
The Nintendo Switch Online App for Voice Chat is a Disaster, But I Don't Really Care

Forbes: "Splatoon 2 may not launch for the Nintendo Switch until tomorrow, but Nintendo's new online app for iOS and Android — essential for playing the game like a normal online shooter — launched yesterday. For those that don't know, the online app is used for voice chat, arranging private matches and tracking some in-game stats. If all that stuff sounds like something you usually don't need an entirely separate piece of hardware for, it's because it is. Nintendo's online app always sounded like nonsense, and now that people are finally getting their hands on it, we seem to be able to confirm — it's nonsense. The app has been met with near-universal scorn because the concept of using your phone for voice chat is cumbersome, convoluted and ineffective.

Here's the thing, though: I don't really care."

DigitalRaptor2621d ago

I hoped for better.

Wasn't XBL service better than this when it came out nearly 20 years ago?

Vits2621d ago

More or less, not all games had access to voice chat and the user had to purchase a separate accessory that should be plugged into the control to allow use of a headset. Also I can't vouch for the service's quality, but it was certainly a simpler process.

ocelot072621d ago

The PS2 Network was probably a better service and that is saying something.

EddieNX 2621d ago

Thats a huge stretch. The actual online in Splatoon 2 is actually as good even better and faster than most games, im not exagerating, its a fact. The app is a bit awkward but it does still provide voice chat and the splatnet 2 features are actually really good. People are just massively over reacting like they do with everything. It takes ten seconds to join a game in Splatoon 2 and there is 0 lag.

3-4-52621d ago

Yes...Halo 2 & Crimson skies never had a problem on the OG Xbox.

That being said....I don't need voice chat for splatoon 2 and I'm sure in the next 1-2 years they will learn from their mistakes and get it right eventually...or more right.

Microsoft has lead online gaming since the OG Xbox and it's always been that way. That is something they get 100% right and have since day 1.

If only the rest of the company could be as efficient.

PhoenixUp2620d ago

I wouldn't call 15 years close to 20 years, unless you want to make it sound like it's been around longer than it existed to fit an agenda

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2620d ago
OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2621d ago

I don't either. Haven't used Party Chat or played with friends once on PS4 and I have about 80 on my friend list.
Only game I really used Voice Chat for was Left 4 Dead 2 on X360.
Using an outside source for voice chat doesn't bother me either because I can multitask but if I were to use voice chat for Switch. I rather have Discord up on my phone or computer.

freshslicepizza2621d ago

And this is why Nintendo will never be encouraged to change because so many simply just accept what's given to them, even when they are now going to charge for it.

lellkay2621d ago

Absolutely this. Imagine if this same thing happened to Xbox or Playstation players. The voices would be loud and the companies would be forces to change and evolve and "get with the times" Nintendo fanbase is so universally willing to stick up for any decision even if its ridiculous. They should expect and want more.

Protagonist2621d ago

Leave it to the cult-like nintendo fans to swallow anything nintendo pukes out.

2pacalypsenow2621d ago (Edited 2621d ago )

Probably the only thing i agree with moldybread on...

TekoIie2621d ago


I'm doubtful of that to some degree. I mean we all sung the praises of Sony when online was free. But when they adeed a monthly fee people just rolled over and accepted it.

Right now I would rather we get the Wii U's online service than what Nintendo is promising for 2018.

DigitalRaptor2621d ago

Another thing for moldybread to pretend to care about. Wonderful.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2620d ago

Yes like 1 person out of the 4 or 5 million Switch users who doesn't care will tell Nintendo it's fine.

Keep thinking because one person say it then Nintendo is gonna stick with it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2620d ago
TKCMuzzer2621d ago (Edited 2621d ago )

What rubbish, you have just gone the long way around to justify something that shouldn't be justified in 2017, the Switch should have party chat included in the hardware, its as simple as that, no ifs or buts. It should have been standard. The machine costs £279 for crying out loud. I imagine you are on Nintendo's Xmas card list for accepting such limitations.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2620d ago

Uh what so hard about understanding that "I" don't care. I never said I don't care and you shouldn't either.

You are free to care or not. Doesn't bother me. Whether its a traditional voice chat or not. I still wouldn't use.

admiralvic2620d ago

"I rather have Discord up on my phone or computer."

Isn't this basically the issue. Nintendo offers a service, one they plan on paying for and when push comes to shove, but for the same amount of effort I might as well use another service. Even if it isn't a problem for you, you should be able to relate to people not wanting to use a convoluted system of devices and wires, when other services have done better for years. Even the Vita has a better voice chat system than the Switch and it's six years older.

gamer78042621d ago

you might not care, but many other gamers love to play games and chat with friends. This should have been a feature built in that works flawlessly.

2621d ago
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