
All Current Generation Consoles Ranked By Number of Exclusives

Twinfinite crunches the numbers and compares each console by the total number of console exclusives, highlighting the best of their respective libraries.

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XanderZane2513d ago (Edited 2513d ago )

Not surprising. I'm sure fanboys will complain and say the 3DS & PS Vita are not game consoles. The Wii had the most exclusives last gen as well. They forgot the Wii U, which is this gen as well. The Switch is 9th gen. Twinfinite may want to fix that. Just remove the Switch and replace it with the Wii U.

frostypants2513d ago (Edited 2513d ago )

Think you've stepped into a big stinky pile of Nintendo fanboy. But you're mostly right. It's objectively silly to call 3DS or Vita "consoles".

I'm honestly not sure how to classify Switch gen-wise. From a computing perspective it's certainly not 9th gen. If you look at a cross platform game between it and the PS4/One, it would be tough to claim it was a gen ahead.

MisterRay2513d ago

Nintendo's adherence to exclusives is why their consoles are always the ones to buy, assuming you have a good gaming PC to run other games. Exclusivity on other consoles is vanishing, but Nintendo holds strong onto their franchises, of which they have many.

JackBNimble2513d ago

Well if you're going to go by the title 3Ds and Vita are not current gen , sorry .

OffRoadKing2512d ago

I'm not complaining, but I legit thought the 3DS and Vita were considered handheld's or portables and not consoles. Hopefully that doesn't make me a "fanboy".

XbladeTeddy2512d ago

Never thought of my 3DS as a console ever personally. Just like I never thought of a laptop as a PC. But, who cares. Same things for different situations.

fr0sty2512d ago

3DS are not consoles nor are they current generation.

indyman77772512d ago (Edited 2512d ago )

Scary thing about this is people are about to SEE a bigger PS4 flood! Plus those games that we could not play on the big screen (especially JRPG's) are about to SWITCH (pund not intended) to SWITCH from the 3ds and 2ds.

My order
XBox One forza edition(Soon x1x)
PS3(I think i will trade it this year)
Nice Samsung tablet
Then my cell phones last.

Man I have too many gaming devices.

morganfell2512d ago


Never trade any game device that has at least 1 game on it you really like unless you have a 100% ironclad, guaranteed way to play that game - or any others on that device about which you care. Otherwise you will regret it. Maybe not immediately but sooner or later you will say, "Damn, I wish I could play game XYZ. I shouldn't have traded that console."

Babadook72512d ago

"Well if you're going to go by the title 3Ds and Vita are not current gen , sorry ."


yeesh... your right about that. Will not click on this this troll clickbait article.

XanderZane2512d ago

Generations are not determined by how powerful a game console is. If that was the case, most of Nintendo hardware wouldn't have gotten past generation 6. It's really just the next console in the companies series of consoles. Normally the PS4 Pro & XB1X would be 9th gen as well. The only reason they are mid-gen consoles is because that consoles use a lot of hardware as the original PS4 & XB1 and both Sony & Microsoft are calling them mid-gen consoles because they are released before the 5 year mark.

PSN_ZeroOnyx2512d ago


PlayStation Exclusives are not going anywhere. In fact the best combo to play all games is PlayStation/Nintendo/PC.

KakashiHotake2512d ago

Technically you could put the Switch in the same category as PS4 Pro and Xbox One X.

XanderZane2512d ago

No, as it has absolutely nothing to do with the Wii or Wii U. You can't even play Wii or Wii U games on the Switch, as it uses cartridges. It's not a mid-gen game console. It's a 9th gen game console.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 2512d ago
zcmilano2513d ago

PS4 utterly smashing Xbox One. Vita also really impressive lol... Bet loads of those games are super weird JRPGS.

Godmars2902513d ago

Vita's pretty much been forgotten by Sony yet still does well.

Vits2513d ago

Vita is a main platform for a lot of japanese developers so it's not really a surprise.

Genuine-User2513d ago

There's still the odd Vita announcement here and there, but I think most indie devs are moving onto to the Nintendo Switch as their first choice of a portable port of whatever they're working on.

Vits2513d ago


For now, I find it hard to say anything about Switch taking the PS Vita's place as the main platform for these devs. Obviously, it has the potential, but it's too soon to really say anything concrete.

Godmars2902513d ago

Thing is between Sony not supporting Vita and the Switch having both a mobile and big screen option, its only a matter of time until JP devs shift platforms. Maybe support both, but again Sony seems to be doing little to nothing to incentivize anyone.

Vits2512d ago


Sure, that's exactly why so many Japanese developers might stick with the Vita for a little longer. The lack of first party titles leaves the market with less competition which means that titles that would once go unnoticed are now perceived by the console's owners.

Also the Vita already have a big enough player base in Japan and have very low development costs when compared with any other console. That said, the Nintendo Switch could steal that place, but right now is too soon to be sure.

segamaniaco2512d ago

Moe games will remain on vita

CrazedFiend2512d ago

Maybe forgotten in the west

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2512d ago
MegamanXXX2513d ago

Xbox fanboys will still be in denial lol

Kiwi662512d ago (Edited 2512d ago )

The fact is the 3DS beat both the xb1 & ps4 so will people in general be in denial or just sllghtly confused

Why o why2512d ago


That's the viewpoint that ms feeds off and allows them to fall so far behind because they feel its only about power .......

S2Killinit2512d ago

"Infinitely" lol you are going to be so dissapointed.

PSN_ZeroOnyx2512d ago


I thought the X1 mantra was "power doesn't matter"

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2512d ago
steveo1234562513d ago ShowReplies(5)
S2Killinit2512d ago

I knew xbox gamers were missing out but didnt know it was this bad.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2512d ago
Relientk772513d ago

PS Vita has more exclusives than Xbox One

Wow lol

PS4 clear leader for home consoles this generation

_-EDMIX-_2513d ago

Well by default all platforms will have more exclusives with MS going multiplatform and putting their games on PC as well as XBONE now.

Kribwalker2513d ago

So with PSnow now having PS4 games and the ability to play those on a pc without ever owning a PS4, what happens to the huge list of PS4 exclusives then?

Goldby2513d ago


You dont own the game soooo.

i cant say i'm an xbox gamer if i'm borrowing one from a friend just to play a game.

_-EDMIX-_2513d ago

@Krib- "So with PSnow now having PS4 games"

Select PS4 games.

"what happens to the huge list of PS4 exclusives then?"

They stop being exclusive and become multiplaform by default.

Not sure what kind of question that is if you know what the mulitplatform means lol

The way PS Now is going, I'm not even sure it will be around that long, Sony is cutting devices and I'm not sure it will last. Game Pass in terms of structure just makes more sense then PS Now. You pay a price and you get the game vs streaming.

Razzer2513d ago (Edited 2513d ago )

It is like saying you bought some movie because it is available on Netflix. But yeah...technically it is a "console exclusive" at that point.

Either way, you are not going to see a large number of PS4 games on PS Now for quite some time, if ever. And regardless, the exclusives on PS4 are still unmatched this gen (not including handhelds) with or without PS Now so it doesn't matter.

Aenea2513d ago

Didn't read the article huh?

It clearly states that they define exclusive for this list as not being available on another console....

Kribwalker2513d ago

You don't technically own the Xbox games on pc either, as it's a digital license that could be revoked, it's in the terms and agreements for both consoles/pc that you own a license when you buy a digital game.

Goldby2512d ago


But you arent renting them at 60$ you are buying them, thast the difference.

i could also say theres no installing any game files on your system to play them

Mulando2512d ago

Many Vita & 3ds games are not excluse, as they count every tiny game, most titels are also available on PC.
But well there are plenty of "big" (A, AA, AAA) console/handheld exclusives on those platforms.

INMATEofARKHAM2512d ago (Edited 2512d ago )

You really shouldn't bring PC into it... If you do it has the most exclusives by a unfathomable amount. *shrug*

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2512d ago
andrewsquall2512d ago

Been saying that the past 3 years lol, Vita even had more exclusives that Xbox 360 in 2013. When Xboners used to say PS4 had no games in 2014 and 2015, I have NO IDEA how they didn't notice the even more drastic list of games NOT on their gaming platform of choice.

Kribwalker2512d ago

Still don't need to own a PS4 to play the games, which is the meaning of exclusive. You need to own the system to play the game.....I already own a PS4, so PSnow doesn't matter to me, but I have friends that don't own one and aren't planning on buying one, but will get PSnow when some newer exclusives inevitably show up

SilverDemon2512d ago

@Kribwalker you dont need ps4 if your friend has one and allows you to stream games from it to your pc for $.......that friend's name is Sony

the games are not running on pc, they are only streamed to it (just like how bloodborne isnt available on vita but you can still play it using remote play

ps now is basically remote play. and you are renting a ps4 from Sony. they call it subscription but its actually a rental service

Anzil2512d ago

I guess your friends will be waiting for 5 year old games that play at 720 20fps "PS4 games". PS now will not be alive for very much longer imo. This has always been the most absurd argument coming from PC people.

Kribwalker2512d ago

But in order to play that game on the vita you need to own a PS4 then stream it. In order to play PSnow you don't need to own a PS4, you don't even need to own a decent PC, which makes PSnow games more accessible then play anywhere games, as you need a fairly decent PC to play them.

txboy052512d ago

There is 3 exclusives on PS Now and they are al old as hell so who cares AND only 1 of them is an actual PS4 game

SilverDemon2512d ago


have you even read my comment?? I said you dont need to own one to stream to it, all you need is to know someone that will let you use his
its no different then playing a console/game you dont own by going to your friend that owns it and playing their console/game, but this friend wont lets you play his game/console for free, you need to pay him (how is that any different from how sony does ps now??)

you dont need to OWN a ps4 but you need to have access to one to play those games on it (whether its ps now, your friend's or whatever)....in short pc CANNOT RUN THOSE GAMES and only ps4 can

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2512d ago
Kramerica132513d ago

Switch is already on a path to have a much better lineup of exclusives than either XO or PS4 and probably even than both combined. It's not there yet, but it's getting there. Both PS4 and XO have really disappointed me in this realm. Each only has like maybe a handful of great exclusives that I couldn't have just played on my PC.

badz1492513d ago

better pray it doesn't die early first LOL

2pacalypsenow2513d ago (Edited 2513d ago )

The Switch launched half way through the generation, they complete dropped support on the Wii U months before the Switch launched and their best two titles are Wii U ports. I'm sure if Sony or MS released ports of their best exclusive games at launch people would be saying the same thing (or would they? Since Nintendo seems to get a pass for almost anything nowadays Sony and MS would prob just get criticized). Sony did it with the Last of us, but most people don't consider the port a Ps4 exclusive since it was on Ps3.

_-EDMIX-_2513d ago


That would just never fly for a real line up on PS4 or XONE ie GT6 port, The Last Of Us port annnnnd see you next year.

or XONE like Gears 3 port, Forza port annnnnnd see you next year lol

That would just not fly. PS4 and XONE launched with exclusives and had 3rd party title to boot.

Switch has ports and lacks 3rd party AAA titles that are on PS4 and XONE.

I agree too, I don't see The Last Of Us as a PS4 exclusive, it very much is a port from the PS3 gen.

Gemmol2512d ago

ps4 did have ports of their best exclusive, did you forget 1st two years, was remasters???

MrBrofist2512d ago

If? The Last of Us got ported to PS4 within it's first year.
People were jokingly calling it the RemasterStation 4.
Besides the Switch is barely 5 months old,so it's not fair to fault them for wanting to port over some of they're top sellers on a not-so-successful console (to nicely put it) to sway gamers who wanted to play those titles but wouldn't make the jump.

2pacalypsenow2512d ago


Ps4 did not launch with a single remastered game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2512d ago
_-EDMIX-_2513d ago

'better lineup of exclusives"


Mind you, with XONE its a fact by default of MS not making exclusives anymore.

Right now, a lot of Switch is basically sequels of Wii U stuff.

yellowgerbil2512d ago

The WiiU doesn't exist so these games are not ports, but new masterpieces. And not only that, 2 new IP with arms and mario rabbids, and that isn't even counting 12switch and snipperclips.
Clearly the switch is the system to get this year not the 1x that only adds a bit more gloss

Razzer2513d ago

PS4 has a bit more than a "handful" of exclusives not available on PC. I love my Switch, but it has a long way to go to catch up.

Gemmol2512d ago

i love my switch too but it did not finish a year yet, but it have more promise than others on their first year

txboy052513d ago

For the Switch to even be in the same realm as the PS4 it will needs about 6-8 more great exclusives. AT LEAST

Gemmol2512d ago

not really, Zelda alone knock out 2 of sony best exclusives, and if new mario do well, thats another two games it will knock out.......doubt sony get as many high reviews as sony with nintendo first party........but if we going by your opinion than they would need 6-8......but if we going by overall from many ratings each website give, Nintendo will be ahead quickly......

txboy052512d ago

How does Zelda knockout two exclusives lol it cant even knock out Horizon Zero Dawn by itself ! Sony has more quality and quantity. See yall like to think of the most recent exclusives but Sony been dropping bombs for years now on the PS4. What Sony has already released this year kills what Switch has even planned for the rest of the year. Nioh, Horizon, Persona, Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 0 and Nier smh GTFOH

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2512d ago
FlameWater2513d ago

XBOX Console exclusives are coming to PC as well, what's with the "alternative" facts?

Razzer2513d ago

That is why they are called console exclusives. Not available on other consoles, but possibly available on PC.

2513d ago Replies(2)
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There are many more much needed features before this.


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Can We Stop Normalizing 5v5 Hero Shooters Before It's Too Late?

The 5v5 hero shooter genre has been milked dry by gaming studios, and it's high time we agree to put an end to it.

Redgehammer1d 4h ago

I miss the 8v8 matches we had on 56k modems. What is up with 5v5? And as an aside, why don’t games come with a peer to peer hosting option? TF2 is still kicking on Xbox, due to a Peer to peer option. Modern internet is plenty strong.

Rynxie1h ago

I miss the 20 vs 20 (R1). 30 vs 30 (R2). 12 vs 12 (kz2). 16 vs 16 (kz3). 128 vs 128 (MAG). Those were the days. Now we have these crap 5 vs 5 and 6 vs 6with small maps.

JEECE35m ago

32 player and 64 player matches are a lot of fun. Big enough that you feel like there is a lot going on and the "front lines" ebb and flow organically, but small enough where you feel like you are actually having an impact on the game when you are playing well.

JEECE1h ago

I am fully guilty of this too, so I'm not trying to call people out, but it is interesting how in modern gaming (for purposes of this issue, roughly the last 10 years), the gaming community thinks there should only be 1-2 games in a particular subgenre, even if they come out multiple years apart from one another. This is particularly true with multiplayer; often when I see a game announcement I think "oh my gosh, ANOTHER one of these," but if I really sit and think about it, there are only one or two good, established games in that subgenre, and usually they have been around for awhile. Not saying it's wrong, and I'm probably not going to change, but in 2007 I never would have seen a game announcement and thought "oh my gosh I'm so burnt out on this type of game, I played one in 2002 and then there was another successful one in 2004."

CrimsonWing691h ago

I mean, I don’t like them, but I’m not going to say it needs to be stopped by or not be “normalized.” Like what does that mean, not be a standard genre?

Here’s the thing, if people like them and they’re selling, more power to them. Just don’t forget about traditional single player games. The day the industry moves away from that is the day I hang up the towel on the hobby.

derek44m ago

This is all centered around Concord and a desire to sideline the game before anyone has a chance to play it. How narrow-minded can these media types be? There was a lot of effort put into making this game and I presume the devs are looking forward to people trying it out and deciding whether they want to buy it. This article is an attempt by media to force their views on gamers as to whether or not they should give a new game a try. It's toxic and is consistent with alot of the outrage campaigns that hit this space often. I have never played Overwatch or any online games really since the ps3, so the "we hate/ are tired of hero shooters" talk means nothing to me. Am I not allowed to try it out and have an opinion of my own?
If the game fails to attract an audience then so be it, nothing ventured nothing gained. But unreserved critcism of a game you have not played by so called journalists is problematic.