
Arizona Sunshine PSVR Review - DarkZero

"Plagued by unoptimized controls, queasy camera movement and an overall brief and unremarkable experience that barely qualifies it as a rental, where such an option even possible."

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GamesMaster19822628d ago

Thats more like the score that this should get. I dont get why some places over praise most VR games when in truth most are utter garbage. To be fair apart from Resi 7 and a couple of others PSVR is a fad that i think Sony with eventually drop like they did with the Vita. Its 3D TV'S all over again, and 4K as soon as 8K comes properly.

ApocalypseShadow2628d ago (Edited 2628d ago )

I guess my question would be is "Do you even have any of the VR headsets or played with them?"Maybe other gamers praise VR games big or small because they *like* them. All VR games don't have to have the production value of RE7 to be *FUN*

VR is not a fad. It has entered more areas from medicine, education, science,etc than 3DTV ever had and will continue to grow. But 3D movies are still watched at the theater,3D blu ray movies are still sold and 3D movies can be watched on VR headsets. PS Vita is still being sold. Dead is like Sega Game Gear or Atari Lynx. You're neglecting the cell phone game market and Nintendo's years of dominance. Name another game portable on the market? Sony tried, it didn't work out in western countries but doing fine in Japan. Most people don't have a 4K TV and it will be YEARS before everyone has an 8K TV in their home.

As for the article...yes the game launched with issues. They said they'll fix it. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. Other games released with bugs and were fixed. Give this developer a shot. It was a **port** from better tracking headsets that needs more polish to work on PSVR. **ONE** game reviewing with issues and getting a low grade from one site doesn't mean the downfall of PSVR or VR as a whole. Tracking and shooting down a site works perfectly in Far point. So it's a development issue. Not a PSVR or VR issue.

As for the humor, Duke Nukem humor can be funny. And sometimes Bruce Campbell humor is not funny. It comes down to comedic taste.

GamesMaster19822628d ago

Yes have a PSVR since day one. But am really dissapointent in the quality of shovelware we have got. Where are the real games like Resi 7 where is Sonys 1st party support ?. Im telling you its vita all over again.

ApocalypseShadow2628d ago

You say real games. There are a lot of real games. Maybe the ones that released don't appeal to you. Doesn't mean there aren't any good games or real games right now. Super hot comes out next week and is getting 9's already. It's not long. But it is good from the majority.

Games don't have to be 100 hours or 50 hours to be fun. They have to be fun. That creates replay ability. Not length or money spent creating a game. Is tetris a game or is it a tech demo? I spent countless hours playing it because it was fun. Not because of graphics or a big name.

Maybe you bought it too soon. That's sensible. Doesn't mean more games aren't coming that will appeal to you. It hasn't even been a year yet. Give it some time. Or, you might want to sell it. That's perfectly okay too.


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roadkillers661d ago

I’m going to try picking up, my plan is to purchase a Katwalk. Walking in vr would be the next step (hehe)and I’m ready for it!