
GameArena reviews Wipeout HD

The editor writes : -

"Beyond the game's pretty graphics and the quality gameplay, the reality is that if you don't like racing games Wipeout HD is not going to convert you. It sticks to the basics of racing games - going fast and looking nice. It combines a well-balanced learning curve with realistic challenges to keep you coming back again and again if you're even remotely interested in racing games Wipeout HD is a must-have game. "

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remanutd555777d ago

it is a must have game indeed

PoSTedUP5777d ago

yea man i just bought it tonight. its f*cking amazing! i cant wait till i get my HDTV.... wipeoutHD is a must buy.

TheColbertinator5777d ago

Whoa.That is a golden score right there


Sony, What Happened To Wipeout?

Will we ever see more of Sony’s futuristic racing franchise?

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PSNghost881807d ago

Better question. What happened to Ridge Racer? LOL

darthv721807d ago

That's better suited to ask Namco, not Sony.

Forn1807d ago

Better question, what happened with Motorstorm?!

darthv721807d ago

I would absolutely LOVE a motorstorm collection. All 5 games in one package.
Motorstorm Pacific Rift (my favorite)
Motorstorm Apocalypse
Motorstorm Arctic Edge
Motorstorm RC

himdeel1807d ago

Sony Liverpool was shut down, that's what happened. Ask harder questions.

DillyDilly1807d ago

Better question what happened with Twisted Metal ?

KickSpinFilter1806d ago (Edited 1806d ago )

Ya that would be awesome but highly unlikely, it’s a little messed up while Driveclub started out lousy all the server and updates ended up making one fabulous racer. Developer was able to turn around Days Gone into a pretty good game not sure why Driveclub did not get that chance also

neutralgamer19921806d ago

sony has way too many IP's that's what happened

King_Noctis1806d ago

Even better question, what happen to Twisted Metal?

So many great exclusives that I hope Sony bring back for the PS5.

jivah1806d ago

Why get a motorstorm collection that will look like ass when we can get a new installment properly developed that will have brand new maps, vehicles and mechanics as well as legacy ones.

VTKC1806d ago

wow imagine if they did a motorstorm with VR compatible like wipeout! Would be insane! With all the dirt and mud flying in all directions and looking to the side or any direction to see the other competitiors while racing around the track and the sense of speed when you decide to hit the nitros! They got to do this!

Sevir1806d ago

Evolution shut down after Driveclub didn't make money.

The Wood1806d ago

Who owns the ips for motor storm and twisted metal? Can't they be reborn

Forn1806d ago

I should have stated that I already know Evolution was shut down. Despite that, Sony could give the IP to another studio if they wanted. I realize that Apocalypse didn't sell very well, but that was due to circumstances beyond Evolution's control. I feel like Evo should have at least started this gen off with a Motorstorm series remaster before they went on to Driveclub to help get their feet wet with the new hardware. Might have helped them be better prepared in creating Driveclub.

dumahim1806d ago (Edited 1806d ago )

better question, why Motorstorm?


+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1806d ago
S2Killinit1807d ago

What happened to Wipeout is that the games only logical and natural evolution involves VR. Which Sony has already introduced to test out people’s reaction. If enough people are actually interested, then we will get the next Wipeout. Otherwise I think there are a lot of people out there who remember the franchise fondly, but wouldnt be will to fork out full price for it. Lets see if Wipeout VR will turn the franchise into its glory days when the fast paced racer was a unique offering.

Simple really. Nothing happened to it except time.

LoveSpuds1807d ago

The first PSVR experience I had that made me feel dizzy and nauseous, I was pretty gutted about it because it looked amazing and very immersive.

quent1806d ago

Not everyone cares about tedious VR, how's Psyognis doing these days btw ?

S2Killinit1806d ago

Not everyone needs to care. Not everyone cared about games either. But here we are.

FinalFantasyFanatic1806d ago

I would love a new Ridge Racer, but the series has fallen off the earth somehow.

fr0sty1806d ago

Wipeout is in great shape, finally released in VR, the way it was meant to be played.

PressPlayBros1806d ago


Matrix61806d ago

I'll do you one better, Why is Gamora?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1806d ago
IRetrouk1807d ago

They shut down the studio that makes the game.

DaDrunkenJester1807d ago

How dare they. What happened to Motorstorm?

0hMyGandhi1807d ago

I really miss Motorstorm :(

NiteX1807d ago

They also shut down that studio and most of them went to Codemasters that made Onrush which sold horribly.

DaDrunkenJester1807d ago

Aww man, what about the Twisted Metal and Warhawk devs? Are they still around?

KyRo1807d ago

I miss Motorstorm too. I miss cinematic racers in general. Split Second, Motorstorm Apocalypse, even NFS the Run. Racing with earthquakes, avalanches, tsunamis, police, bombs etc was thrilling. No everything is a boring sim/semi sim. We ain't allowed fun with racers anymore

KickSpinFilter1806d ago

What happened to Crackdown 3?

DaDrunkenJester1806d ago


It got made and released? Lol what do you mean?

Sevir1806d ago

Driveclub Developer Evolution shut down because Driveclub didn't make them money.

They were planning on supporting Driveclub while also working on a new Motorstorm. That got scrapped after DCVR update released and the chopping axe came down on the studio.

They went on to become a Codemasters's subsidiary called "Evo"and put out Onrush, which was a spiritual successor to Motorstorm. But it sold horribly and Codemasters shuttered Evo for good.

Bad management from the get go of The PS4 generation. Lead to a great team being liquidated. :(

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1806d ago
King Nezz1807d ago

They lost me with that decision.

IRetrouk1807d ago (Edited 1807d ago )

Have you got a point or is it just a wee trolling session mate?

DaDrunkenJester1807d ago

Just a little bit of trolling, but in all honesty I do love these games and it is a shame they aren't around anymore.

IRetrouk1807d ago

Personally didnt like wipeout, just couldn't get into it, I'm sure if there is a demand a new one will be made, who knows what they have planned.

DaDrunkenJester1807d ago

I loved the collection that recently came out and then coupled that with some PSVR support made it even better.

IRetrouk1807d ago

Glad you enjoyed it man, I hope they make another for the fans, nothing worse than really wanting a game that isn't coming.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1807d ago
1807d ago Replies(1)
Exvalos1807d ago

It got a complete remaster and vr support, soooooo what you talking bout Willis

1807d ago Replies(1)
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Gran Turismo 5, Gran Turismo 6, Wipeout HD, God of War 3 and more running on PC via the latest RPCS3

DSOGaming writes: "It appears that the best Playstation 3 emulator that is currently under development, RPCS3, received a new update recently. kd-11 has implemented new Surface Cache fixes to RPCS3 that reportedly improve the appearance of car reflections in Gran Turismo 6, and fix various graphics glitches in other games."

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1836d ago Replies(6)
gangsta_red1836d ago

If someone out there in internet land could make a decent PS3 emulator imagine what Sony could actually do if they put the time and effort in to make this happen for their next console?

It's definitely not impossible as we can see here. It should definitely be done since BC seems to be very important to Sony this next gen. Imagine PS+ free game offerings from Sony that could include the whole catalog from the PS console family..fantastic.

Silly gameAr1836d ago

Why waste time and money on it? Some people want to move forward, not go back.

Eonjay1836d ago

It's not a deal breaker but having the feature would be amazing. I would rather have it than not have it.

gangsta_red1836d ago

Not everyone feels that way and if Sony is making an issue of supporting PS4 games for PS5 why not support their other past games for people who still have them or a means to buy them and play them.

KwietStorm_BLM1836d ago

You literally just said some people. So I'd imagine you can comprehend that there's a larger subset of people not in that same "some" group. PlayStation used to be known for backward compatibility. Xbox made a big deal about support for their entire catalog. What's the issue with PlayStation, who has an even more substantial history in gaming, tapping into that market? We don't have this problem on PC. It's only a good thing for consumers to be able to bring their games with them through generations on console.

Silly gameAr1835d ago (Edited 1835d ago )


Yes, I said some people. What I said was MY opinion. I'm one of those people that couldn't care less about bc, but im not saying ALL people don't care about it. I think they should spend that time and energy for future features and games, but like I said, that's only my opinion.

Imortus_san1835d ago (Edited 1835d ago )

Not every body trows their games way every time the new gen cames along, and everybody that likes games like to be able to play their favorite games in the best possible way.

PS: Retrocompatability is the most requested feature in Sony Foruns, even Sony said so.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1835d ago
frostypants1836d ago (Edited 1836d ago )

The question is would the return on investment be worthwhile? Are the number of additional consoles PS3 BC would push be enough to justify the cost of developing the emulation (and it would have to be bullet proof)? I like the idea of having it, but for my part not having it won't effect my purchase decision.

1836d ago
Eonjay1836d ago

You are asking the right question but the wrong way. For me, the addition of PS3 BC would add value as a customer and make it even more likely for me to buy a PS5. If it is valuable to the customer it is valuable to them.

Also, the way they are doing it would be way cheaper than a program like Microsoft had. The are emulating the hardware. Not the software.

gangsta_red1836d ago

"The question is would the return on investment be worthwhile?"

Sony could definitely make some extra profit selling PS3 games through their marketplace (the same way they have their other classics available). It's not about whether or not it will effect anyone's purchase decision, it definitely didn't do so for the PS4. But as others have expressed, it would be a nice addition to have for PS5 if Sony could open up their whole library digitally and physically to users.

ShadowWolf7121836d ago

Racing games should be some of the easiest to emulate and they're still not hitting 60fps with it, to say nothing of image flickering and occasional sound issues.

Still gonna be a bit yet before they have it fully up and running, it seems, and even then it may only work for part of the library. :/

1836d ago Replies(2)
Gwiz1836d ago

Is it possible to have PS3 emulation on PS5?yes depending on what kind of power it really has.
An i7 9700k is no slouch and the PS4 already has a God of War 3 running much better with less
power required because they converted CBE to X86 which is not something you want to be doing in the long run.

What power would be required to play these games emulated at said PS4 version?.
It's not an easy situation Sony themselves created and ultimately I believe they are happy this way because they
want you to use PSNow,that service is why you will not even get it. (let's not forget that it was a huge investment)

1836d ago Replies(1)
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Three WipEout servers to the wiped out in March 2018

Alongside the death of the Killzone 2 and Killzone 3 servers, Sony will be shutting down the online services of three WipEout Games in 2018 for PS3 and Vita.

Aenea2407d ago

How's this even possible? I thought Sony didn't have dedicated servers according to a certain crowd?

Gazondaily2407d ago

LOL are you somehow trying to blame Xbox fans for this or what? Sony didn't have dedicated servers?

Prince_TFK2407d ago (Edited 2407d ago )

Yeah we blame Xbox fans for Sony not having dedicated servers.

In the future we will also blame them for cancer.


UKRsoldja2407d ago

Non-dedicated servers can still be shut down. Not that hard to understand.

Aenea2407d ago

LOL, what is there to shutdown? Is Sony going around people's homes to shutdown the peer to peer hosted games?

Seems you do have issues with understanding...

UKRsoldja2406d ago (Edited 2406d ago )

The matchmaking software side of things, genius. Matchmaking servers can and have been shut down before, leaving you with no functional multiplayer.

Try researching next time before posting nonsense.

Aenea2406d ago

Well, genius, Killzone has actual dedicated servers, not just matchmaking ones. So before calling someone out on doing research, why don't you?

NarooN2407d ago

Damn even the Vita gets hit?

Reminds me of the 6th console gen when tons of servers for awesome games got shut down anywhere from 2 to 4 years after they initially launched.

Better enjoy whatever games' online components you can while you can before they get wiped out of existence.

Teflon022407d ago

wish they'd rerelease White Knight Chronicles 2 on PS4 so I can play online again. That game was amazing

VariantAEC2406d ago

Wait! Sony exclusive games had dedicated servers?
Killzone 2 and 3 and now WipEout!
We know Resistance 1-3 had dedicated servers as well as GT 5-6 and MAG and Uncharted 2 and 3 and ao on and so forth.
As far as I know non-dedicated servers cannot be shutdown on Sony platforms until Sony stops hosting the game services on the platform. So when Sony stops supporting matchmaking via PSN on PS3 then those games without dedicated servers will be shut down... I did my research UKRsoldja