
Acclaimed Gothic Horror RPG Darkest Dungeon's First Expansion Released

"Darkest Dungeon, the gothic horror RPG from Red Hook Studios, has released its first DLC expansion. The Crimson Court allows players to jump into a new, parallel campaign, designed to be played alongside the main story." - Gamespot

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ThePope2593d ago

This game is freaking hard

CorndogBurglar2592d ago

It is hard. But thats its charm.

I love this game. Once you find a combination of characters that works for you and learn how to properly prepare it becomes much more playable.

Just don't get attached to any one character and don't keep any of your characters after a mission until you earn a good pile of money. Its too expensive to try and heal all of their ailments they get early on. Better to release them and use new people until you have a lot of money before you start spending on fixing the people you have.

Chaosdreams2592d ago

Good tips, I'll keep this in mind when I try the game out again.

ThePope2592d ago

Wow thanks for the advice! I never thought about that!

Rambokind2592d ago

It's just so hard to get into turn-based games. I mean, I prefer the active situation combat you find in Bloodborne. It's so much more enjoyable, at least, to me anyway.

Smokingunz2592d ago

Nice! Question is why haven't they brought this out for the vita and ps4 yet? Maybe they're working on it

CorndogBurglar2592d ago

Yeah, still working on it. I originally bought it on PS4 and loved it so much I also got it on my PC. Its awesome that they launched it with a 50% off sale. I'll be getting it today.


The best spooky roguelikes for Halloween

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Horror roguelikes - scare yourself to death this Halloween

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ChronoJoe268d ago

Inscrpytion should be higher and I think BPM deserves a mention.


Top 10 Best Video Games Like DnD (Dungeons & Dragons)

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Christopher799d ago

Best Video Games Like D&D. Includes two games that are literally using the D&D ruleset and have WotC D&D branding and one that uses the D&D 3.5 ruleset with custom classes (Pathfinder).

I really wish authors would spend more time explaining and detailing things rather than being so focused on throwing a list together for yet another opinion piece. There's a ton you can say about all of these games and their ties to Pen and Paper roleplaying. Other than Armello, all of the listed games are inspired by various PnP RPGs, including Warhammer for one of them. Obsidian alone got much of their start in classic D&D RPGs and Dragon Age was their own take on many of their past creations molded into one that was even turned into a PnP game.