
Forza 7 on Xbox One X Matches the Quality of "a Multi-Thousand Dollar PC"

Today's divisive comment comes from Forza 7 Software Architect, Chris Tector.

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nX2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

lol multi-thousand? Our deluded Microsoft comment of the day.

Sure 500$ won't get you a full PC but if you're smart you use an existing PC, buy a 300$ GPU, check for bottlenecks that you need to upgrade and you've outdone the BEAST with the same money. Not only that but you:
- have a system with a 10x bigger games library
- save the monthly XBL subscription
- save more because PC games are cheaper
- have ALL games in 4k / whatever FPS you prefer without the need for patches
- an actual all-in-one solution for your home entertainment if you just hook it up to a TV

But if you're really, really smart (like, Microsoft-"smart") you just wait until Volta comes out (GDDR6 Memory, HBM2) in the next few months and GPU prices drop to a level where Scorpio seems like a bad joke.

Webbyy2594d ago

lol dude obviously he exaggerated with his statement. let's not get crazy now.
xox is great value is what is he saying

nX2594d ago

So you are fine with Microsoft "exaggerating" to advertise their products but I'm the one getting crazy for stating simple facts? You fanboys sure are a special bunch.

MegaMohsi2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

It's obvious to people like us who more or less know technology but the average consumer wouldn't know any better. These are blatant lies told by MS and their developers, "True 4K" is now apparently dynamic resolution and checkerboarding, ridiculous.

tyasia02594d ago

This is far beyond exageration. Exageration would be saying it's a $1000 computer. Saying multi-thousand is a lie.

chrisx2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

You can count on ms to mislead and Deceive people with every little opportunity.and their fanboys absolutely love it

bluefox7552594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

It's not exaggeration. It's a lie. He's trying to pass off the product as something way more than it is, it's dishonest, and everyone should call out this as the BS that it is. The amount of flat out lies and deception surrounding the Xbox One X reveal is staggering.

Omnislashver362594d ago

To be fair, if the shaders on the cars were as good as GTSport I'd have a damn hard time figuring out the difference between it and a $1750 PC. The environment and details looked pretty amazing.

itsmebryan2594d ago

At the end of the day X1X is much more powerful than the PS4 Pro.

The 10th Rider2594d ago


We spent over $1000 on our computer a year ago and it gets roughly comparable performance to a Xbox One X.

Since then RAM prices and GPU prices have actually jumped. We also used a copy of Windows we already had and we didn't even put a disk drive in, much less a UHD drive. It's also about four times the size of an Xbox One X so if you're considering form factor that's an issue as well.

thekhurg2594d ago

Doesn't matter if it's a great value. When you have someone in the industry being this blatantly ignorant about specs of a machine, it spreads false information.

uptownsoul2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

No way Turn 10 can optimize to the level of a "multi-thousand dollar PC" while Coalition can only get Gears 4 campaign to run Native 4k/30fps...Both CAN'T be true!!!

That would mean every 1st party studio (343, Coalition, etc) NEEDS to get their games running to the level that a multi-thousand dollar PC would run the same game at

ThePope2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

Guys first of all take a breath. Does the XOX match the quality of Multi thousand dollar PCs? The answer is yes. Can you build one for much less that also matches the quality? Also yes. But thats not the question he was asked.

And the downplaying is getting so aggressive its becoming sad.

NX said "Sure 500$ won't get you a full PC but if you're smart you use an existing PC, buy a 300$ GPU, check for bottlenecks that you need to upgrade and you've outdone the BEAST with the same money."

Check for bottle necks and have to build a whole setup (desk, monitor, PC, etc) and upgrade on a regular basis? PASS. I'll take the XOX (along with my PS4 pro), my 65" 4K tv, Dolby Atmos 7.2, and super comfortable couch thank you very much.

nX2594d ago

"Guys first of all take a breath. Does the XOX match the quality of Multi thousand dollar PCs? The answer is yes. Can you build one for much less that also matches the quality? Also yes. But thats not the question he was asked. "

Ehm have you ever thought about getting yourself checked for schizophrenia?

"And the downplaying is getting so aggressive its becoming sad. "

Yes it is actually becoming sad... how ridiculously non-existent your arguments are.

LexHazard792594d ago

Playstation Fanboys Unite!!
Lol... MS telling Lies just like Sony with their damn Dynamic 4K. Yet you sit here and type your hypocritical comment. Both companies are lying to their consumers.

morganfell2594d ago

"lol dude obviously he exaggerated with his statement. let's not get crazy now."

So they are allowed crazy talk but cannot be called out on such matters? When they are not called out it only encourages more of these statements. Just look at the remarks history of someone such as Albert Penello and you will understand how tolerance equals permission, even advocacy.

thekhurg2594d ago


Actually Sony was upfront about checkerboard rendering and even discussed it at length prior to the console releasing. On top of that Sony never said the pro was about "true 4K" gaming like the liars at Microsoft are still touting.

fr0sty2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

Right... just built a PC with a Ryzen 7 1800x, 32gb 3000mhz DDR4, and a Geforce 10 series GPU, and a 500gb M.2 hard drive with 3.9GBps write and 1.7GBps read speeds that would eat XBO:X for lunch. I paid a bit over $1,500 for all of it. This system is easily 2-3x more powerful than XBO:X.

ThePope2594d ago


Congrats you literally said nothing.

dcbronco2594d ago

Hey, Frosty. I'm sure if you reread your comment you'll realize the problem with it. Yes, your system may be more powerful than Scorpio. Three times more powerful is debatable. But not you clearly mention it's three times the cost. I'm also aware that given your knowledge of what Microsoft did with X if they spent just $300 more in manufacturing costs they would completely kill your $1,500 computer. For that they could add RAM and Zen and go with more power on the GPU. X is pretty much unbeatable on price right now.

_-EDMIX-_2594d ago

@nx-whoa slow down there with explaining facts

RommyReigns2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )


Them Xbots believe in cloud power, they'll believe anything Microsoft throws at them.

nitus102594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

I won't deny that the XB1x (stupid name IMHO) has interesting hardware but for the author to state that it is as good if not better than a multi-thousand dollar (assume USD) shows he is out of touch although if you are going to compare against top of the line laptops then yes you may be looking at $2000 USD plus. Of course, he may be referring to the Surface Pro laptops which cannot be repaired since they are basically glued together.

If you build or get built (costs extra) a desktop PC for under $2000 USD you can get a "beast" of a machine including a decent 1400p or 4K monitor that will literally make the XB1x look like an abacus. That said the hardware of the XB1x is still very good value for the price although I have not factored in the price of a "decent" 4K display.

Skull5212594d ago

Most powerful console ever, can't wait for the XBOX!

SolidStoner2594d ago

@ nX
console games are cheaper at the end! (they are a real thing for console gamers, its a real product like a TV, bed, washing machine, its a thing you own, it has a value, like gold, you can and must at some point sell it, so other dude can enjoy it....... its a fact, its like with cars, I BUY CONSOLE GAMES (I RENT PC GAMES!), I can sell them at the price I want, and they cost a lot when new, and keep value for many years...

rainslacker2593d ago

We have multi-thousand dollar gaming PC's at work. They run about $4-8K each. They run circles around almost every elite PCMR system because they use development level hardware which isn't often available to the public yet.

So, when MS says this, I just have to laugh. For games built that can take advantage of them, they make the current consoles look like an Atari 2600. While they aren't Pixar level quality of graphics in real time capable, they're probably as close as you'd see in the next ten years.

I put together a spec build of all the highest end parts about 6 months ago, and it ran me about $3K without a monitor, which would be another $1000. It would run circles around the current consoles and X1X as well.

If forza 7 looks as good as one of those kinds of PC's, then they didn't do much to make Forza look better. Lowest common denominator and all that. The more power, the more they actually have to code and create to actually take advantage of it. If your build only uses 6 levels of shaders and baked lighting, it's not going to look as good as a game that uses 12 levels of shaders with full dynamic lighting. It just doesn't work like that.

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 2593d ago
Father__Merrin2594d ago

what if someone doesnt want to game on a pc?

Phill-Spencer2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

The headline is implying that x1x tech is comparable to a multi thousand $ pc, and nx is stating facts on why this is a obvious lie. This isn't about preferences.

nX2594d ago

Then you don't know what you're missing because of a narrow-minded view. It's literally the same to a console these days, only with MULTI-THOUSAND more uses.

BG115792594d ago

Everyone is free to choose a system for its own reasons. But still the question remains, if a builder lies about the specifics of a certain product and people end up deceivingly choosing a product because of said lies, then there is deshonesty.
MS still continues in the same course, they have done it before, and they keep doing it now. They never learn.

ps360s2594d ago

then buy an xbox 360 LOL

cd12594d ago


Your opinion isnt fact, stop thinking it is. Some people have no wish to play video games on PCs - no biggy Princess.

Condemnedman2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

don't be stupid we all got super powerful pc's next to our ps4's 😂

KickSpinFilter2594d ago

Thanks Father_Merrin
You "PC" fanboys are so sad. Let's just say perhaps someone does not want to game on a PC because they work all day on a PC and the last thing they want to do is be on a PC to relax at night. I have a very powerful PC at home for Graphic Design/Illustration/animation, but sure as hell don't' wanna game on it for gaming. I know that's hard to comprehend from your mothers basement, but there you go. Has nothing to do with cost or knowledge, it's just a NO Thanks!

_-EDMIX-_2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

? I'm not sure what that statement really means I'm not sure any of that really matters.

At the end of the day when you hook your PC up to a TV and you put on a controller I'm pretty positive you're still playing a game like you would on any other device.

So when you say doesn't want , what do you actually mean? They specifically choosing not to? I mean in that respect your kind of answering your own question so I don't fully understand what you mean.

So I mean what if someone doesn't want to? well I guess they just don't want to.....your point?

@cd-that is not an opinion that the PC has more uses than a console

that is actually a fact you literally objectively can do more things with a PC then you can a console that is not a subjective View...

@kic-buddy no one understands what you're talking about because a game console in layman's terms is still actually a computer , it's simply a form factor with a specific operating system designed to do a set number of things.

Put it this way if you have Steam OS and you put on the steams home theater or console overlay you're basically doing the exact same thing you would have did when you turned on a console, select your games and pick up your controller.....

I'm not understanding what it being a PC actually matters you're literally arguing semantics.

I mean if steam came out and said they were making a console and they simply just put in the Steam OS overlay are you telling me you would turn it on turn on your TV and pick up the controller and feel uncomfortable because you find out it's a PC? I mean think about what you're actually suggesting? Have you not considered the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are simply just form-factor PCs with a specific operating system?

So what about PC is going to make you feel uneasy? If you could explain that then sure but at the end of the day it just sounds extremely stupid.

Are you one of those Gamers that's so uneducated about PC gaming that you don't know you could hook it up to your TV? Do you not know you could also use a regular game controller?

cd12594d ago


Of course a PC has more uses - we all know that!

I was referring to "Then you don't know what you're missing because of a narrow-minded view", just because somebody else doesn't want to play on PC doesn't mean they are narrow minded but looking at it now the response was vague.

My point is still valid, people play on the platform of their choice because of a number of reasons, i use PS because I like the exclusives and all my mates play MP games on PS too, I've built plenty of gaming rigs in the past but right now PS4 Pro fits my needs perfectly. Personally I find PC elitists are the most narrow minded of gamers and are far more likely to dismiss console gaming as apposed to the other way around.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2594d ago
frostypants2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

Devil's advocate: Volta GPUs won't drop to anywhere near the One X price anytime soon (much less an entire rig built around it). By the time they do, the One X will have dropped, too. Also, one benefit of the One X (and PS4 for that matter) is having GDDR5 accessible as primary system memory. A PC with a GDDR6 for the GPU is still likely gonna have slow-ass system RAM. Say what you will but consoles are definitely more efficient in fundamental design (because they are designed towards a single purpose).

jonh682594d ago

What does Volta have to do with anything?

And if you can find even one instance where ram was any kind of significant bottleneck on PC I encourage you, to post a link. Most all textures can be loaded into vram and if there is going to be a bottleneck in any system it would be the storage because all modern ram is still faster than storage (especially mechanical hard drives with X still uses). But all that is irrelevant since for the past 15+ years basically all developers have figured out ways to load textures on the fly as people move though the world (in games where all the textures aren't loaded at level start that is).

nX2594d ago

You could've saved that comment literally by putting 1+1 together.
Once Volta drops the CURRENT GPU prices will drop by at least 30%. Noone said you need to buy a next-gen GPU to outdo the XB1X, a GTX1080 already runs laps around it.

nitus102594d ago

As far as I am aware GDDR6 is not available yet although it is supposed to come out in 2018. Until then GDDR5 is the way to go. http://www.pcworld.com/arti...

Shadowlee2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

Lol I love it😂
Dev say forza plays at the quality not that 1X matches. A $2000 pc would beat it but it would be hard to tell considering a $1500 pc vs 1X was hard to tell

TankCrossing2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

Turn 10 are making the PC version of Forza 7. If they decide to cap it at 60fps and 4k, and only offer graphics settings up to the same level as the XBox One X version, then he's right; no amount of money spent on PC hardware will make a difference.

That's not something he should brag about though!

bluefox7552594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

You're right, but $500 will actually get you a full PC, equivalent to the X1X even. You're right though, you can do much better, for way cheaper if you pick up an old office Dell off ebay with an i5-2500 or something, and just pop a nice gpu in there. But if you do want to buy all new parts, you can have yourself a Scorpio comparable PC right now for $500: https://pcpartpicker.com/li...
Edit - inb4 "what about the OS?" You can get linux, or if you must have windows, it's dirt cheap on ebay.

The 10th Rider2594d ago

That processor would be awful for gaming.

bluefox7552594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

@The 10th Rider It's not awful, it's quite capable as an entry level CPU (I've built a couple PCs using them already), it's almost identical to the older i3-6100 in terms of performance, at almost half the price. That being said, the CPU in the Scorpio is by far it's weakest component, which is why I chose a comparable CPU for this build. This one is actually probably more capable than the X1X cpu, which is probably closer to an FX-8300. The g4560 WILL bottleneck the GPU however, it would make sense to put a stronger CPU in it, but once again, X1X is basically a midrange rig, with a budget CPU, so I made the same thing in this build. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but that's what MS has done.

Neonridr2594d ago

can a 580 do 4K @ 30fps? You can't just use raw numbers and claim equivalency, because consoles will always have more direct access to GPU power since they are all SOC design without ridiculous go-betweens that PC parts will always have.

But thanks for at least putting together the list, it definitely looks pretty darn comparable.

bluefox7552594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

@Neonridr It depends on the game, frankly (and settings). Since there's no way to get "dynamic scaling" or checkerboard rendering on PC games (that I know of), it's hard to do a 1 to 1 comparison with Scorpio games. But yes, you're right, optimization is a huge factor that also makes a direct comparison difficult.

Edit - There's not a lot of examples I was able to find on youtube yet of the 580 (it's still relatively new), here is Prey running in 4k though, hovering around 30-40 fps. https://www.youtube.com/wat...
Outlast 2 gets around 100fps at 4k: https://www.youtube.com/wat...
Crysis 3 gets about 30 in 4k: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

Zeref2594d ago

Pfff hahaha this would barely be able to play minecraft at 4K 60.

PCworld tried building the magical $500 wannabe Scorpio PC. It didn't work out.
If PCworld says they can't build it then no one can so stop with these pathetic attempts.

The 10th Rider2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

@The 10th Rider,

An old I5 wouldn't be terrible, but I swear you had an old 2-core processor there when I first commented, something that would probably struggle to even run Battlefield One. Numbers-wise it may have been comparable to the Xbox One X's, but that doesn't translate directly to the same real-world performance.

The 10th Rider2594d ago

Wow, I must be getting senile. That should have said @bluefox755

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2594d ago
jcole972594d ago

Lol dude, instead of saying all that, just say that you don't want anyone to buy an xbox. You'd be saving alot of time to play the quality exclusives you own.

nX2594d ago

I really don't care what you guys buy as people on the internet can't be persuaded anyway, it's the constant lies from Microsoft that need to be exposed.

Death2594d ago


Please build a PC before running your mouth. I built a very nice i7 7700K/GTX1080 4K machine. It cost me close to $3000. You can build a pretty competent machine for half as much using less expensive parts and get pretty close to the numbers my build produces, but it won't be the same. The amount your spend will determine how capable your machine is. My CPU and GPU were $1000 alone not including system memory, HDD, SSD, OS, case, PSU etc. You kids saying you can do the same for $500-$1000 need to put up or shut up since you contribute nothing intelligent or relevant to the discussion.

nX2594d ago

I don't have to build a PC, people already did it and came to around 650$

BUT - I'm pretty sure that like 90% of the people interested in Scorpio already have some kind of PC at home - so they can save at least a few of the parts mentioned in the article. And any part you save including game costs and monthly subscriptions would enable you to invest more into the GPU.

samden2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

Says the one not contributing something intelligent or relevant to the discussion....

"You can build a pretty competent machine for half as much using less expensive parts and get pretty close to the numbers my build produces"

This statement contradicts the entire point of your comment. Why pay an extra $1500 for barely better? The whole point of this discussion is that you can build a PC more powerful than the xox for $1500 or less which makes the multi-thousand statement a complete lie. Your senseless rampage is contributing a lot less than the comment you are replying to.

Death2594d ago

You are incredibly misguided if you think you are running 4K competently with a GTX1060. I took back my GTX1070 and exchanged it for a GTX1080 because I don't like playing under 30fps. The GTX1060 is a great 1080p GPU. Your link doesn't include the OS, controller, UHD drive or optical drive in general.

Like I said, it's nice that you can try to find things to support your position, but until you actually build it and see for yourself you won't be able to form an intelligent opinion of your own. I built a 4K PC and know what it's capable of. The stats I'm giving you are the stats I can actually see and measure. My opinion is based on what I see from experience. Your opinion is based on what you want to see and you are trying to find things to support it instead of basing your opinion on reality.

From the specs people that know what they are talking about are seeing, the PS4 Pro is equivalent to a PC running a GTX1060 and Scorpio is closer to a system running a GTX1070. Direct comparisons are difficult because the consoles are running more efficiently then a PC with the AMD cards these consoles are based on. This is why they are using NVidia instead. PC's are less efficient than a dedicated console which is why Scorpio's performance is more inline with my 1080 based PC. It's impressive what both Sony and Microsoft are accomplishing with their consoles.

Your $650 PC build won't even boot up and once you add the needed components it won't touch a Pro or Scorpio in real world performance.

Like I said, don't take my word for it, build it so you actually know.

Death2594d ago


First, I didn't say barely. Second, I built my PC with SLI and pretty aggressive overclocking in mind. If you are content to run a single GPU at stock speeds you can spend less and get reasonably close to where I am. The additional money I spent was on a motherboard made for overclocking and optimized for SLI. I also spent over $500 on my water cooling kit which has a larger pump and reservoir for better themal efficiency and the ability to run coolant to my CPU and GPU's. https://us.msi.com/Motherbo... I could have spent more, but this was what I choose as a stopping point. You need to set a goal when building and stick to it or else you can go way over budget very easily.

conanlifts2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

@nx "Noone said you need to buy a next-gen GPU to outdo the XB1X, a GTX1080 already runs laps around it."

A gtx 1080 in Australia start from $730-$950 depending on the exact card. So minimum $730 for the gpu alone.

Xbox X is $639.

It is seriously not a good comparison.

Also the 1060 in your build comparison will not keep up with Xbox X. Swap it for a 1070 to guarantee equal and / or better performance. Plus due to Windows 10 you will possibly need 16gb ram.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2594d ago
trooper_2594d ago

Lol, a PC can easily murder the XBX with the right specs.

This exaggeration is hilarious at best.

neoandrew2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

Even gtx 1080ti is not enough for most games in 4k 60 fps high settings, 300 usd? You are delusional. And for such GPU you need a expensive cpu, you are even more delusional.

Daz2594d ago

This is true i own a asus 1080ti overcloked.

nX2594d ago

lol and you are saying the Xbox One X, with an equivalent to a RX480, will do?

Nintendo4Lifex2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

10x bigger the library what an absolute joke. If that's the case guess my phone owns pc. Has 20x the games of pc. The games are way cheaper . Dont have to worry about broken ports and beg for more console ports. Have even more all in one center and not have not worry about a behometh tower on my entertainment center. Don't have to build it, maintain it either.

nX2594d ago

Your phone doesn't play Xbox exclusives though, that's the actual KO argument these days. But sure... feel free to use your stupid phone as an argument.

Mehmeh2593d ago


If you downplay his argument as stupid, you're doing the same to your own argument you know?

Feel free to call your own argument stupid.

EjWarrior2594d ago

How this fanbase really think that a 500 dollar console will perform better than a GTX1080 like come on lets be realistic for a moment

aconnellan2594d ago

They're not. The developer said to run Forza 7 at the exact same level of performance on PC would cost much more than the price of the 1X.

I don't believe that the 1X outperforms a 1080, based on what I've read, but given that I'm finding listings for the 1080 at $800aud and upwards, that solidifies my position that a $500 console that can achieve that Forza 7 performance is much more worth my money

porkChop2594d ago

Even if you build a PC that exceeds the X's power, at that price range, you're still going to get worse performance. While DX12 made great strides towards better optimization on PC, it's still nowhere near the level of optimization that consoles get. That's a fact. Having a more powerful PC doesn't automatically mean we're going to outperform the X, because much of our PC's power isn't utilized efficiently.

And as for your comment about that $500 PC playing all games at 4K at any framerate? You are full of shit, and you know it. You are not playing games in 4K, at decent framerate, with a $300 GPU. And certainly not without turning the graphics down considerably, medium at the highest. Again, just because a $300 GPU matches the X in power doesn't mean it gets the same level of optimization.

nX2594d ago

I play Forza Horizon 3 on an old ass GTX780 in 4k/30fps on mostly medium settings and it looks & plays actually amazing.... you just have to know which compromises to make.

zb1ftw7772594d ago

You've used the same false arguments that people like you used for the past 25 years.

The overheads on PC are way higher than console.

Console optimisation is way better than PC.

The Scorpio 6TF's is roughly the equivilent to a PC with 18TF's.

Take a console, multiply the specs by 3 and that is the rough equivilent.

To prove the point, take the XB1 gpu. It is ancient. Yet the console still looks good with newest games, comparable to a mid range modern PC.


rainslacker2593d ago


Where'd you pull that number from. Consoles in general can achieve about 15-20% more out of the same hardware due to optimization and less overhead. But, 6TF will only process 6TF. It's just the consoles will be able to hit that 6TF peak much more often than you'd see in PC's because the software layers involved in PC actually prevent it from peaking....something that DX12 does address to some degree, thus closing that gap which gave consoles an advantage.

FITSniper2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

Almost no one pays for XBL monthly. And if you want 4K/60FPS on PC, you're paying around $1000 or more for that PC. And that's assuming you have the case, power supply and anything else (disc drive, aftermarket CPU cooler).

Zeref2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

Try a $450 GPU.

PC's have their place but consoles just have unmatched value. Especially the Xbox One X.

You can't build a PC for $500 that will match the Xbo.X, as for upgrades. Unless you don't have to upgrade your GPU. You are not gonna spend less than $450 (even GTX 1070 falls short because of the bandwidth only matched by the GTX 1080) if you want a GPU that matches the Xbox One X. It really is a $1000 PC in a $500 formfactor. Sure you might be able to get it a bit cheaper but you won't get the stable framerates.

"have ALL games in 4k / whatever FPS you prefer without the need for patches "

This is incorrect. Sure you can up the resolution in every game to 4K but you won't have the 4K assets without a patch. It will look pretty much the same as a 1080p game.

2594d ago
2594d ago
EatCrow2594d ago

Lets take an exaggerated comment from a developer and not only blame MS for it but also pretend its not exaggerated.

Pure journalism right here.

RommyReigns2594d ago

Another contender for 'Most Deluded Article on N4G - June 2017'

conanlifts2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

I responded to you below but just to add an important point.
According to digital foundry the gpu in ps4 pro is equivelant in performance to an amd rx 480. To get equal performance to the gpu in xbox X you will need a 1070 as it clearly outperforms the 480, 580, 1060 etc. The 1070 is around $450. This is according to digital foundry.
Is your knowledge base greater than theirs and have you had hands on experience with the hardware to run your own tests. Do you think they are wrong?

MrCrabPuss2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

How the hell are you expecting to achieve 4k/60+fps with a 300 gpu? What magic gpu is this that youre referring to that the world hasnt yet discovered? A $300 gpu... haha good one. Furthermore, if youve ever followed gpu prices... they really dont drop that much after a new gpu is released. Stick with what you know there sonny ie: sony or nintendo, because it sure isnt whats required in a high end and capable PC.


No you can't build a better pc for the same price!! Just stop with the ignorance it's a blatant lie and cannot be done for less then $1500 and even then it would probably have less optimisation then 1x

Funny that when professionals in the industry that know what they are doing say something..everyone comes out of the wood works to bash on with ignorant comments and become the expert!

Go make a game make a million dollars by sellling your perfect game then come comment! Otherwise get out!!

WilliamSheridan2593d ago

So I guess, what you are saying is Xbox One X is a bad purchase. So PlayStation 4 must also be a bad purchase since it runs things in such a low resolution. I guess all consoles are worthless....

Orionsangel2593d ago

That's pretty much what I did. I'm not rich and have bills so I was on a budget. I saved over time and I managed to buy an i5 with 3570k 3.40Ghz for $550 bought a $200 660 graphics for it which I later upgraded to a 1060 graphics card with 6gb for it and I added 16gb ram for $35. No, its no high end PC, but I can run anything on it at high or ultra.

iplay1up22593d ago

Sorry, I don't want to game on PC, to much trouble for one. I like to buy a game, install and play on my 4k 60inch with surround sound. I don't want to be bothered by having to upgrade all the time.

Rock312593d ago

Not everyone is a pic gamer, we love playing on a console

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 2593d ago
tyasia02594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

lol This is so obviously an incorrect statement. This is plainly just false advertising. It's basically $275 RX580 (6tf) paired with a $50 Jaguar CPU. A multi thousand dollar CPU is basically a dual Geforce 1080ti's that's pushing 25TF

I can understand trying to hype up your products but this is just a lie.

chrisx2594d ago

Its Classic ms. No surprises by this lie of a statement

uptownsoul2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

Multi-thousand dollar PC??? That would mean every 1st party studio (343, Coalition, etc) NEEDS to get their games running to the level that a multi-thousand dollar PC would run the same game at

2594d ago
trainsgofast2594d ago

O love it. all the haters. MS good job. It still stands you need a PC with a 1070 -80 to match XB1x.

aconnellan2594d ago

You know it was the Forza dev that said this, right? Not MS?

That would be like Naughty Dog saying the Pro is equivalent to a multi thousand PC and people saying "man Sony are a bunch of liars"

2594d ago
2593d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2593d ago
Software_Lover2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

But he's not talking about the hardware of the Xbox One X, he's talking about how the software performs within the System.

Edit: Now if he said, our hardware compares to ....... blah blah blah "Multi-Thousand" then we could debate over hardware.

Even though, these systems are made specifically for gaming, and a lot of custom tuning goes into them, you can get better performance than a similarly spec'd PC, I think this "Multi-Thousand" statement is laughable.

Edit: sidenote: I think people should also stop making "ARTICLES" off of every word of every sentence.

bluefox7552594d ago

Even if he is talking about that, it's still a lie, because Forza is also optimized pretty well on PC.

Nathan_Hale532594d ago

That's still crazy lies. 30fps 4k on a mulit-thousand dollar setup is laughable. They'd be able to push 60+ fps on a dual GTX 1080/1080ti setup @4k or 144fps on @2k. Hell a similar spec'd PC you could at least OC and it'd run better. Tuning only goes so far.

Shadowlee2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

1x performance as around a gtx 1070 and gtx1080 which beats a rx580 lol the downplay is hilariously enjoyable here😂 just got done showing proof to someone about the rx580 not being on 1x level (he claims cause its DF and was a setup and not real 😂😂😂) and this dev isnt even talking about 1xs power Roflmao this is honestly too funny to me

cfc832594d ago

Wouldn't be suprised if it took a $1500-2000 pc to get 4k at 60fps on this, using brand new components.

jonh682594d ago

If your serious it only shows how little you know about PC gaming.

FrostXVenom2594d ago

true lol,,my 800$ cant even do 4k 30 fps,let alone 60 fps.Even if i make it 1000 $, i doubt it will do 60 fps.

FITSniper2594d ago

Just a 1080, which you need to do 4K gaming at around 60FPS in nearly all games is $500+. Then throw in CPU (let's be real if you're buying a 1080, you're at least getting a Core i5), 8-16GB of RAM, and motherboard. You're talking another almost $500 or more there. Even if you go budget to AMD on the CPU you're still batting around $400 for those if not more.

So while not $1500-2000, $1000 is reasonable.

Nathan_Hale532594d ago

My buds $700 I built with a RX 480 plays 4k 30 on most games, but he rather have 60+ fps at 1080p. You bought a pre-built didn't ya Frost?

cfc832594d ago


then you got to buy a mouse and keyboard etc...i assume pc players use a monitor mostly ?...what about a cooler ?...these things add up.

Nathan_Hale532594d ago

My setup uses a TV, coolers/fans come with 99% of processors and cases, you clearly don't know how building works. Plus the same argument could go, "buy a controller, PS+/Live, Sales aren't as frequent, these things add up".

cfc832594d ago

You're right Nathan Hale, i know very little about building a pc. People have a tv in their house anyway, so it's not included in the console set up price. If you use a 4ktv for your pc as opposed to a monitor, you're probably compromising on quality. Controller comes with console. I'd rather plug and play.

maybelovehate2594d ago

True that. I have a Titan X and it's not like I can play all games at 4k with max settings and still get solid 60fps. Can I play all those games at 4k with fast fps? Yes, but not on ultra settings most times.

Liqu1d2594d ago

A multi-thousand dollar PC will run rings around every console.

IanTH2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

And not Red Rings either :-p...I keeed, I keeeed!

But yea, this is getting out of hand. My current PC is about $1100 and it can certainly do *true* 4k 60 fps at console level quality settings - with 4k60 still likely with the newest games at settings higher than console. I have a whole back catalog of games that I can crank at 8k if I had the screen for it, and it would only get more out of hand if I could throw another $1k at it to make it a "multi-thousand dollar" rig lol.

Don't get me wrong, I still love my consoles and handhelds. But MS should just focus on trying to prove the X is a step above the Pro or even sub $750 PCs or something and they'd be fine. Yet they keep overreaching!

KingKionic 2594d ago

Seems right on target. Digital Foundry had this to say and it was overlooked :


"We put together a comparison on Nürburgring track on both sides. Weather conditions are not exactly match for match. But you can see in terms of visual quality we were running on a Titan X to get these results on pc and to have this on a console is incredible"

Pretty crazy to be honest.

People on here being armchair analysis to what turn10 is saying need to pump there breaks.

Digital Foundry has spoken.

New-Breed2594d ago

Forza 6 has much higher system requirements than Forza 7. Feel free to check them out for yourself. Goes to show what optimization can do. The comparison you stand behind is a bit unfair,

EverydayJoe2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

I'm not on a monitor but followed the link just on my phone. and Forza Apex and 6 both looked better than Forza7 to me in that Digital Foundry video, still It's a undeniably pretty game.

KingKionic 2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

Comparison is unfair? Forza 6 apex is one of the most optimized games on Windows 10 store.

Digital Foundry said they attempted to match Forza 7 in regards to the resolution,texture filtering, weather conditions and the anti aliasing and only a Titan X could match it.

This is there words not mine they continue on with more information as the video continues.

jonh682594d ago

It's pretty sad the way you defend everything Microsoft says, no matter what they say you defend it.

Will you never request the truth from them? Do you not what to be treated honestly?

KingKionic 2594d ago

What is there to defend? Digital Foundry said this.

You acting like im saying lies and misleading people. Digital Foundry did technical analysis and that was there result.

You can go have a seat somewhere with that trash your trying to perpetuate.

samden2594d ago

@KionicWarlord22, they said that then 5 seconds later they state they are seeing 65% GPU utilization. That means the game is well optimized and does not mean that the $500 xox is equivalent to a multi-thousand dollar PC.

Razzer2594d ago

Ok? GTX 1070 is more powerful than Titan X though.


KingKionic 2594d ago

Digital Foundry said "a Titan X" they didn't specify if it was Maxwell Titan X.

But considering almost every comparison they have done with the gpu cards lately this year it would be a obvious assumption there referring to the Titan X P.


I doubt there gonna pic the weakest Titan to attempt to match Forza 7 in resolution,texture filtering, weather conditions and the anti aliasing.

You gotta remember Razzer Forza 6 apex doesn't have dynamic weather nor dynamic lighting added to the game.

So with Forza 6 apex they were pushing the settings up to adhere.

Razzer2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

If they are talking Pascal then they are NOT saying you can only match One X performance with that card. GTX 1070 will achieve the same result or better. There will be plenty of folks demonstrating this when the game releases, you can bet on it.

KingKionic 2594d ago

There not talking about if the TITAN X can run the game at a higher framerate.

There talking about using a TITAN X MAXED OUT in Forza 6 APEX to match the same 4K resolution,texture filtering, weather conditions and the anti aliasing in Forza 7.

Forza 7 looked better on Xbox One X.

That was there result. There words not mine.

Razzer2594d ago

Then I have no idea what point you think you are making. Forza 7 looks better than Forza 6? Yeah....I agree.

Do you need a multi-thousand dollar PC to get the same result as One X? Nope. That is just bullshit.

KingKionic 2594d ago

It would be in that realm for a 4K build though right? If Digital Foundry using a titan x for this comparison you can ofcourse try to use different parts but the end result is a system costing $1500.

I dont think Turn 10 are far off with there point there making.

Razzer2594d ago (Edited 2594d ago )

Around $1000.

Buy this computer.


Buy and install this card:


Or spend a little more and blow One X away:


+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2594d ago
Show all comments (234)

Sea of Thieves Developer Rare Now Has a Dedicated Doggo Park

Rare, the developer behind pirate adventure Sea of Thieves, has introduced a dedicated dog park to its studio grounds for employees' good boys and girls.

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CrimsonWing691d 7h ago

Is the industry hurting for money or not?

Hofstaderman1d 7h ago

They belong to XBOX. Its a dog's life....

Chocoburger1d 7h ago

Nice thing they did, but not actually gaming related, not sure why this article was approved. Also strange informing us what game Rare worked on, as if we don't know their legacy.

Tacoboto1d 6h ago

Sorry you hate dog news - here's a game-related headline for you, the latest: "Deathsprint 66 is a hyperviolent freerunner that proves game journos suck at games | Video Gamer"

Yeah we need more headlines like *that* on this site, instead of news about a studio's employee perks.

GaboonViper1d 6h ago

Its actually nice to see a story like this instead of the usual doom and gloom but people still moan, anyhow hope these beautiful doggos have a great life.

1d 7h ago
GaboonViper1d 6h ago

Really nice story, kudos to Rare.

Mulletino13h ago

I went to look at new apartments and saw only dog parks, no kid parks. We're so screwed.


Concept Art For Bluepoint's Next Game Spotted In PlayStation Tour Video

A new PlayStation Malaysia tour video shows what looks to be concept art for Bluepoint's next game.

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phoenixwing1d 10h ago

Damn was hoping for a fantasy setting. Looks futuristic

jznrpg1d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

I think that’s a screensaver if you look to the right it looks more like a fantasy game and so does the concept art leaked earlier. Who knows though

phoenixwing11h ago

Unless that structure/pillar thingy in the right picture is long forgotten technology it's futuristic.

Name Last Name1d 10h ago (Edited 1d 10h ago )

Another shooter? Yawn. Thought the prevous concept looked more fantasy.

just_looken20h ago

With there same look on the right a arena setting this might be live service game #5 from sony

So a live service shooter like concord.....

StormSnooper19h ago

It looks like a fantasy game on the right screen. You are looking at a screensaver.

Goodguy011d 10h ago

Been looking forward to what they have next. Looks interesting.

Eonjay1d 10h ago

Really excited to see them release an original IP

GaboonViper1d 6h ago

Looks like my dream of them remaking Metal Gear Solid is over, still cant wait to see what they are cooking up.

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World of Warcraft developers form wall-to-wall union at Blizzard Entertainment

The new unit comprises over 500 developers representing the entire World of Warcraft development team.

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2d ago
XiNatsuDragnel1d 20h ago

Unions in gaming are necessary fr fr

montebristo1d 8h ago

I used to be anti-union, it kills productivity, investment and turns product mediocre. Their games suck anyways though so what was lost? Might as well get their people paid until they are dissolved.

shinoff21831d 8h ago

Unions are necessary regardless of how you feel. You know how fked the working class would be without them. As if we're not already.

montebristo1d 7h ago

No they aren’t, regardless of how you feel. Unions make zero sense for skill based labor. They are for people who press a button every 10 seconds on an assembly line. “working class” is a made up term. I don’t care about corporations or developers, I just want good games lol. Killing your incentives to appease the lowest common denominator doesn’t lead to great games imo

montebristo1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

I wasn’t trying to be offensive if I came off that way. The Union is an old mentality and I can see their usefulness but also the danger. We’re in the age of AI and robots and skill based labor. Unions can be dangerous these days. You could replace your entire workforce in one move. Checkmate. Look to the kiosk replacing workers in the 20 dollar minimum wage era.

Well run businesses don’t need unions. If you need a Union that business won’t survive anyway. Unless it’s propped up by the government with corporate welfare (which is the real issue). If you’re not going to spend some on your workers (Amazon, Google) then your welfare is cut off. No tax breaks. All you put together don’t match their wealth and resources, the union is a traditional memory at this point and counterproductive with this new enemy we face. They need a flying elbow from the top ropes. And by “working class is a made up term” I just mean we’re not a class system and even CEO Bobby Kotick puts in a days work lol. Or did.. It’s just a vague term that doesn’t mean anything no offense lol. People say “middle class” but that can change quick right? Up or down. That’s not a “class system”.