
Monster Hunter: World Looks Like an Amazing Game That Has No Idea What The Series Is All About

With the news that Monster Hunter: World is coming to PS4 and Xbox One early next year, with a PC release to follow, it seems that Capcom has forgotten what made these games so successful in the first place.

masterfox2635d ago (Edited 2635d ago )

I'm sorry but this has to be one of the stu#$%pidiest articles I have read in a while now, in a few words this writer is complaining that the game is having a triple AAA game treatment and will be more open to play with people online.

"as the social element of playing with your friends in the same place is a lot more potent than doing the same thing with strangers online"

^^^^ and who is saying you will not be able to play with your friends in Monster Hunter World ? , I'm not sure but I do really sense also some butthurtness from this writer that this game ain't coming to that thing called Switch ughhh.

"Thankfully, we still have Monster Hunter Double Cross on the Switch to help remedy matters"

Showing its true colors ?, well boo hoo you can keep living in the past(switch), other people like to live in the present and look into the future(PS4)


Helios862635d ago

I really don't get why people are so damned butthurt about MHW. The game looks great and in large part is seem to play like previous MH games.

I for one couldn't be happier and will be picking it up both for the PS4 and PC.
Had this been a Switch exclusive I'd buy a Switch, simple as that.
Go where the games are.

Allsystemgamer2635d ago

I've never tried monster hunter but will be picking it up on pc to try it. Thank god for steam refunds lol. I just hope it's well optimized. If the pc version suffers I'll just refund and get it in PS4.

Can't wait because it looked great!

2635d ago
Movefasta19932635d ago (Edited 2635d ago )

I'm a huge mh fan,i've put in a hundred hours into freedom,freedom 2,freedom unite,mh3u and mh4u and the style additions they've added to generation and xx turn me off.World looks lie a natural progression to the best mh game which is 4u by a long shot,the series peaked there and the creators of 4u are making world .
the latest mh games look like they are aiming for mh/bayonetta/dragonballz type gameplay,it's too flashy for me, meh. But i am willing to give xx a try...

NecoTehSergal2635d ago

Nintendo fans showing their butthurt colors that a Monster Hunter is finally coming to a Sony console, since prior, it's always been on Nintendo, and briefly starred on a PSP. Everyone knows Sony fans been dying for a fully-fleshed MH game on a main console, PS3/PS4 though - and I too am excited to try it out, even though I've not played any MH game yet.

xPhearR3dx2635d ago

The series actually started on Playstation. The PS2 in fact.

NecoTehSergal2633d ago

@xPhear - It'd have been so long that I forgot about that - though brushing myself up on the series of what platform they were on, it seems weird that only the 1st game was on PS2 globally, then the 2nd one was just for Japan - and then after that it flipped to Nintendo to go on the Wii craze - I guess that basically is the reason for the change.... the Wii surge. Once 'Tri' came out, it was buh-bye on Playstation :l

Thunder_G0d_Bane2635d ago

Err if you’re looking to the present and future you need to be speaking about PC as the PS4 an Xbox one can’t play open world games in 60fps and that is a damn shame.

PS4 an Xbox one are machines of the past and they need to move onto the ps5 an Xbox Whatever as soon as possible.

Maybe this time with better cpus....

TheOttomatic912634d ago

Wait but isn't Monster Hunter XX Japan exclusive?

Movefasta19932634d ago

Unlikely ,they previewed the game in France recently,why go there ?suspicious of them to do that

ShadowWolf7122634d ago

I mean, I've made friends with strangers I've met in games.

drunkenspy0072634d ago

What do you expect from Forbes?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2633d ago
Rangerman12082635d ago (Edited 2635d ago )

"The reason for this is now all too apparent, as the Monster Hunter games rely very heavily on co-operative play with other people. Trying to take down a large monster online lacks a lot of the fun compared to doing it in person."

Meanwhile, Toukiden and God Eater fans say otherwise.

Also, Monster Hunter World can still be played with friends. Honestly, I'm a Monster Hunter fan, and I'm glad that Capcom is atleast trying to do something different to appeal a more broader audience on home consoles. I still like the MH games 3ds ones but I kinda miss playing one on a console. That, and I'm glad that they are removing the hunter styles and hunter arts, and instead are going back to theie roots.

phoenixwing2635d ago

I'll be buying this and for the record playing toukiden 2 and god eater with ai companions was fine with me. Saved me from having to buy ps plus. The guy acts like this game can't be done solo.

Bimkoblerutso2635d ago

Seriously, this game looks WAY too close to it's roots for any of these complaints to be relevant. The author is essentially whining over a bunch of "quality-of-life" adjustments and...that's pretty much it. Because as almost everyone in the comments here has pointed out, YOU CAN STILL PLAY WITH YOUR FRIENDS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO PLAY WITH STRANGERS.

The Switch has really brought about a new era of Nintendo idiocy, I swear to god. Why couldn't Switch fanboys just be happy that they're getting their own Monster Hunter at all and be done with it?

showtimefolks2634d ago


I am interested in both games you mentioned but reviews are mixed

Can you list some pros and cons

Rangerman12082634d ago

Well, actually, while God Eater and Toukiden didn't recieved stellar reviews, they are still fondly loved by fans. Though, as a fan of both games, here's a few pros and cons:

+Very somewhat close to MH
+Some of the Oni fights are pretty cool and at times, creative
+The open world aspect in Toukiden 2 was a nice touch
+Character customization in Toukiden 2 is almost on par with the Souls games
+The characters on both Kiwami and 2 are great (though Kiwami's has slightly better character designs)
+Combat can be very fun
+The story in Toukiden is a lot better than Kiwami's
+Kiwami is great on the Vita if you want to play it anywhere
-Breaking oni's body parts is satisfying
+Addition of a damage/defense upgrade choices in Toukiden 2
+Mitamas are incredibly useful
-Combat can get a bit repetitive since it is pretty similar to the Warriors games
-The story, and character customization in Kiwami are pretty flawed
-Armor bonuses in Kiwami's are mostly just defense bonuses.
-Playing it solo with no companiond makes fights almost impossible and annoying.
-Grinding is tedious
-Oni reskins are lazily designed
-Even if you break body parts, that still doesn't them from using their most annoying attacks
-Demon's Hand in TK2, while fun to use, is a bit too OP
-Toukiden 2 looks worse on the Vita
-OST is allright, but nothing memorable
-Soul Sacrifice garment from Toukiden AoD isn't carried over to Kiwami

God Eater:
+Aragamis' designs are pretty cool, especially since they are based from mytholohies
+Combat is very fast paced
+The story is pretty good, almost as if it was an anime
+Characters are well-written
+The areas on God Eater 2 are pretty to look at
+Weapons are fun to use
+Bullet types can offer a bit of strategy
+Voice acting is great (though a few exceptions like Dr.Sazaki's voice)
+OST is pretty good
+Character customization is pretty good if you want to make your own anime teenage protagonist
-Reskinned aragamis are either recolors or have a few appearance differences but still has the same moveset (ex. Set)
-Nothing to do outside of combat
-A lot of the missions plays out the same
-Blood arts, while are definitely a nice addtion, only adds one new attack to your playstyle, and you can only bring one.
-Blood Rage is basically Rage mode from God of War
-The animations are pretty janky
-Shotguns are useless
-Alyssa's design. Seriously, am I the only that thinks she kinda looks like a prostitue? She's good character and all, but geez.
-A few unnecessary fanservice moments like the random idol dancing scene in GE2
-Areas in the first GE game are very bland.
-Difficulty can range from tedious to easy.

What both has in common is that the online multiplayer makes the game so much fun but sadly, the online isn't very active. There are still a few lobnies only but don't expect a full list of available lobbies like in MH.

2635d ago
NotanotherReboot2635d ago

so you want it to be the same outdated crap yet again? ok

PlatinumGX2635d ago

Monster Hunter World is the upgrade MH needed after milking it for years with barely any improvements due to outdated hardware (3DS).

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Zenzuu57d ago

Some love for Resident Evil Code Veronica, Dino Crisis, or Okami would be nice Capcom.

P_Bomb57d ago

Code Veronica’s gotta be on the way. It’s the biggest missing link as far as remakes. Make it so!

KyRo56d ago

What I'll never understand with Dino Crisis was that with RE6, they went down a action heavy route which people disliked and didn't fit the RE formula but I feel that would have worked perfectly for Dino Crisis if they went down the Dino Crisis 2 route of being a action game over the more RE inspired DC1.

As long as it's nothing like DC3, Id absolutely love a new DC game.


A Late Look: Monster Hunter: World

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "While it was a mixed pleasure overall - at times exhilarating, at others agonizing - I would have to say I enjoyed my time with Monster Hunter: World and found it to be surprisingly addicting. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that I was surprised by how little had changed from previous titles, given how this particular entry took the series to unheard levels of popularity, but while it retains both positives and negatives from them, at the very least it’s a stellar-looking game that brings more freedom to the hunt than any of its predecessors (Monster Hunter Rise could possibly be a different story, but that, my friends, is a game for another article)."

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