it has better graphics tech by far,ps4 can only dream of performing like this 4 years ago its because it has took 4 years for ps4 to reach current graphics and took Switch less then a few months.

Switch is basically super more capable then the power it displays basically you can't just compare power like you used too with Switch,everyone is just looking at numbers and reading into it WRONG.

Matfox12617d ago

Devs were calling ps4 too weak in its first year so what....

Omnislashver362617d ago


This is retarded, you're comparing PS4 to a mid range PC, but we're comparing Switch to a PS4 here.

Switch came out after PS4 and is weaker, that's the problem.

FITSniper2617d ago

Not sure what game you think gets anywhere close to PS4 on the Switch. Even if the resolution matches, the details don't. Sorry but the Switch is nowhere close the PS4. If nothing else it doesn't have the RAM to do so.

Shiken2617d ago


No, the difference between the PS4 and the mid range PC is comparable with the difference between mobile devices and the Switch. The Switch is a handheld that can play console caliber games and output to the TV, the PS4 is a home console.

Get your facts straight and think before you post and proclaim things as "stupid".

VariantAEC2617d ago

You once wrote long ago: "Mobile games are no where near dedicaded handheld/console games, period."

Problem is when PS4 and even when Xbox One launched there were games that showed the power of these systems compared to their much more powerful PC counterparts... Spoiler: games like DRIVECLUB showed PS4 wasn't weak at all in fact it wasn't until more than a year later when games on PC caught up in the visuals department qith games like Battlefront which also managed to look almosy every bit as good on console while retaining a 60 hertz refresh rate too!

In reality it took years for more powerful PCs to match console quality visuals... Again! Not only that but GPUs from back when PS4 and Xbox One launched are wholly incapable of matching console quality visuals, resolution and framerates in newly released games. Why is that?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2617d ago
Artemidorus2618d ago

Dragging even older consoles into the argument serves no purpose to what is being said.

Nintendo seem to be using older and lower spec tech for a while but optimise them the best they can with new inventions, ideas etc.

I personally want Nintendo to bring out a powerful console and provide the regular games on a bigger level.

indyman77772617d ago

Dragging older consoles into the argument serves a purpose it exposes the hypocrisy of holding Nintendo to a higher standard.

Xx_Pistol_xX2617d ago

And the Switch which just came out is still behind these outdated consoles that came out 4 years ago. So it's super outdated

bluefox7552617d ago (Edited 2617d ago )

Yeah, but those consoles are STILL powerful enough 4 years later to play the latest AAA third party titles. Something the Switch was unable to do right out of the gate. I know a lot of Nintendo diehards completely dismiss third party support, but I think it's a mistake for Nintendo to ignore it again. They seem to think indies and 5 year old titles like Skyrim will make up for it, I'm not so sure.

Bahamut2617d ago

Don't downplay their shortcomings. It is what it is, its hardware is lacking. But they have great first party games.

KuroKiko2617d ago

T R I G G E R E D NINTENDO fanboy.

Michiel19892617d ago

Wrong, when xbox 360 released it was pretty much a cutting edge pc, How times have changed though.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2617d ago
Foraoise2618d ago

But the Switch is stronger than any iOS device LOL. Nice clickbait.

indyman77772617d ago

Thats right people arent comparing PS4 and Xbox one to the best PC. But they have not trouble holding Nintendo to a much higher standard and showing hypocrisy.

Segata2617d ago

Ipad is twice the price.

Vits2618d ago

Not really.
The newest Ipads and Iphones are more powerful in terms of hardware. But they are not optimized for gaming so the Switch might have some leverage in that particular department.

maybelovehate2617d ago

Actually they are optimized very well for gaming, as far as the hardware. The API's are as well but they are Apple specific.

Vits2617d ago (Edited 2617d ago )

Honestly, I do not have enough experience with the PowerVR solutions used by Apple so I can't really compare their features directly with a Nvidia solution. And that is precisely why I said the Switch "might" have an advantage in that department.

So if you have any literature on the subject that you can share, I would be grateful.

DashMad2617d ago (Edited 2617d ago )

no it's not for small game yes but bigger game are not. IOS overhead is bigger than switch made the resource for gaming smaller and also IOS App size limit is 4GB you wont find Apps bigger than that on appstore. maybe you should wait for Iphone 8 maybe they throw away that limitations.

Bluemaster772617d ago

The most powerful Ipads are also 2 - 3x more expensive than the switch

Kleptic2617d ago (Edited 2617d ago )

Gpu side the Tegra X1 and Apple's A9x or A10 (they use the same gpu, the newer one OC'd but only last's like a minute before throttling back to A9x levels) are comparable. The differences between them are down to API's and game optimization. The X1 could pretty much do anything those mentioned Apple gpu's could, and vice versa, so it's more up to developers...I think it's safe to assume that Nintendo and it's devs would be able to ring out a particular gpu more than freaking Gameloft or some other 'big' mobile game developer.

Cpu side...night and day...Apple handed Nvidia their hat on that front before the X1 released (nvidia couldn't even get a decent LTE or gps radio to work properly in said SoC, hence the push towards gaming and tablets...never phones) , but like mentioned...The swtich doesn't run iOS,...either way, calling the switch or an X1 'years old' compared to Apple devices, specifically gpu side...is incorrect.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2617d ago
babadivad2618d ago

No it isn't. It's actually weaker than the stronger iPads. Maybe even the up coming iPhones as well.

_-EDMIX-_2618d ago

I don't even really understand what you're trying to debate

They're literally saying a piece of Hardware is for a fact more powerful than another piece of Hardware, that is not subjective, it is a fact that you could look up at the iPads are very much stronger than the switch.

mixelon2617d ago

iPad Pros compare favourably with x64 based laptops. Of course the switch is weaker, spec wise.

It’s also a lot less expensive. 😅

2617d ago
mixelon2615d ago

ImGumbyDammit: Right ok, whatever you say random internet stranger!

https://www.google.co.uk/am... - comparing favourably to a fast i7 based laptop, but with much better battery life.

The benchmarks agree, the performance is great for the form factor. (Especially comparing to ultra portables like the MS Surface) just look up the benchmarks or the ars deep dive.

I do commercial work on my iPad Pro sooooo.. Procreate is no little app pretending to be a productive program. And it multitasks like a boss on iOS. Nor is Sketchbook pro or the Adobe suite. It’s not the best for everything and everyone, but the iPad Pro is a hell of an artist’s tool, particularly.

Allsystemgamer2617d ago

Um. The switch is basically a google pixel.

OpenGL2617d ago

It's definitely not stronger than the latest iPad Pro or even the iPhone 7.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2615d ago
EddieNX 2618d ago ShowReplies(2)
CrimsonWing692618d ago

How is this news!? I mean seriously, you put up a story that the Switch is really underpowered?

The Switch is an underpowered machine and will eventually suffer for it when high-end looking games come out that it can't run even downgraded because the cost to develop won't return through sales.

Then it'll be another machine you just play 1st party Nintendo games on and hope the next console will at least be competitive in some form.

TheEnigma3132617d ago

I think it will continue to sell. It will be a secondary console though behind PS4.

yellowgerbil2617d ago

As a new switch owner I can tell you the power is not noticeable when you got it in your hands and are enjoying playing Zelda while relaxing in the tub or in the car.
Zelda is better than any game xbox has made hands down, and few could be held up even on the ps4 (horizon and last of us and uncharted)
Skyrim is garbage compared to how creative and real Hyrule feels. I am only 2 hours in but I have already chopped a tree down to bridge a gap between areas without any hand holding, the game truly is a masterpiece, and the future is bright for the Switch

nitus102617d ago

Saying Skyrim is garbage compared to Zelda BOTW is really asking for disagrees.

I guarantee that more people have played Skyrim to date than people will have played Zelda BOTW in the lifetime of the Switch and the WiiU (effectively dead now). Yes, Skyrim is not perfect but then again no game is except for those people that are blinded by nostalgia or hype.

Note: To date, there have been 19 releases of different Link/Zelda games. How's that for milking a franchise and people laugh at Microsoft for milking Halo, Gears and Forza.

BTW. I have played and enjoyed the Zelda games from Legend of Zelda (1), The Adventures of Link (2),
A link to the Past (3), Orcarean of Time (5) and Windwaker (10) (GameCube - the last Nintendo console I purchased). You should also note that I have only played the console versions since I have no real interest in handhelds.

Einhander19712618d ago (Edited 2618d ago )

Exactly nothing is bleeding edge tech at release, but it's all about the games nothing on iOS or android compares to what switch is delivering.

Officialxandr2618d ago

This. Love my Google Pixel, but the Switch destroys it; in terms of gaming.

Allsystemgamer2617d ago

Which is funny because the switch pretty much is a google pixel.

Prince_TFK2617d ago

Can't say that here on N4G. Beside PS4, everything else is sh*t.

VariantAEC2616d ago

Guess Tegra X1 wasn't cutting edge when it launched either?
How about the first OLED screen? Was the first computer cutting edge, or car, AC cooling, AC electricity, the first wheel? Being "on the cutting edge of innovation" means your the first and or the best for a long time. The first people to make something that people can use are "cutting edge".
The Nintendo switch is not cutting edge. PS Vita was cutting edge because it was ahead of the game with particular regard to overall computational power in the mobile space. Switch is not ahead in any way. Not in resolution, framerate, computational power, features, portability, battery tech (a must for the feable Switch battery). Where did Nintendo spend it's money? Oh right, they spent it on removable controllers which were already available elsewhere before Switch existed too.
Anyway Switch is competent compared to last gen... same is true on mobile phones but phones are showing their power over Switch.
You know how PC took years to have a laptop that could beat PS4... Well the same month that Switch launched the Galaxy S8 toasted Switch.

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Games Like Zelda on PS4

Not got a Nintendo console but want to play something like The Legend of Zelda? Look no further.

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TheEnigma3131664d ago

#d dot game heroes was pretty good for ps3. Wish they made a sequel.

1664d ago
AK911664d ago

God yes I loved that game.

JWave1664d ago

*click* popup... One game... Click next to read on... No thanks

Mr_Luke1664d ago

I'd say Ocean's Horn, the closest i could think of. On PS4 i mean, other ones i have no idea ^^''

winter_hill1664d ago

"Want to support GameSpew? If you decide to buy any of the games on this list, please consider using our Amazon affiliate links, included below each entry. It won’t cost you anything extra, but we’ll get a small slice of the purchase."

LOL f*** that! Don't you earn enough already from your clickbait lists? Speaking of which, no revenue for you from this one...

Darksiders: Warmastered Edition
Ittle Dew 2
Hyper Light Drifter
Okami HD
Oceanhorn – Monster of Uncharted Seas
Evoland: Legendary Edition
The Swords of Ditto
Rack ‘n Ruin

Show all comments (9)

Indies are continuing to thrive on Nintendo Switch, who saw this coming?

"Hollow Knight’s early success honestly does not come as a surprise to me. It seems like every couple weeks we hear about an indie game finding success on Switch. The Nintendo Switch is sort of becoming the new home for indies. I don’t think anyone saw this coming, not even Nintendo." -- Nintendo Enthusiast

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PhoenixUp2275d ago

“Toward the end of the Wii’s lifecycle was when the indie scene really started to take off.“

Indie games garnered considerable success long before 2012.

Artemidorus2275d ago

Considering it's a handheld it makes sense smaller games are a success.

Kinglink2275d ago (Edited 2275d ago )

When you heavily push indies, they thrive. They did well when Microsoft first launched "Summer of Xbox" and then Microsoft stopped caring. They did well when Sony pushed PS4 as the indie platform, then they stopped caring. Eventually Nintendo will stop pushing Indies and they'll slow down there too.

Basically when the system developers/marketplace owners push that content, they do well. Who'd a thunk that giving more marketing time and space to an indie developer helped their success?

BTW most of the very successful indies on Nintendo we're well known (if not successful) on steam. So being well known as you move onto a new platform gets you more news and attention. Again, it's a shocking revelation.

Teflon022275d ago

Didn't alot of indie games love releasing on Vita because they were successful for years on it too? I figured a handheld with proper indie support would automatically get great support in that aspec


Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas Review – Big Boss Battle (B3)

It's time to strike sail with Oceanhorn, a casual roleplaying game inspired by progenitors of the genre, which is fun to play despite some need for improvement.

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