
Valkyria Revolution Review - IGN

Leif Johnson: "Revolution" is such a nice, punchy word. Generally, it's even a positive word, or so we're generally led to think as we're on the "right" side of a bevy of revolutions ranging from the American to the sexual. But let's be honest—change isn't always good. However noble intentions may be, sometimes a revolution ends up making things worse than they were before. And that, sadly, appears to be what happened with Valkyria Revolution.

TheColbertinator2647d ago

Sega should have just released VC3 instead

Movefasta19932647d ago

Vc2 and 3 remakes would have been lit!

Swiftfox2647d ago

I'm not so sure about that. VC3 was extremely disappointing in nearly every regard from its grind heavy class system to its dating sim centered story line.

Der_Kommandant2647d ago

I don't understand why the Dynasty Warriors-style appeals to many people?, they are always so low rated.

How you go from a tactical turn based strategy rpg to a mindless hack and slash. smh

Lavitz19892647d ago

Dynasty Warriors appeals to people because it's mindless fun. You run around, beat a bunch of enemies with ease and then zip to the nice place and dominate. Now, replace historical characters with popular anime/manga characters and people can be like "oh yeah, kicking butt as Luffy" or Kenshiro or whomever else.

What makes these games low rated is that they're just fun and even that is short lived. You compare Bayonetta to Dynasty Warriors and they're very different experiences. Bayonetta is engaging, weapons make a big difference, lots of flash and is fun to play for long period, where as Dynasty Warriors might be deeper than just pushing attack, but you can just push attack and win most battles, even on the hardest difficulty.

The point being, mindless slashing might be fun for some and I enjoy it as a change of pace, but that doesn't automatically make a game great. Games like Dragonball Z: Extreme Butoden might have a more diverse range of characters and mindless fun, but I'm willing to bet, having just played the E3 demo, Dragon Ball FighterZ is a better fighting game, because it's far more complicated.

MilkMan2647d ago

Game sucks. I'll be deleting it when I get home. Gott make space for Crash B.

SurgicalMenace2647d ago

So you haven't played it yet, one suspect's that you may be embellishing a little on having this game. If I paid 40 dollars I owe it to myself to at least form my own opinion on my purchase.

MilkMan2647d ago

Folks this has nothing to do with IGN or Kotaku or whatever. The game is just a mess.
Last night I skipped (press options button) all the cut scenes so that I could get into gameplay and I'm telling you I played all of 20 minutes tops.
This "game" (so far) is just a bunch of cut scenes broken by load screens with minimal actual game time. And when you do play it is NOT worth the wait.
Now I love Chronicles, I bought it three times. This game should be embarrassed to think it's a companion piece to that excellent game.

Fist4achin2647d ago

I take IGNs reviews with a grain of salt. I am a little sketchy though if the battle system was changed.

phoenixwing2647d ago

I've watched some gameplay videos. While the combat system is different I think I'll like it. The only valid criticism they have is that the animations of the faces during cut scenes are non existent. Which I can easily over look. In short if you like an arpg to play you'll probably like this. Ign said it was like most jrpg's now and doesn't differentiate, the thing is, I like most jrpg's xD

SurgicalMenace2647d ago

Take in the fact, that if it's not a classic title, shooter, or American focused IGN tends to trash it. I've learned my lesson, a lot of smaller reviewers are giving it 7.5 to 8.5 which more than justifies a purchase as a supporter of JRPGs.

phoenixwing2647d ago (Edited 2647d ago )

ok my game came in the mail and i just finished the prologue. I like the game. Would I have liked that there was more animations done during cutscenes besides adding mouths moving? Yes it would have been better. However, the gameplay is fine. I liked it alot actually. They complained that the guns weren't useful which is just stupid to me. They were very useful in just the first prologue. To begin with i aimed at the head instead of the body like i'm sure ign didn't do because once i got a headshot the guy went down instantly. Second, I shot from cover as a surprise attack and was able to get the drop on the army. However, guns are a SECONDARY weapon meaning you're not supposed to rely heavily on them. I spent more time slicing up people. The only real reason I can see people not liking this is if they're not a fan of action japanese role playing games. IGN also complains about the story. I think it has a mix of personal vengeance mixed with lots of explanations about the politics of it all. In short i feel that the reviewer for ign basically wanted to skip through everything and get a review out quickly instead of taking a moment to enjoy the game.

Edit: Also there are tons of japanese video games where the guns don't do as much damage as the sword for ign to complain about this is just dumb. They seemed to love FF XV even though swords and guns don't make sense in that game.

admiralvic2647d ago

For what it's worth, if you know when/how to use a gun, they can actually be overpowered. I only use mine to shoot the pilot of mechs and it tears through them like butter. The same goes for shielded enemies and certain situations. Sure, blade combat is typically better, but everything has a specific use, which adds some kind of balance.

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