
Valkyria Revolution Review | A Botched Manoeuvre - OnlySP

OnlySP: "Since Valkyria Revolution is no technical fiasco, to invoke other infamous misfires such as Sonic 2006 or Ride to Hell: Retribution would imply a level of creative investment that this game does not present. Instead, Revolution brings to mind a low grade sausage, a kind of ‘extruded-JRPG-product’ made from dusty off-cuts and not enough spices."


Cy2642d ago

Basically, yeah. I couldn't even last past the opening mission. The story, characters, writing and voice acting were all garbage.

Servbot412642d ago (Edited 2642d ago )

I'm up to chapter 4 hoping the game would pick up or that the combat would get more complicated than just mashing the single attack button or spamming an elemental attack... and it doesn't.

In fact, the combat gets worse and worse the farther you get into the game. Enemies get stupidly large health pools without increasing their combat skills or AI. Avoiding spoilers as much as possible, one of the fights has a character split off from the group and have to solo a bipedal walker, its literally 5 minutes of spamming attack while it spins in circles trying to target you, wiffing an attack occasionally. There is nothing you can do to speed up this fight, as you're limited to 3 rocket launcher shots (assuming you even equipped it to this character) and it only has a single weakness (Icicle Shot), which I didn't have equipped on this particular character. Mind you, there is no way of knowing this fight is going to occur with this specific character, nor can you change your load out before the fight starts.

The cutscenes after each story battle are like 20 minutes long each time. I've almost never considered skipping cutscenes in a game, much less an RPG, but this game might be the first where I just give in. This game is just all-around bad; even the menu UI is trash. Character Status doesn't let you see the potential descriptions of your characters; that's buried under Tactics. You can't see what class a character is while equipping spells, that's only under the Character Status screen. Changing gear changes the entire party's attire; there is no way to equip the magic-heavy users with MAtk gear and then the physical-heavy users with PAtk gear... its either-or. The artstyle and graphics are worse than Valkyria Chronicles. The characters are all one-dimensional tropes. The music is the only decent aspect.

2642d ago
CrimsonWing692642d ago

The problem is they took a franchise that was successful due largely in part to its gameplay and took it into an oversimplified game, mechanically from the series, and put it into the hack n' slash genre. Who wanted this?

Sega better not use this to gauge interest in the series and put the franchise on hold indefinitely like EA does...

Bismarn2641d ago

Completely change the mechanics and setting, what could go wrong?


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